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1. The child should exhibit an attitude that reflects his/her ability to be apart of a full-day program.  

            A. Good self-control

            B. Appropriate interaction with peers
            C. Receptive to education environment

2. Students must be 4 years old on or before September 30 of the current school year.

3. Students will be required to have a valid Birth Certificate for school enrollment.

4. Students will be required to have an up-to-date immunization record as specified by Louisiana Statutes.

5. Students will be required to have a Social Security Card.

6. Continued abuse of the attendance policy may lead to dismissal from the program.

7. Prior to entering the program, the child should be toilet trained, in addition to having acquired the necessary self-help bathroom skills.


1. If. adjustment problems are evident, the parent will be contacted.

2. A formal conference will be held between the parents, teacher, and principal.  If parents Do Not respond to attending the conference, the child can be dismissed.

3. At the end of a six{6} weeks period, if intervention techniques have proved unsuccessful, the child may be dismissed from the program.

For additional information , please call Monroe City Schools at 387-6511