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CONSEQUENCES:  3 Strikes, You’re Out!!!
1.  Warning
2.  Strike 1:  Student reminded of expectation violated.

3.  Strike 2:   Behavior Journal completed and/or timeout in another classroom or an isolation spot in the classroom and parental contact made about negative behavior. Minor Infraction process will begin—Tier 1 filled out.

4.  Strike 3:   Another tier on the Minor infraction will be filled out every time the student is called out after Strike 3, parent call, noon detention, after school detention, and/or loss of PE time. 

5.  If the negative behavior continues, the student will be written up on a Major Infraction (State Referral) and more severe consequences such as in-school suspension or out of school suspension will result depending on offense.

***Please keep in mind, there are other behaviors that may warrant an IMMEDIATE referral on a Major Infraction and these steps may be skipped. These behaviors may include but are not limited to:  Fighting, Blatant disrespect of teacher or students, walking out of class without permission, inappropriate language (includes excessive profanity), or defaming school or teacher property.**