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Poetry Extra Credit.

Write out discussion questions and answers, or copy and paste in a Google Doc that you share with me. You can type your answers in the boxes!

Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, or plot.

Students analyze how the opening stanza of Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” structures the rhythm and meter for the poem and how the themes introduced by the speaker develop over the course of the text. [RL.6.5]

Partners take turns reading the poem aloud.

  1. Write the rhyme scheme to the right.
  2. Write the amount of syllables in each line to the left. Neat, huh?
  3. Discuss the questions below. Put an x on the squares where you think you really ‘got it.’ Put a question mark on the squares if you really don’t ‘get it.’


What is the speaker in the poem doing?

What does the speaker encounter?

What decision does the speaker have to make in the poem?

Infer the season. How do you know?

What visual image of the person on the road came into your head as you read the poem?

One major theme is the effect of life choices. What is one life choice you have made, and how did it affect you?

A little harder:

What reasons could keep a person from traveling the ‘less traveled road?’

At the end of the poem, he says he will be telling this story with a sigh…why do you think it is with a sigh?

What are some reasons a person would take the ‘less traveled road?’

Harder, but you can do it!

What is the theme of the poem? How is the theme developed over the course of the poem?

Why do you think Robert Frost chose to use the metaphor of a forked road?

Describe the conflict the speaker feels.

Why did he doubt he would come back? What was he really saying?

Finished? Go online and listen to the poem, or look up the ‘synopsis’ of the poem.