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Our "Power Scale" is used to manage behavior in the classroom. The scale is composed of five different "power" levels: Mighty Max Power, Super Power, Full Power, Low Power, and No Power. Each Level is represented by a different color. The children move up or down the scale based upon their behavior throughout the day.
All of the friends in room 145 have a clip labeled with their name. Friends start on "Full Power" (green) each day. Throughout the day, if the child makes good choices they may power up to "Super Power" (purple). If they continue to make good choices, they will power up to "Mighty Max Power" (orange). Friends on Mighty Max Power also have a chance to power up to the number line (right above the power scale). When a student goes above and beyond Mighty Max power, he or she will power up to the number line and earn a jewel on his or her clip! However, if they make a poor choice, they will power down to "Low Power" (yellow). If they continue to have difficulty following rules, they will power down to "No Power" (red).
Friends move up or down on the power scale depending on the choices that they make daily.

Mighty Max Power (orange)—Excellent Behavior: the student will get to choose a treat out the "orange" jar.

Super Power (purple)—Super Behavior: the student will get to choose a treat out of the "purple" jar.

Full Power (green)—Good Behavior: the student will choose an item out of the "green" jar.

Low Power- Warning! Warning! (yellow)—Rule Broken (recharge): child loses 5 minutes of recess.

No Power: Empty (red)—Rule Broken x2 (reflect/recharge): the child loses his/her entire recess. Teacher calls home.


One  Friday a month is prize day. If the student has remained on "Full Power" or above during the entire month (they can only have been on "Low Power" or "No Power" at the end of the day one time during the month), they will get to visit the TREASURE CHEST!


The students track their behavior on a daily behavior sheet, and then record their high/low power for the day onto their daily behavior calendars which are kept in their B.E.E Books. Please check your child's behavior sheet each day and encourage them to "POWER UP!" each day.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me: [email protected]  Thank you for your continued support!

Mrs. Zrada