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Everyday Spanish 1A Course overview



The grade will be made of points, for a maximum of 800 points for each marking period. See the breakdown:

800-750= A

749-700= B

699-650= C

649-600-= D

599 or below= F



Given after each section, such as vocabulary, grammar, concepts, etc.,

two parts per unit, each part will have 2 matching vocabulary quiz, 1 vocabulary from resources, different small grammar quizzes, by concept, 1grammar quiz from resource, 2 application quizzes.





There is not homework for this class unless classwork is unfinished





We will be using Exprésate 1A textbook which I will be using to distribute photocopies



note book and a folder/binder to keep handouts.


Technology: we will be using the Ipad as a way to assign and submit work, using Google Classroom among others.


Contact: [email protected]










Chapters 1 through first half of chapter 5 of the textbook. Different grammar use, vocabulary, and culture related to a different country each chapter.


Chapter 1

Country: Spain


-       to ask someone’s name and how someone is

-       introduce someone

-       say where you and others are from

-       give phone numbers, the time, the date, and the day

-       spell words and give e-mail addresses

Chapter 2

Country: Puerto Rico


-       describe people

-       ask someone’s age and birthday

-       talk about what you and others like

-       describe things

Chapter 3

Country: Colombia


-       talk about what you and others like to do

-       talk about what you want to do

-       talk about everyday activities

-       say how often you do things


Chapter 4

Country: Costa Rica


-       say what you have and need

-       talk about classes

-       talk about plans

-       invite someone to do something

Chapter 5

Country: Chile

            - describe people and family relationships