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Scholastic Book Orders


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Throughout the school year, your child will bring home flyers from Scholastic Book Clubs (in their B.E.E. Book).  If you would like to order something for your child, please fill out the form(s) and send a check made payable to Scholastic Book Clubs, in an envelope (with your child's name on the front), by the due date.  No cash please!  You can also place an order online by going to the Scholastic Book Clubs website at  Our class activation code is: HGBWK and you will need this code when ordering online.  More information will be sent home with the first book order form.  Scholastic Book Clubs provide a convenient way for parents to buy quality books for their children at a low price and can be used for your child's "Be a Star Reader" homework :-)  


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***Please note: With every scholastic book clubs purchase, you are helping our class earn points!  These points are used to help our class earn FREE books!!!  Thank you for your support!!!