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1.    Get to class on time.  Standing outside the door and rushing in after the bell has begun to ring will constitute a tardy. You must be INSIDE the door when it begins ringing to be counted on time.  NO EXCEPTIONS!!  Excessive tardies will result in unexcused absences and further disciplinary action.

2.     Begin the Problem of the Day Activity within 1 minute of entering class. Directions will be on the projection screen or the board when students walk in.  Problem of the Day is a part of their grade for each 9 weeks.  Failure to complete these assignments in the time given, will result in a failing grade for that week for Problem of the Day.

3.     Attend to personal needs before coming to class. Classes are only 50 minutes long.  All time is needed for instruction.  I have been instructed not to give passes to limit passes, so please do not ask for a pass unless you have a true emergency or a medical excuse on file from a Medical Doctor.  Students have time before school, lunch time, and in between classes (if needed) to take care of bathroom needs and get water.

 4.    Remain in your assigned seat unless you have permission to get up. Throw trash away as you walk into class or at the end of the period on your way out.

 5.    Do not eat candy or other food in class unless an edible reward was given by the teacher. ABSOLUTELY NO GUM CHEWING ALLOWED IN CLASS!!  You are not allowed  to chew inedible objects either, which includes but it not limited to straws, plastic, paper, erasers, etc.   If a student is caught chewing gum, IMMEDIATE disciplinary action will be taken. (Minor infraction/Noon detention/PE detention/After School detention)  If gum is found under desks, this constitutes defaming school property, which will result in an automatic State Referral

 6.    Students must come to class prepared daily.  This includes books, paper, at least 3 pencils (Can ONLY be sharpened at the beginning of class), and any other materials needed.  Any materials that have to be provided by the teacher will result in a penalty for the student.  Bring required materials every day unless you are otherwise directed.

 7.    Follow directions the first time given and talk only when permitted.

 8.    Use polite speech and body language. Unkind teasing and impolite behavior is unacceptable and will result in a minor infraction.  Excessive use of Profanity will result in an automatic MAJOR INFRACTION (State Referral)

 9.    Do not cheat. Students caught cheating will receive a zero and a phone call home. Both the student who shares his work for an independent assignment AND the person who copies it will suffer the same consequences. I expect you to do your own work and to be sure no one can copy it.