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 “Do not read, as children do, to amuse yourself, or like the ambitious, for the purpose of instruction. No, read in order to live.” 

                           ~ Gustave Flaubert


Students can only improve their reading skills by actually reading. Therefore, I do ask that they read every night. They will keep track of their reading with a special log that I will provide.  I will check this log at the end of each week.  Students will use a special graph to record not only the minutes they are reading but the genres as well.  (Please click on the Genres tab to learn more about them and their importance.)


Please enocurage their reading and talk to them about what they are reading.  I will be doing my best in school to introduce them to many authors and genres to pique their interests and get them as excited about books as I am. Together we can create strong readers with a passion for books.


Finally, look at the information below to learn more about why reading every night is so vital to their developement!