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Classroom Rules

  1. Take care of yourself.
  2. Take care of each other
  3. Take care of your school.


I will be modeling, reminding, and redirecting positive behavior to ensure success for your child. If your child is not responding to this, I will try one of three positive behavior strategies.


Logical Consequences

I will use logical consequences to redirect your child to follow the classroom rules. For example, a student spills a glue bottle. A logical consequence would be for them to clean up the mess. If a student calls another student a name, I will have the student give an apology and say something nice about the student whose feelings were hurt.


Time Out

I will also be using time out. However, this is NOT a punishment. Time out will be referred to as “Take a Break”. When a student is beginning to disrupt whole group or another student’s learning, I will direct the student to “Take a Break”. They will sit away from the group and use this time to regain self-control by taking belly breaths. Once I see the student has regained self-control (after a minute or two), I will have them rejoin the group.


Loss of Privilege

The last strategy for reinforcing positive behavior is loss of privilege. For example, if a student is throwing play-doh in the air, I take the play-doh away from them. If a student needed many reminders throughout the day to take care of other’s learning, they may color a picture with crayons instead of paint. They still get to participate in an activity, just in a different way.