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I hold high expectations for all students in my classroom. The first week of school we will create a mission that states our vision in first grade and I expect all students to follow it and to exhibit positive classroom behaviors. We will start the year using a color system of  7 colors.    


 clip chart letter.docx 



One important aspect of growth is that of personal development, as shown in daily behavior. Communication between home and school is crucial to the success of your child. As we work together, we can create a lasting impression on your child that will benefit him/her for many years to come. You will soon be hearing a lot about “green” or good days from your child. It is part of a system that helps students take responsibility for their own behavior in the classroom. Hancock Creek had adapted a set of school wide expectations that the students are to adhere to. These expectations follow the acronym COLTS.


C~ Cooperate with others


O~ On task and organized


L~ Lead by example


T~ Treat everyone with respect


S~ Strive for Personal Success


Here’s how it works in our classroom: Everyone begins each day with their color on green. Students are to come to class and ready to meet the COLTS expectations. Students who need reminders of these expectations move from green to yellow, to orange, then red with the option of moving back to green if they demonstrate expected behavior. If they are good role models, exceed positive behavior expectations, and are exibiting manners they can move up the color chart to blue, purple or pink.  
In your child’s daily folder you will see a communication sheet indicating your child’s daily behavior in class. If your child’s color has changed it will be indicated on their communication sheet. It is very important that you initial the communication sheet every day. Special privileges are earned when a student remains on green.



Some of the rewards for appropriate behavior will include:


·Verbal praise


·Parent contact


·Treasure  box