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 Octavius V. Catto Community School

Mr. Satchell’s 2017-2018  Science Course Overview

E-mail: [email protected]           

Student Assignment Email: [email protected]  

Phone: 856.966.4097  ext:64468

Classroom: 1022


Greetings and welcome to Mr. Satchell’s Science Course. Outlined below, are some of the major topics that will be covered in my course based on the Next Generation Science Standards (  Additionally, this document serves as your formal overview of the expectations and procedures that will be practiced within my classroom.   After you read this course overview with your child, please sign, date and return this document to me to document your general understanding.



EDMODO CODE_____________________________        REMIND CODE_____________________



Course Topics (Grades 7-8)

-Cells & Genetics                     - Human Body Systems                       - Rocks and Minerals

-Motion and Forces                  - Pollution and Conservation   - Earth’s Interior

-Modern Biology                     - Ecosystems & the Biosphere - Stars and Galaxies    

-Evolution                                - Energy Resources                  - Our Solar System

-Sun-Earth-Moon System         - Lab Safety & Protocol                       - Space Exploration

-Energy Transformation                       -Matter and Energy                  -Chemical Reactions

-Cultural & Historical Contributions                 -Measurement and Data Analysis 

 -Engineering and Technological Design                      - Human Impact and the Environment

Everyday Classroom Material Requirements

  1. Writing instrument (pen/pencil), and assigned textbook(s).
  2. Binder with loose leaf paper. All students will need to keep their science notes and handouts in a binder.  This will also serve as an organized system to personally store/file handouts and old test/quizzes. Students should always bring current handouts (from the current marking period) to class.  Again, loose leaf paper will be needed.
  3. Assignment folder. Student assignment record sheet, homework, and labs should be made available in this folder.


**************************** OTHER REQUIRED SUPPLIES ***********************************

Colored pencils, USB/Flash Driveand a Trifold-Science Fair display board (will be required later in the year).


Student Evaluation

  1. This course will be assessed on a point-based system for each assignment.  Points will then be converted into a letter grade using the Camden BOE Genesis Grading System.
  2. Assignment types include: Notebook and journal/blog checks, Tests, Quizzes, Labs, Projects & Presentations, Student taught lessons, Science Fair, Homework, and Overall Student Participation (OSP)/Classwork.
  3. General point-scheme per assignments type:  Tests(100), Science Fair (up to 3 test grades), Projects & Presentations (50-100), Quiz (10-50), Labs (10-50), HW (1-10) and OSP/Classwork (1-5). Actual points for assignments may vary within the specified range.  Opportunities for bonus points or peer-tutoring points (extra credit) may be presented but are not promised each marking period and must be earned when presented.

Assignments (homework, projects, presentations, labs, quizzes, )

  1. All tests and quizzes must be signed (parent/guardian) and will count as part of your homework grade.   NO EXCEPTIONS!
  2. Participation in the school-wide Science Fair is a must and will count as a major part of your grade during the marking period.  Non-participation and/or incomplete work jeopardize failure for the student.  NO EXCEPTIONS!
  3. Homework, quizzes, Current Events, projects, labs, and other graded assignments will be announced/published in the class.  These assignments will be due on the announced date, during the beginning of the student’s scheduled class meeting times.
  4. After class begins, students will not be permitted to go to any classroom/locker to “get their assignment(s).” The student must fill out and submit a “pink slip.
    A zero will be recorded for any incomplete/missing assignment(s). However, the student may submit their fully completed work within one (1) class day after the due date, at the beginning of their regularly scheduled class meeting time for partial credit.  The assignment will then be considered as a late assignment. It is the students’ responsibility to submit their work, not the teacher’s (I will not remind the student about late/missing work).
  5. If the student submits a late assignment(s) (defined as fully completed work submitted one class meeting day after the published due date), then the assignment(s) MUST be accompanied by a signed copy of the pink “Missing/Late Science Work” form before it is accepted for partial or half credit.  Otherwise, a zero will remain as the student’s official grade.  Assignments submitted after this one-day period will not be accepted and will result in a “pink slip” detention unless an advance written parental-teacher arrangement has been made via email or note. During the detention, students will complete the late/missing assignment.
  6. Students are responsible for making up and submitting any missed assignment (test, quiz, project, etc.) that was due to an absence generally not exceeding a two-day time period.   Students are responsible for getting their “absent” work by first checking their drawer or the “While You Were Out” bin in the classroom.  If further clarification is required, the student is responsible for contacting the teacher directly.
  7. Tests, quizzes, lab and or project/presentation make-up arrangements must be done through a written or emailed parental-teacher acknowledgement. SEE MAKE-UP WORK REQUEST FORM.  The student must fill out and submit this form to me.
  8. In the event of an extended absence (more than 3 consecutive days) please refer to the school/district’s policy.  In some cases, it may be necessary to request make-up work through the Main Office or the Guidance Office.


Classroom Management

  1. All students are eligible for the in-class positive reward system (HW passes, VIP lunch/snacks, and science cash cards).  However, this is an earned and revocable privilege.
  2. Students are expected to enter and leave the classroom at the direction of the teacher.  No one may enter or work in the classroom without teacher supervision; line up single file and wait quietly in the hallway outside of my door.  Likewise, dismissal shall be quiet and orderly through the assigned exit door.
  3. Students are to follow classroom rules, sit and govern themselves appropriately in their assigned seats and demonstrate the SLANT readiness for learning.   Students are also expected to acknowledge and respond appropriately to the “raised hand.”
  4. Missing homework assignments, tardiness and behavioral issues are extremely unacceptable.  These issues will be documented and may result in loss of behavioral points, detention, loss of lab privileges, exclusion from class trips, assemblies, and other school wide activities. Relevant parent-teacher-administrative intervention/conference may also result if I or administration deems it necessary.
  5. Normally, the first 7-10 minutes of class is reserved for pencil sharpening, the “Do Now,” and homework verification.  Homework is to be copied on your student assignment sheet or in your notebook.  Pre-class & exit/closure class activities are to be completed at these times and will not be excused due to restroom use.
  6. Students are expected to locate and know how to operate the safety/first aid stations around the room and to fully adhere to their signed Science Lab Safety Agreement.
  7. Building evacuation plans are to be followed as directed by the teacher and Catto School. The general fire exit protocol includes students quickly and silently moving in a single file, out of the “safest” lab exit door and through the Gym doors leading to Dudley St.


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Print Student’s Name_________________________________Student’s Initials_____ Parent/Guardian’s Signature____________________________________________Date____________

Parent’s Contact Number (Circle one Cell or Home Phone)_________________________

Parent’s Email Address__________________________________________________

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Download Course Overview (MS Word Doc.)>>>  17.18CourseOverview.docx