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Below is the order our letters and sounds are introduced in Fundations.  Next to each letter is also the word of the picture symbol we use to connect the letter to its sound.  2 letters and sounds will be introduced in the beginning of each week, followed by a review of all previously learned letters and sounds.  Only the BOLD letters have been introduced so far.  We start with the lowercase letters (small) and then loop back to the beginning of the alphabet to review lowercase letters and sounds and introduce capital letters (big).


Tt - top

Bb - bat

Ff - fun

Nn - nut

Mm - man

Ii - itch

Uu - up

Cc - cat

Oo - octopus

Aa - apple

Gg - game

Dd - dog

Ss - snake

Ee - Ed

Rr - rat

Pp - pan

Jj - jug

Ll - lamp

Hh - hat

Kk - kite

Vv - van

Ww - wind

Yy - yellow

Xx - fox

Zz - zebra

Qu - queen



Optional "Challenges" for your child to complete:

*draw pictures with the beginning focus letter, try to label them

*create a word list using the same beginning sound as the focus letter

*make up sentences using trick words and phonetic spelling