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Is your child getting ready to come to school in September?  Want to know what you can do to help them get ready for our classroom?  Check out the list below of things you can practice at home before your child starts Kindergarten.


* Saying their first and last name

* Tell an adult if something is wrong

* Tell an adult if they need help

* Take care of basic needs on own (wipe properly in bathroom, use tissues, use soap when washing hands)

* Read often (you read to them, they pretend to read)

* Sing or recite nursery rhymes

* Basic exposure to crayons, pencils, glue, and possibly scissors

* Sing the alphabet

* Follow simple directions

* Count to 10

* Take turns and share

* Practice listening skills

* Practice cleaning up after themselves

* Work on putting on clothing (shoes, coats, gloves/mittens)

* Practice personal information (birthday, address, phone number)