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"I would like to send birthday treats in for the class so my child may share and celebrate his birthday with his classmates. Is this allowed?"


Yes, but . . .

1.      Only store bought items may be brought to school for sharing.

2.      The teacher will schedule the treats at the time that works best for his/ her teaching schedule. Please bring the treats to school first thing in the morning so the teacher has this option.

3.    Send in one of the following:
               a package of cookies
               small, individually wrapped Little Debbie, Hostess, etc. cookies/treats
               bakery cookies
               mini cupcakes

4.      Make sure you have enough for the entire class. You may want to touch base with the teacher for an exact number

Do not send:

home made anything
normal size cupcakes (only mini-bite-sized are allowed)
anything requiring cutting and/or portioning

Although we appreciate your child’s excitement and enthusiasm for his/her birthday, the classroom setting is not the appropriate place for your child’s full-blown birthday celebration. Keep the treat simple and easy for the teacher to distribute and clean up. In the recent past, we’ve seen a trend towards larger and larger birthday parties taking place during the school day -- complete with presents from home. As I am sure you can understand, we simply cannot allow this.