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Harrassment Intimidation and Bullying


Compass believes that a safe and civil environment in school is necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic standards. Since students learn by example, our school administrator, faculty, staff, and volunteers are required to demonstrate appropriate behavior, treating others with civility and respect, and refusing to tolerate harassment, intimidation or bullying. Harassment, intimidation or bullying, like other disruptive or violent behaviors, is conduct that disrupts both a student's ability to learn and a school's ability to educate its students in a safe environment. Therefore, the school district will not tolerate acts of harassment, intimidation or bullying.


For your reference, we have provided the following resources:

State Anti-Bullying Guide website


Compass Academy Charter School policy on bullying:
5131 Harassment & Bullying


HIB coordinator- Jane Berger [email protected] or 856-899-5570

Compass HIB Reporting Doc


Week of Respect: During this week we focus on how we treat one another, our teachers, our families, our school, and our enviroment. Children have special dress-up or dress-down opportunites that match our theme for that day. Our School Safety Team helps to plan all activities and events for this week in October.


No Name Calling Week: Is a week celebrated in January. During this week we focus on what bullying really means. Our children learn the definition, have numerous examples and opportunities to practice using strategies, and learn that being an Upstander is better than being a Bystander. Our School Safety Team helps to plan all activities and events for this week.