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Dear Families,


Our school collects Box Tops each year. Our kindergarten class in room 145 would LOVE to win an ice-cream party at the end of the year for the class with the most Box Tops! Please send in any Box Tops that you have at home and your child will put them in our “Box Tops” Jar. Box Tops can be found on lots of household items, a few examples are:



- Ziplock products- baggies, containers, etc.

- Viva brand paper towels

- General Mills products- Fiber One Cereal, Lucky Charms

- Kleenex brand products

- Betty Crocker brand products

- Juicy Juice

- Welch’s

- Huggies, Pull-Ups

- Scott brand products
Thank you for your support!!
Mrs. Zrada & Mrs. Rigby