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  What's Happening in Room 122


Week of September 23, 2019


Reading - We will launch our reading workshop and we are learning how to build good reading habits and routines. 


Writing - The students are diving into writing workshop by learning our routines and practicing forming complete sentences. 


Math - This week we will continue to practice rotating through our math stations and using number lines to help us add and subtract. We will also create our very own number scroll to help us practice patterns

on a number grid!


Fundations - We are reviewing some of the concepts, sounds and spelling rules taught in Fundations Level 1, including the digraph sounds sh, th, ch, ck and wh.  We will review the definition of a digraph and a blend.  A digraph contains two consonants and only makes one sound as in /sh/.  A blend contains two or three consonants, but each keeps its own sound as in /sp/  (/s/ and /p/) and /scr/  (/s/ /c/ /r/).  


Social Studies - We are learning how to be a good citizen and we will continue to build our classroom community.