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If a student should get marked for discipline, including no homework, we will record it on our records and on the student's behavior calendar in the front of their assignment pad.  The parent/guardian must check the behavior calendar nightly, and if there is a code marked, he/she should sign in the box pertaining to that day's date.  We will verify that the parent or guardian has signed.

Behavior Codes 

1    Blurting out

2    Chatting with a neighbor

3     Not paying attention

4     Getting up without permission

5     Not working

6    Making noises 

7     Not responding to directions

8     Not walking to and from places properly

9     Leaving desk untidy
10   Fighting, pushing, arguing, etc.

11     Teasing or name-calling

12     Improper language or gesture

13     Being disrespectful

14     Destroying property

15     Unnecessary tattling

16     No homework or progress folder

17     Talking during test

18     Cafeteria behavior

19     Coming to class unprepared


20     Other