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We have a space themed behavior chart in our class. Our the back of their folder that they take home every day, you will see a calendar for the month we are in. I change it each month. On the bottom, you will see 2 things. One of them is this code chart. Each day I will write a number on that day of the chart. Please look at the chart to see what that means. 


My Behavior Number and what it means:

1 =  Out of This World!: I had an awesome day!

2 =  Reaching for the Stars!: I had a good day today!

3 =  Lift Off!: This is where we start in the morning. If they are still there by the end of the day, I had an OK day.

4 =  Losing Power!: I had some problems following the rules today. (Look for a note in the folder or on Class Dojo.)

5 =  Lost in Space!: I chose not to follow the rules today. (Write-up/Visited the Principal)


We are a Classroom Family. In this room, we:  

1. Always try to do your best.

2. Don't hurt others on the inside of the outside.

3. Use kind words.

4. Include and encourage each other.

5. Follow directions the first time.

6. Show respect when we work together.

7. Tell the truth.

8. Work quietly when we need to.

9. Raise our hand to speak.