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Here, I will showcase the best writing samples for each month's process pieces!




October: Narative Writing -  narrative.pdf 

Colin                                                10/8/15

E.L.A.                                               6 Sailer


                         “Deranged Doctor Day”



The  doctor's office was typical at first, with that weird, nice smell, and the paint design of fish on the walls. As my sister and I sat watching Little Einsteins on TV, my dad filled out the appropriate forms.

While we moved into the other room, tension built up in my body. I was frightened. Since I haven’t told you yet, you're probably wondering what's going on. Today was the day I get my 6th grade shots.

The second I entered that room, I felt like running from everything. The doctor already had shots on the wall- not the ones I was getting - just extra shots for different occasions. The nurse did the usual check up; she checked my blood  pressure, and all was fine, and then she exited. “You're going first.” I mumbled to my sister.

“Sure I will, because I’m not a little girl like you.” My older sister Amanda teased. She was right though. I was a little girl when it comes to shots, and spiders, but that's a whole ‘nother story.

Anxiety filled my body. I was waiting for what felt like forever. The doctor finally came in. All was silent; the doctor checked my ears and my mouth “Ahhh.” I stuck my tongue out so he could see inside. The doctor asked me and my dad some questions. After my checkup, my sister got hers too. Then it was time for the inevitable. My sister got her shot first. Easy, one shot. She was lucky.

As the doctor called me over, as I got up from the seat I was sitting in. It felt like I was a new Greenie in “The Maze Runner,” my favorite book. Everyone's eyes locked on me. I walked over to the doctor's table and lept up onto it. The doctor got out the shots. I got so scared at the sight of the shots that I dashed off the table, and my dad grabbed me and put me back on.

My dad held me down so I wouldn’t run. The needles looked at me with a sour glare; horrifying me, watching me, deeply. Just then, in the blink of an eye, the doctor gave me my shots while he slightly stuck them into my arm counting each and every one of them.. “One, two, three, four all done.” The needles felt as if a thousand knives impaled my body. The tips so...minuscule.., the pain so...tiny, but the fear so... colossal. And oddly enough, the pain grew with each and every shot.

I was nearly in tears. Correction. I was actually in tears. Like I said, I hate shots. My dad made fun of me by telling me I’m a little girl the rest of the day. I knew I would never live this down, but I know I will do better next time, and I won't cry as much.

We took the trip home and the day went on as any normal day, but my arm was really, really sore the rest of the week. Really shots aren’t as bad as I think they are. I may or may not have over exaggerated. If I stop being scared of almost everything I see, maybe I might man up and take things as life throws them at me, but until then, I’m still the little girl I was when I got my shots. Rightfully enough I will be a man, some day, but not today.



November: Veteran's Day


Danielle                                                                                                                  11/7/15

E.L.A                                                                                                                          6S


“A Country Worth Fighting For”  

“My heroes are those who risk their lives every day to protect our world and make it a better place - police, firefighters,and members of our armed forces.” According to Sydney Sheldon, creator of many books and T.V. shows. Our members of our armed forces have fought for the freedom of our country. Our veterans are heroes because they tried their best to save our country, and them helping us is helping our country so much. On November 11, 1919 Veteran’s Day started as Armistice Day. In 1938, the United States made November 11th a national holiday. In 1954, Armistice Day was renamed  Veteran’s Day.

It is important to celebrate Veteran’s Day so that all of the veterans can feel respected. Veteran’s day is also a day to remember everyone who served and during times of war and peace. This day is also for the veterans who sacrificed their lives for our country. Each and every veteran has a special story, so be sure you listen very carefully.

In Washington D.C. there is a WWII museum for all of the WWII veterans. This WWII memorial was built so that the veterans could see this in their honor. Also there is a memorial in Fort Campbell Kentucky. This memorial was built for any Vietnam veterans, which they rightfully deserve. These veterans deserve so much because their lives are the ones that they gave to us for our freedom.

There are many ways sixth grade student can honor any veterans. One way we can honor a veteran is by sending fanmail to the veterans. This fan mail will tell the veteran that he/she did something so fantastic that it makes all of the U.S. proud of what they did for our country. If you have poppies that you bought at any store that you can put in on the fan mail. Poppies are the sign of memorial of the veterans. One day they were burying the veterans that unfortunately passed away, or got killed and red poppies grew where they buried the veterans. People will help these veterans when you buy these very beautiful, and they will go to a good cause. So then people made paper poppies and it was a sign of helping the veterans in need.

Another way anyone can honor a veteran to buy the poppies that veterans give away in exchange for a donation. These donations go to a very worthy cause.  Buying the poppies will help the veterans in need in VA hospitals. In the VA hospitals there are veterans that really need our help because they might have gotten hurt while they were fighting for our freedom. Without our veterans we would not be a free country like some other countries in the world.

On the other hand some people might think that sending cards to veterans are better, but giving money to the people selling poppies will be the best way to honor veterans is to buy the poppies that the veteran's sell. Selling these poppies are veterans that are to help the veterans in need. The people making the buddy poppies are actually veterans in need, they are either disabled or sick. Usually poppies are about one dollar.

In conclusion, veterans deserve some applause for what they did to help our country. Veterans need our support for their bravery and for their kindness.  They stood up for this country and the deserve to have a life worth honoring. With our help they will feel that they are getting the respect and honor they deserve.



December: Americanism Essay Contest


Isabella                                                                                                                         12/11/15

ELA                                                                                                                               6- S                                                                             “Americanism and Love of Country”

“I think that there's one higher office than the president, and I call it a patriot.” Gary Hart once said. Gary Hart was probably a smart man because he’s right. Honoring people just because they make powerful decisions isn’t patriotism, patriotism is doing the unexpected, or doing things other people normally wouldn’t do, and the president didn’t risk his life for our country, patriots did. They didn’t care if it meant never seeing their families again, they only cared about their families and the rest of their world being free.

People may not know what patriotism is, but they should realize what Americanism is. People need to promote Americanism and love of our country. We should always support those who risked their live for our country, and promote Americanism. Patriots made our country what it is today, and we, as Americans should remember where we came from. We could promote Americanism by starting a donation stand, food drives,  charities, or other projects to promote the love of this great country and as a way to respect those who lost everything fighting for our country.

All in all, promoting Americanism and the love of country will help us always remember those who risked their lives for us to be free. If we could start a charity for those patriots, or veterans who lost their homes, have no money, or have no food, that would be a great way to show how beautiful America really is. Even starting a remembrance group for people to hear the stories of those who want to tell their story and aren't remembered as a patriot or veteran would be an inspiring way to promote Americanism and love of country.



December: Argumentative Business Letters (& responses, too!) -  argument business rubric.pdf 




Frog Pond Elementary School

305 Frog Pond Road

Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087

November 16, 2015


Edward W. StackCEO
Dicks Sporting Goods

345 Court St

Coraopolis, PA 15108


Dear Edward W. Stack:

Most kids love to play sports! I personally think that Dick’s Sporting Goods has the best products. Parents want to buy your amazing products, but they are sometimes too expensive. To fix this, I believe Dick’s should have a drop off/pick up place for used cleats in good condition for a low price. People can walk into Dicks Sporting Goods , and buy shoes that they want for just little money. Doing this will draw attention to customers, encourage kids to participate in sports who normally would not be able to afford it, and the foundation can be set up to go to other states where kids do not have shoes.

First of all, if you make a drop off pick up place for used shoes at a low price, it will draw attention to customers because customers will be appealed by the low prices. Parents don’t always have the money to buy shoes, so this will help them a lot. Also, if you think about it all the shoes someone would normally throw away would be going to a good cause. People always want cheap shoes, and I think this will be perfect for some people.     

Second of all, it will encourage kids to join sports who normally would not be able to afford it. Being able to buy cleats at a low price would be beneficial to everyone!  Kids will actually want to play sports. Also, all the kids thatparticipate in  sports will buy your shoes. Kids love toplay sports, and by making this drop off pick up section, more kids will join!

Lastly, this foundation can go to the kids with no shoes in some other states, and it can be beneficial to the community. You would be giving shoes with no use; to kids who want and need them for sports. Doing this will help kids who want to do sports a tremendous amount. This foundation is not only to raise money, it will also raise money for people who need shoes.

Although it will cost money to build a section for the drop off pick up place for shoes, it will be beneficial the town, and Dicks Sporting Goods will get lots of money from this foundation. This foundation will draw attention to more people who need financial assistance. If this idea does not work, Dicks Sporting Good will go on like normal, but they will definitely not be helping the community. If this does get approved, the community would be thrilled, and lots of kids would start sports. Dicks Sporting Good may become one of the most supportive stores as a result.


All in all, I think that Dick’s Sporting Goods is an amazing store that can make a change if they provide this service. All these ideas will help a colossal amount of people. This is part of my 6th grade ELA business letter. Thank you for your consideration, and your time. I look forward to hearing back from you.








January: Research Report: Comparing Biographies - Response to Literature Rubric.pdf



Kylie                                                                                                                                               1/31/16                      


ELA                                                                                                                                                      6-S      

                                                                              “Fight For Freedom”


Many people participated in making the world we live in a better place to live. Two of those people were Harriet Tubman and Martin Luther King, Jr. Harriet Tubman was an African American who was born into slavery. Even though she had been beaten everyday, it didn't stop her from freeing other slaves. Tubman used the underground railroad and went to Maryland once a year after she escaped slavery to free other slaves. Walking 100 miles to freedom, she still managed to free 800 slaves. Martin Luther King, JR was also a human/civil rights activist. He as a young he was not a slave, but was treated unfairly. As he got older he wrote speeches of freedom and shared his dream with many people. He lead boycotts and convinced people that color doesn't matter. Therefore both Harriet Tubman and Martin Luther King, JR were brave and courageous leaders. They both risked their lives for civil rights, and influenced the future of society.


Although Harriet Tubman and Martin Luther King, Jr had similar backgrounds, they were also quite different. As a comparison, they both grew up in a time when blacks were not treated fairly. They and the people around them either suffered from slavery, racism, or beatings. Some were not able to go to the same schools as whites or drink out of the same water fountains, and others even had to give up their seats to whites on busses. Even though they were very similar, they were also different. Tubman was a slave, King was beat, shot , jailed, and mistreat, but through all of this they stood tall and proud to be who they are and to help make our world a better place.


More Importantly than how their backgrounds were similar was how they were treated. Harriet Tubman was beaten every day for no reason, was forced to work in fields for hours and hours at a time with no break. She was beaten with no reason, given the leftovers at dinner and had a bed time. She was even given a certain time that she was told to wake up in the morning. As a comparison, Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested, assassinated, his house was bombed, and he was beaten by whites several times. At one point in his life his family even got involved with his harassment.


Later on, Harriet Tubman and Martin Luther King Jr. grew up to be successful advocates and overall wonderful people. They thought that our world and the people in it should not be treated the way they are and deserve better. Tubman went to Maryland once a year to free slaves, in a total of 19 trips she saved 800 slaves. She worked for the army and afterwards she re-married. Tubman opened a clinic to help the former slaves who haven't got back on their feet. King helped influence the future of society by giving speeches of freedom and standing up for what was right. He is known for not backing down from having his (as well as others) dreams come true. He lead boycotts and fought for human/civil rights.Therefore both of these heros helped participate in influencing the future of society.

In conclusion, both Harriet Tubman and Martin Luther King Jr. were brave and courageous leaders. They risked their lives for others, just to prove a point that whatever color your skin is, it doesn't matter. They gave people the courage to stand up for themselves as well as for others. Tubman and King were just one of many people to influence humanity and speak up to others. One thing is for certain, both Tubman and King are now remembered for the contribution they made in the civil rights movement.






February: Speeches - Should circuses be using elephants? speech rubric.pdf 






Caitlyn B                                                                                                                             2/8/16


Reading                                                                                                                                        6V


                                                                             “Ecstatic Elephants”




Elephants are one of the most commonly known animals used in circuses. Some people say that elephants are being abused while in training. At first I thought that the elephants were being abused in circuses, but I found out that the Ringling Brothers elephants were actually treated the best they could. Elephants should be used in the circus because they get proper veterinary care, they get rewarded with a treat when they perfect or close to perfect the trick, and when they retire they get to go to a sanctuary. Elephants get the same respect we would get if we do something spectacular or if we got hurt.


Elephants in the circus get proper veterinary care if they get hurt. One elephant, named Barack, got pulled out of the circus due to his second diagnosis of EEHV, Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus. This usually kills elephants, but Ringling Brothers employees pulled him out of the show so Barack didn’t get hurt. Another elephant, named Karen, got pulled out of the circus because she seemed like she was hurting. The fact that the employees at Ringling Brothers would have Karen retire because they knew that she was in poor condition shows how much the workers care about the elephants that they care for.


Many elephants get treats at the end of their tricks they complete. Yes the acts may be unnatural, but the elephants sure do look like they are enjoying their life. When elephants perfect a trick, or are getting steps closer to the final product they get a reward that would make anyone, animal or person, feel like they are at home.


When elephants retire they get to go to a sanctuary where they can get all the care they need. The elephants in the sanctuary get too roam freely, and get to be accompanied by many other retired elephants. The employees at Ringling Brothers will not keep an elephant performing if they are getting old. They have such a great bond with these elephants that they will know when the elephants are too tired or are too old to perform any tricks.


All in all, elephants should stay in circuses. Not only do they bring warmth into your heart, but it also makes the workers and elephants feel that they are making kids and adults happy. They will know that they are doing something right. The elephants will be able to be free in sanctuaries, get proper care, and get rewarded.



Caitlyn D                                                                                                                            2/9/16

Reading                                                                                                                                         6V

Do you think elephants want to be in the Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey circus? Elephants should not be in the Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey circus because they are endangered, some, such as Nicole are unstable and/or dangerous, and you should just put yourself in their shoes. Would you really want to perform for large crowds nearly every day for your entire life? While I feel it is all right for any elephant to be in a preserve, they should not be forced to perform whether they want to or not. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, better known as PETA, has been strongly protesting the use of these elephants in this circus for years now. There are online debates and petitions trying to sway Ringling towards being an elephant-free circus.


First of all, these pachyderms are endangered. One elephant named Benjamin drowned on July 26, 1999 at age 4 while moving away from a trainer wielding a bullhook at him. Elephants shouldn’t be traveling in case of any more injuries or deaths considering the low amount of elephants remaining in the world. They should be in a preserve, where they are not stressed by trainers and performers, and where they are comfortable.


Specifically, an elephant named Nicole, is not stable in her right knee. As of 2009, she was 34 years old; however, acted twice her age according to experts. Her traveling is dangerous to her, because she could fall. It is also dangerous to humans. If they put people on this elephant she could collapse, and injure, not to mention cause the death of circus-goers and performers.


Finally, why don’t you put yourself in one of these elephant’s shoes? You’d be poked with bullhooks. You’d be endangered, so if you die, the percentage of elephants would decrease, and you’d be worked. On the other hand, one could argue that elephants are happy in the circus. Personally, they’d be happier in a preserve. They’re performing unnatural stunts in front of large audiences.

All in all, they don’t need to be in circuses, but the preserves across the world. Honestly, has this circus or the CEC, Center for Elephant Conservation, done a better job keeping these elephants alive and healthy? If you look at Circus Olay, they have no animals at all, and they do just fine. Therefore, the other side cannot argue that their large amount of fans will decrease, but possibly increase. Now maybe you’ll be able to PETA’s side a little more clearly, because you now know they’re endangered, sick, unstable, and possibly dangerous.



 March  - Narrative speech rubric.pdf 




Kaylee Clark                           4/7/16

Writing 6D/N

“First to Climb the Dark Island”


It was October 13th, 1999 in Alaska, 17 years ago.  It was one of the most spectacular  days of my life, but the most terrifying day. As we rowed our miniature boat in the aqua blue stream that was as clear as daylight, the cold, brutal rain poured down on us. The vicious air hitting our cold  faces felt horrible.  It was just my heavily built brother, Curtis, and myself. When we arrived at the Dark Island we were terrified. It was dark, cold, and it look so miserable.

“Curt, I see someone climbing up!” I whispered.

“Yeah me to, who could it be?” Curt replied.

“Let's see if we can beat him up the island.”  I said determinedly.

“Okay, we should start walking now.” Curt demanded.

As we started to walk up the bisk island, I was starting to get butterflies in my stomach. We didn't even know who this mysterious man was. We were almost there to see his face clearly. We were half way up and my legs were nearly broken. Curt was still going and didn't even ach one teeny bit.

“Uhh.. Curtis? I said unsurely, “I think I can picture his face now and he can see us!”

“Let's go and see who he is.” replied curtis.

When we started to creep forward a tad bit closer I began to see his long scrubby beard, dark black hair, and he’s bright green shirt. He look really furious and angry. We could tell that he was either fuming or extremely determined.

“You two get off my island right now before I shove you ugly people off myself!” Said Sal.

“We aren't trying to hurt your island we just want to be the first to climb to the top.” I replied.

“Hey wait a minute, this isn't your island anyway!” Spoke Curtis.

“I'll make it mine by pushing you off of it!” Replied Sal.

As Sal tried to push me and my very strong brother off the island, Sal was getting really furious because he couldn't get us off. After lots of punches, kicks, and even pushes, my brother finally shoved Sal off.

“Wow, that was scary!” I said nervously, “at least you got him off so now we don't have to worry about him hurting us.”

“Yeah I know, it was really tough, but I did it.” Curt said with excitement.

“Why don't we start walking again so we can get there?” I exclaimed.

“Let's do it!” Curt loudly shouted.

So after all that pain, we had a peaceful walk. It was nice just to have sister and brother time and just taking our time walking up, and not having to worry about animes. Finally, we got to the tippy top. It was really dark and you can see a big puffy white cloud. We were so ecstatic to get to the top.

“All that pain we went through, and we still made it with no broken bones!” I said happily.

“Yeah!! Thats a suprise, everyone else died trying to climb this!” My brother added.

“Hey curt, something I learned from this is to never give up!” I said with excitement.

“Yeah!! Now we can be famous for being the first people to climb the Dark Island!” Curt said cheerfully.

After a little while up at the top of the Dark Island, we decided to head home. In this trip, we have seen enemies and even being scared, but we still made it without dieing, no broken bones, and making it home safe and sound!





Colin Hullings                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    6-Sailer

Writing/Reading                                                                                                                                                                                                                                3/27/2016

                                                                                                                   “Treasure Trove”

    On December fifteenth in 2016 scientists discovered a colossal  mountain in Antarctica. The odd mountain had a cloud linked to the top which is said to have a prize of anyone who enters the center of this odd stormy mountain. Until twenty years later no-one had ever returned from the accursed mountain.  Nobody actually knew why people went there. It was said to be a voice that sent them to it. One day on 2036 a man by the name of Ian changed this.

    I was traveling up the river stream, scared of what was to be. All I heard was a voice echoing in my head telling me to travel to Mount Gawahhedi (GAw-wah-He-D), and the odd current of the river. Traveling down the river I saw it the ancient mountain rising from the ground, clouds rolling over the steep, snowy, cold, lifeless mountain. When reached I decided to create a shelter, knowing I would be there for a few days. When I walked over to the boat, I realized two people standing there. “Who’s there?”

“...” only silence was heard. I rushed over to the boat and exchanged a hunting knife from my pocket in place of my hand. “Hey!” I hollered.

“Were humans don’t worry!” A male's voice that sounded almost like a high pitched squeak answered back.

“I saw your ship move up we thought it was more mages!” An older mans voice recalled, or at least a deeper voice. I approached the what seemed like ordinary humans.

“Who are you?” I replied and I lured closer to them.

“I’m Crainer.” replied the younger man’s voice.

“And I’m Bobby.” said the older man. “We’ve been here for months now, we heard something that brought us here. Almost every month a new person shows up. But for some reason when we came our boat lost fuel and wouldn't budge any more.  No matter what we tried. So we are staying here waiting for more people to travel to the center of the cloud.”

“I’m here for the center. Why don’t we go?” I replied.

“We can't.”

“Why we just explore uphill and see what happens.”

“The Mages. They Are a secret civilization of magic humans, Said to have come from the afterlife. If we go they will get us. They don't allow us to enter the clouds walls.” Replied Crainer. His voice sounded deep submerged and depressing, there was no more hype in his voice. A deep fog  rolled over us.

“Speaking of the devil.” Said Bobby.

“What! They are here!” I screamed.

“They always greet newcomers but you better run so they don’t hurt you.” Alerted Bobby.

I ran as fast as I could not looking back. The voice in my head told me to turn back but I held back the urge to listen. A red color emerge in front of me and a levitating being knocked me to my knees. The only words it said is. “Welcome. To. Our. World.” In an eerie voice that would make any man not want to sleep. But I wasn’t sleeping. I collapsed to the ground unconscious.

    I awoke to the sound of my body being dragged across the floor. If the worst were to happen to me, it would be right now. But my luck was shining. It was Crainer and Bobby dragging my body into what looked to be a camp for them. It looked like they got supplies from my boat and made my tent as a welcome home present. “Hey I’m awake.” I said.

“Really? I thought you were heavy. Nice to met you awake.” Crainer replied sarcastically

“ Ha ha, speaking of heavy. I haven't eaten since I came here. Did you grab the food from my boat?”

“Yah. And everything on your boat. We tugged it with ropes across the island.” Replied Crainer. “And we have food ready for you at the island. Oddly for Antarctica the only area that is warm here is our camp.” Marked Bobby.

“Don’t you think that's just a little suspicious?” I scolded.

“You worry too much, uhh…. You know you asked our names but we never got yours.What IS your name?”

“Ian.” I shyly said “I really don’t know what else to say.” I laughed.

“Well Ian, Are you ready to travel to the center?” Crainer replied excitedly.

“If it holds a way out of this island, Yes!”

“Let’s go!”

It was that moment we made the worst decision of our lives. We traveled up the clouds until the air was so compact it almost hurt to breath. Like a needle sticking in your neck. And the fog was so hard it actually made it hard to move like a bug in a cobweb.A clearing in the fog allowed the sight of a cabin. But  no one. No human was allowed in the clouds. So who was in there. A mage, A old visitor, or something or someone that we don’t know the power of?

“Up ahead!” I called out. “A cabin”?

“Out here? No possible way that's human.And if it is, It's no longer alive. I say we keep going and avoid it.”

“What if we can get help if they are a human?”

“Are you sure about this?”

“Yes now let's go!” Inside the house was empty except for a fireplace that was lit and a rocking chair with a woman on it.

“Excuse me, ma’am? Are you ok? We are here to help.”

“.............” Silence filled the room.

“I need an answer. Whats with people on this island not answering you when you talk to them?”

“We don't talk that often here. There aren’t many visitors. We only see someone new every month.”

“But you’ve only been here for two months if i'm correct.”

“Ian, sadly enough i've been here for nine months. Bobby, he’s been here for a year;” He took  deep breath before answering back. “Others, weren't very smart. They ran into the cloud on their own… and never came back. These are the rumors you hear of people never coming back.”

“Wait!” I replied does that mean that for 20 years people have come here and you are the only survivors! That means out of  240 people only two we’re smart enough to live.”

“It's the sad truth.” But the voice that answered wasn't Crainers shrill voice. It was a much deeper older voice. Of a woman. “Although not only two humans survived. There's actually three. I'm the only human that has survived in the clouds. I've lived here unharmed for 3 years. Sneaking food from mage camps and risking my life just  to find a way off this horrible place.”

“Being here for a long time must be boring?”

“Indeed. However I can't walk anymore. My legs gave out from running. Now the mages leave me in this empty house to rot for eternity. But you’re journey has just begun, and is close to it's end. The walls door is just up the hill. It's a clearing in the fog you will notice it.”

“Thank you ma’am, the best of luck to you.”

    We walked up the mountain continuing our journey. But where she said the clearing would be, was filled with fog. Not the normal clouds fog. A fog anyone could recognize. It was “The Mages.” “Well, Here goes nothing.” I ripped the hunting knife out of my belt buckle and braced for attack.

“Hhhuuuuummmmaaannnsss.” A lifeless voice replied. “Yyyyouuuu shallll nott paaaaassss.” As the redlining of what seemed to outline a star came, I jolted forward in a stabbing motion. But it was useless I fell to my face and landed on rock.

“RUN!” I remarked. We dashed through the door at magnificat speed almost breaking the barrier of sound. We were there. “THE CENTER.” A sign read out.

“We are here!”

“It doesn't just end here were being chased look for an exit to the island.” The town seemed empty except for a few houses, shops, and a well which stood ominously above the town.

“There's nothing here!”

“Well either way one day we are going to die! So the well is our only choice. JUMP!” We all darted into the well falling at immense speed landing in a puddle of water, that lead to a corridor with signs. The biggest sign and the first one said. “You have made it to the end of your journey. Travel ahead young ones.” It seemed like this moment awaited us. There were four carts with names on all of them calling out one by one “Crainer, Bobby, Ian, and an unknown name. Florette.” “Crainer… Is”

“Yes. SHE was the woman in the house. She ran off one day at camp. I guess The Mages thought she would survive.”

“We failed. We were supposed to bring her.”

“I can take care of MYSELF thank you.” Laughed a sarcastic voice from behind us. It was Florette.

“Well The Mages were right after all. It was nice meeting you all I believe we should take these carts to return home. And maybe meet up together here one day.”

“Shall doodily do!” Replied Crainer.

“YUP!” Screamed Bobby.

“Whatever” Florette answered in an angry teen voice.

“Uhh Florette. Are you getting younger?”

“I guess so. Would you look at that. I don't feel any pain anymore!”

“Goodbye everyone!” I concluded.

Everyone answered with a huge ‘Goodbye!” And left to their homes. The Carts traveled at an intense speed to the point where we were only in the carts for a good twelve seconds when we reached a stopping point. A hidden door emerged in the walls of our home. With a note that read.

“You have survived our “game.” This isn't the last time we will meet. But it isn't the first time we've met. We will meet again. With a harder challenge for you. We owe you our gratitude.

                                    Sincerely, The Mage Master”

    Our journey ended with  a big bang for sure. No one was reported missing on the island again. But The Mages were also never heard from again. But that was five years after everything happened. Crainer, Ian, And Bobby became best friends, and Floretta was never heard from again. Not even in the next five years. There was always something odd about here. And we know she holds a special connection with The Mage Master. But that was yet to be discovered.


 April - What Does Freedom, Friendship, and Charity Mean to Me?informative.pdf


“The Three Words of Wisdom”              


        By Liana Trebour


Friendship, freedom, and charity are all words that are uttered by people, without even thinking about what they truly even mean. Looking up any of these words in a dictionary or on the Internet could even give a vague meaning of them. You yourself have to discover the meaning of these words. I strongly believe my definitions of these three words come back to my life experiences. Friendship is having someone there for you during the hardest of times. Freedom is letting yourself be yourself without any boundaries holding you back. Charity is giving to the people, animals, or any others that simply need help.


Friendship may be one of the hardest words in our lives to decode. What you may think of friendship could never be friendship at all. Friendship is being confident that someone who you feel very close to would help or support you in the hardest times. From Proverbs 17:17, “A friend will be a friend in times of all kinds.” These words mean that you will always support your friend and your friend will always support you, no matter what type of trouble or mess you are in. I have found out who truly is my friend by whether or not they fulfill that task. For me, that is the true meaning of friendship.


Freedom for me is not a noun, but an adjective or feeling. Freedom is riding a horse through a meadow without anyone telling how fast or where to go. Not only do you feel the soft fast pace of a canter around you; you also feel the freedom to guide your horse freely. Also, freedom is being who you want to be without anyone making a decision for you. As Oscar Wilde once said, “Be yourself, everyone else is taken.” These world are so bold, they do not need to be explained. Without freedom, we could never fulfill this quote. We can chose what color hair we have, the religion we practice, our jobs, or our personalities. Some places people are fiercely labored to carry the same religion, certain jobs, or schooling depending on your gender. Here in America, there are little to no restraints on the person we dream to be.


Charity is not always someone donating money to some type of organization; charity is giving up something to help someone in need. Charity could be as simple as walking on the side of the road and picking up garbage or it can get as complex as adopting a child without a home. In my life, I took away from my time to sew out the eyes and choking hazards in stuffed toys, then donated every single one to a local pet shelter in town. I gazed upon every single innocent dog crying for an owner or something to love. Right at that moment is when I remembered that Anne Frank once wrote, “No one ever becomes poor by giving.” Sure, I lost my own belongings, but I became rich in happiness knowing I could make a dog cheer up. Watching dogs from a young age, I could see how a small toy can bring big joy.


As you can see, as Americans we have the ability to earn true friendships, have freedom, and  give to charities around the world. Since we are given these privileges, we sometimes forget to be grateful that we live in such an incredible country with such admirable freedoms. Because of those freedoms, we are called “The land of the free because of the brave.” The brave are the noble, valiant men and women who serve our country. Not just people in the Military; police officers, firemen, teachers, and other noble people who create a better country for us to live in. That is why America is the most awe-inspiring country where we need to love to be a part of. Sometimes it is best to let go of friends who do not fulfill the true standards of friendship, even if it hard. Freedom is the definition of America- and America is the definition of freedom. We are the home of the free. Charity is giving something that may take a chip away from you but could never demolish you.