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*During reading, encourage your son/daughter to stop and think about what they have read. Here are some sample questions to ask for any book.

1.  Was the book fiction or non-fiction?  How do you know? 


2.  Was there a problem in the book?  What was it?  How was it solved?


3.  Have you ever had a problem like your character?  How did you solve it?


4. Who was the main character?  What character traits do they have? What were they doing or saying to make you think of that trait?


5.  How would you describe the main character?  Why would you describe him/her that way? 


6.  Do you know anyone like the main character?  How are they like the main character?


7. Was there another way you character could have solved their problem?


8. What was your favorite part of the book?  Why?


9. What was the main idea of the text? What are the supporting details?


10. Did you like the book?  Why or why not?


11.  What was the MOST important event in the story?  Why?
12.  Describe a connection you had while reading.  It can be a text to self or a text to text.
13.  What new words did you learn and what do they mean? What words were interesting?
14.  At the conclusion of a story or chapter, encourage your child to retell the story.  They should use specific details like character's names and vocabulary.  Additionally, they should retell the story sequentially.