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Casper’s Class Expectations


   A child thrives when they have a learning environment which fosters positive thinking.  Self-esteem, respect for others, goal setting, and character education will be discussed at our “Team Meetings.”  Students are encouraged to have a Growth Mindset-- This means students are encouraged to challenge themselves, take risks, and reflect on their learning.  They will develop a strong desire to learn and realize that hard work leads to success!!


As part of our school’s strategic plan to create a positive school environment, we are implementing “Tracking Our Success.”  This approach has three main components:  Be Respectful * Be Responsible *Be Safe Students will be receiving tickets for displaying positive behaviors.  Tickets will be placed in a school-wide bin and a winner from each grade level will be picked on a weekly basis.  Winners can shop for a prize

in the “Buck Shop”! 

   Students are expected to follow the classroom expectations as they make positive choices throughout the day.  The students will receive a Behavior Punch Card and when they receive 10 punches they are able to choose their own reward!! 




1.  Use appropriate language

2.  Use an indoor voice

3.  Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself

4.  Follow adult directions

5.  Follow dress code

6.  Quiet on the universal sign


Rewards for Outstanding Performances :

1.  Monster Math, stickers, coupons, special privileges

2.  Treasure Box

3.  Praise, Nice Note, Phone Call Home

4.  Class Cheers

5.  PBSIS Tickets



1st offense- Verbal Warning                                                  

2nd offense-Time Out

3rd offense- Parent Contact

**Some behaviors require immediate actions such as office referrals, detention, or suspension.