page contents

This page will be used to communicate and inform students and parents as to what is happening in the classroom. It will be updated to reflect current projects, events, and information. For grading information, please check my Class Guidelines page.


This page will be used to communicate and inform students and parents as to what is happening in the classroom. It will be updated to reflect current projects, events, and information. For grading information, please check my Class Guidelines page. 


Each 8th grade school student will have a one marking period art experience, known as an exploratory. During our short time together it is my goal to give the students as rich an experience as possible. 

We will be working on a unit based on making a hand-made book this year. Our lessons will be an exlporation of Mixed Media (matierials and process), as well as why we make art, and on the ways in which art, and artmaking, help us to understand, and interact with the world around us.

Our middle school art show, as well as a collaborative 6, 7 and 8th grade art installation, will be in the spring. More information will come when the time approaches.

I am looking forward to an interesting and productive year!