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Counseling Provided

Individual Counseling: Individual counseling is based upon student need and parent or teacher request. Counseling topics can range from anger management to grief/loss to study habits. A parent consent is required before any sessions take place.


Small Group Counseling: Students will be meeting with me in small groups to discuss, develop, and practice strategies for topics such as: self control, making and keeping friends, study habits, working with others, and self concepts. Referalls for small groups come from parents or teachers. A parent consent is required before any sessions take place.


Classroom Guidance: All students at Compass participate in classroom lessons. Each month (and sometimes more) I teach active lessons based on teacher needs and our Character Education program. Our children learn about the concepts of caring, being kind to one another, using manners, making friends, being responsible, and being respectful in school and at home. Lessons consist of using literature, discussion, strategies, practice, and a small project or assignment.