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  • To the ancient Chinese people, the dragon was a respected _____________________. Dragons were __________________________ beasts and brought ______________________________________.


  • Dragons were believed to be responsible for the _________________ that made the fields _________________________.



  • The Chinese also used the dragon to show the importance of their ____________________________.




  • Ancient China covered a large area. The climate, soil, landforms, and waterways ____________________________________ depending on the region.


  • The North China Plain is located in _________________________________. It is built up of soil deposits from the ____________________________.



  • The North China Plain and its surrounding highlands, as well as far northern China, have only a brief but intense, ___________________

___________________________________caused by monsoon winds. However, the region does not get much ________________________ the rest of the year. As a result, the climate is very ______________________________.


  • The climate in the south, in contrast, is _________________ and ___________. Monsoons from the South China Sea bring ______________________________ to southern China from ___________________________________________________. Light rain falls the ___________________________________________.


  • ________________________barriers such as mountains and seas separated China from other lands. As a result, the Chinese had little knowledge of the civilizations of ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________.  


  • China’s rivers overflowed their banks each _____________________________, bringing fresh, _________________________________________ to the land.


  • China’s first farming villages developed along its _______________________.


  • The ________________________________ is China’s longest river.


  • The ____________________________ is the second longest river in China. It is also the ________________________________ river in the world. It is called the __________________ River because of the loess that its waters carry along.


  • The Chinese people also call the Huang ________________________________. It brought life to the land, but it also took life away through _____________________________________________. 


  • To help control the flooding, early Chinese people built _______________ along the banks of the _________________________. As more loess settled to the bottom of the river, the __________________ of the river _______________. Eventually, the river rose high enough to ________________________________ the dikes, causing even more deadly ____________________________________.




  • Early farmers of the _______________________________________ probably were once ________________________________ who moved from place to place to hunt and gather food.


  • Historians don’t know exactly when the first farming settlements developed in the _______________________________________, but it may have been as early as ______________________________ B.C.


  • The ________________________________ dynasty was the first civilization in China. It probably arose sometime around _____________________ B.C.
  • The _____________________ people built China’s first cities and produced some of the finest __________________________ works of ancient China.


  • The ____________________ people also produced the first Chinese _________________________ system. Like Mesopotamia’s _____________________ and our own ______________________________, it could be used for different _____________________________. This was helpful for communication because China had many ________________________________ languages.


  • About _____________ years after the founding of the ______________________ dynasty, a new group named the ______________________ emerged. They lived in the ____________________________ to the west of the Shang people.


  • The territories of the __________________ and _________________ were side by side. Sometimes the two groups lived _________________________ and other times they fought over territory. Finally, the ___________________ conquered the _____________________ in _______________________ B.C.


  • The ____________________ dynasty ruled over ancient China for almost ________________ years. This period is divided into two parts—the earlier ___________________________________________ dynasty and the later __________________________________ dynasty.


  • During the end of the ________________________________ dynasty a period known as the __________________________________________ began. During that time, small kingdoms fought for control over one another until a new dynasty—the __________________-finally emerged.


  • The Chinese believed that the rulers came to power because it was their ________________________ or _________________. The idea was called the ________________________________________________ and it supported a leader’s right to ________________________ his people.




  • The _______________________ was the center of early Chinese society and was considered to be of far more importance than the individual or the nation. The _______________ was each person’s source of well-being.
  • A household in ancient China might contain as many as ____________ __________________________________ living together. These closely related people are called an ___________________________________.


  • The center of authority was usually the oldest _______________________. He had the most privileges and the most power in the family. When he died, all of his lands were divided among his ______________________.


  • Women were bound by the three ____________________________________: to obey their ____________________ in youth, their _____________________________after their marriage, and their ________________________ in widowhood.


  • In the ________________B.C., Chinese established the practice of using _________________________ family names along with a ____________________ name. The ______________________________ name was passed down from father to child. In Chinese society, the ____________________ name comes first.





  • Confucius was the most famous and important of the early Chinese thinkers. The Chinese called him ____________________________________, or “Master Kong.”


  • Confucius was born in ______________ B.C. to a noble but poor family of the ___________________________________________. He loved ____________________ and after failing to advance to an important government office, he decided to try ________________________________.


  • Confucius charged students a ________________ to take a class. He taught them his views of ________________________ and _____________________________.


  • “From the very poorest upward…none has ever come to me without receiving __________________________________. I only instruct a student who _________________________________________________________________. “



  • Confucius searched for a ________________________who would follow his teachings but he could not find one. He died in ____________ B.C. at age _____________ believing that his life had been a ________________________. 




  • Confucius did not claim to be an original _____________________; instead, he sought to pass on the _________________________________________ of wise people from an _________________________________________.


  • Confucius himself never ______________ down his ________________________. Instead, his students gathered a collection of his _______________________ after his death. These writings made up a system of ____________________ or _________________________known as _______________________________________.


  • Confucius lived during a time of frequent ___________________________ in China. Powerful rulers seemed more interested in gaining ___________________________than in ruling _________________________.


  • Confucius hoped to persuade these ______________________ to change their ways and bring _________________ and ____________________ to China.


  • Confucius believed that if people could be taught to behave ___________________________ toward one another, _____________________ and _________________________ would result and society would _________________.


  • Confucius said that people ought to _________________________

       the people above and below them and treat others ____________________.


  • Confucius said that people in _________________________________ must set a good __________________________________.


  • Confucius summarized his ideas about ___________________________________ in a simple way: “Do not ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________.”



  • Although Confucianism is a ___________________________________, it has also functioned as a _________________________ for many people who practiced Confucianism alongside their existing _______________________ traditions.


  • Ancient China was home to many kinds of _______________________________ beliefs and practices.  Most Chinese believed life should be lived in __________________________________________________________________. Happiness came from living a ________________________________ life.


  • A religious philosophy known as _____________________________ was based on the writings of ______________________, a Chinese thinker who lived in the ____________________ B.C. The _____________________________ loved nature and they believed in living ____________________ and _______________________ lives. 




•  The teachings of Confucius came to have a major effect on the



•  Before the ideas of Confucius took hold, government posts were

    generally given to the _______________________________________________.

    Afterward, _____________________________ for government jobs had to pass

    official examinations that were based on the teachings of Confucius.


• The _______________________ did not open government jobs to everyone.

   Candidates still had to know how to ______________. Many talented but

   poor men learned to ___________ and rose to high government positions.



  1. I.                   INTRODUCTION


•    In _______________, several farmers were digging a well northern China. Six feet down, they found some _________________________, a reddish type of pottery. Another five feet down, they unearthed the ____________________________ head of a ______________________.


•    Later, archaeologists discovered more than _________________________ ___________________________________________ and horses along with wood and bronze ____________________ and metal weapons. It was a terra cotta _______________________ that for more than 2,000 years had kept watch at the tomb of China’s first emperor, _______________________________.


•    With his underground ______________________________________, Shi Huangdi had plans to rule a second _______________________________ in the afterlife.


  1. II.               THE QIN DYNASTY


  • Shi Huangdi’s dynasty lasted only ________________________________________, but that was still a huge accomplishment. Before that time, China was divided into ______________________________________ kingdoms. Shi Huangdi _____________________ these kingdoms to unify China.


  • Shi Huangdi’s original name was ____________________________________. He ruled the _____________________ people who lived along China’s western border. By _____________________ B.C. ___________________ had extended his rule over most of the land that makes up modern-day China.


  • When ____________________________ established the _______________ dynasty, he took the name Shi Huangdi, meaning _________________________________.


  • Because ___________________ is sometimes spelled _____________, the name China comes from the ______________________ dynasty.


  • Shi Huangdi sought to strengthen China through ______________________ and ________________ rule and protect the new empire from its enemies.


  • Throughout history, _________________ had attacked China along its vast northern border. Shi Huangdi ordered the largest construction project in Chinese history, the building of the __________________________ of China.


  • Previous rulers had built _____________________along the border; Shi Huangdi decided to _______________________________ them.


  • He ordered ______________________ from their fields and ___________________ from their stores to form an army of hundreds of thousands of _____________________________ who labored for about _____________ years to construct the wall.


  • To help put down _______________________________ within the empire, Shi Huangdi put thousands of farmers to work building ___________________ that would enable his ______________________ to rush to the scene of any uprisings.


  • Shi Huangdi ______________________ or _________________________ any local rulers who opposed him.


  • Shi Huangdi divided all of China into ______________________ with a local government run by the emperor’s trusted _____________________________.




  • Shi Huangdi was not content to ___________________ the government of China. He also wanted the many peoples of his united kingdom to have one ___________________________ and one _______________________.


  • Shi Huangdi declared that one _____________________________ be used throughout China. This made it ______________________ for one region of China to __________________________________ with another.


  • Shi Huangdi also ordered the creation of common __________________ and _________________________, an improved system of _________________, and a _________________ code.


  • Shi Huangdi also tried to control the __________________________ of his people. In 213 B.C., he outlawed the ideas of ________________________ and other important thinkers. Instead he required that people learn the philosophies of ____________________________.





  • The Qin believed in ___________________________, the idea that people should be ________________________ for _______________ behavior and ________________________ for good behavior. Good behavior meant that people worked to __________________ the ________________________________ and the _______________________________.


  • Shi Huangdi commanded that all the _______________________ in China be _____________________ except those about ____________________________, __________________________, and ________________________. When hundreds of _______________________ protested the order, Shi Huangdi had them ___________________________.


  • Shi Huangdi death in _______________ B.C.  was followed by ___________ years of __________________ and ______________________ that ended in the murder of ______________________.


  • Power then passed to Shi Huangdi’s ___________________________, but ______________________________ broke out and he could not hold China ________________________________.


  • The dynasty that was supposed to last for 10,000 ___________________ lasted for only ___________________ years.




  1. IV.             THE HAN DYNASTY


•    One of the ___________________________ who helped overthrow the Qin dynasty was a ruler named _______________________________.


•    By 202 B.C., ________________________ won out over his rivals and became the first emperor of a newChinese dynasty, the __________________.


  • _________________________ created a ____________________ government that was less _____________________ than Shi Huangdi’s.




  • The __________________ dynasty lasted about ______________ years, and because they realized that they needed _______________________people to work in the _____________________________, they set up the __________________ service system based on ______________________________ to meet that need.


  • In ________________ B.C., Liu Bang’s great-grandson,_________________, came to power, and under his rule the ______________________________ reached its greatest _______________________.


  • About ________________________ years old when he took the throne, he ruled for more than _____________________________.


  • Wudi’s main interests were ______________ and ________________________. In fact, his name means “____________________________________________.”


  • He made improvements to the __________________________________ and strengthened the _____________________.


  • By the end of Wudi’s reign, Chinese rule stretched west into ____________________________, east into present-day ______________________ and central _____________________, and south into present-day _____________________________.


  • Wudi died in _______ B.C. China’s ______________________________ and _______________________ continued under later ___________ emperors, but over time, the empire began to _________________________.


  • A series of _______________________ emperors ruled the empire.


  • _____________________ and ______________________ fell into disrepair.


  • As the rule of the emperors weakened, ___________________________ gained power. The last ________________ emperor was kept in power by one such warlord named ___________________________.


  • At first, _______________________ tried to control the empire through the ___________________. In  A.D. ____________, he declared an end to the _______________ dynasty and set up his own _________________ dynasty.


  • However, the _________________ empire had control over parts of ______________________ China, and when it broke up after about _____________ years, China broke up into a number of __________________________________.




  1. I.                   THE SILK ROAD


•The Emperor __________________ conquests in the west brought the

 Chinese into contact with the people of _____________________________.


•Trade with the ______________________________ introduced the Chinese

   to such new foods as ___________________, ______________________, and

    ______________________. In turn, Chinese ____________________ and

    _______________________ passed to the peoples living in the ___________.


•This exchange gave rise to the _______________________________, a major

    __________________ route that ran all the way from _____________________

    to the ___________________________________________.


  • The ___________________________ was a series of roads covering more

     than ________________ miles that followed a challenging route

     through _________________________________________________________________.


•The _____________________________ passed through _______________________

  (present-day Iran) and _______________________________ before it finally

   turned north to the city of ____________________________ in present-day

   Turkey. From there, traders shipped goods acrossthe

   Mediterranean Sea to _________________, ____________________,

    _______________________, and other lands that bordered the



•Few travelers ever _______________________ the length of the

   _____________________________ .Generally, goods were passed from

   ___________________ to ____________________ as they crossed ______________.

   With each trade the _______________________ went up, and so by the

    time they arrived at the end of their journey, they were very



•The __________________________ got its name from ________________, a

  valuable cloth made only in China from _____________________.


•The arrival of _________________ in Europe created great excitement.

  Wealthy _____________________ prized Chinese _________________ and

   were willing to pay high _________________ for it. And wealthy people

   in China would pay well for ___________________, ___________________,

   ___________________, ______________________, and _______________ cloth from



•More than _________________ traveled the road.  New __________________

  did too. _________________________________ from India traveled to China

  along the road and brought _______________________________ with them.



  1. II.               TRADITION AND LEARNING


•Han rulers found that during ________________________ times in the

  past, many people had lost _________________________ for their

  __________________________. As a way of bringing back this

  ____________________, rulers encouraged people to return to the

  teachings of ___________________.


•Rulers of the ______________ and later dynasties also required

  members of the _________________________________________ to be

   educated in _________________________ teachings.


•The _______________________ and _____________________________ flourished

   under the Han dynasty. Expressive _________________________

   reflected Chinese __________________________ and Chinese scholars put

   together the first _________________________ of the Chinese



•Until the time of the Han dynasty, the Chinese people had little

  ________________________________ of their own ________________________.

  They knew only ___________________.



•The scholar ________________________spent his life writing a            

   ______________________ of China from _______________________ times to the

   reign of the Wudi. __________________________ work, called

    _______________________________________, is a major source of

   information about ancient China.


  1. III.            HAN TECHNOLOGY


•    Because the ______________ government was _________________________, the Chinese could turn their attention to _____________________ their society. During the Han dynasty, China became the most ________________________ __________________________ in the world.


•    During the Han dynasty, the Chinese ____________________________ many practical devices that did not reach Europe until _______________________ ___________________________.


•    Advances in the arts included: __________________________________________, ______________________________, _______________________, _______________________ and ________________________ and ____________________________________________.


•    Advances in medicine included: ____________________________________, the treatment of disease using needles; ________________________________, the use of ___________ in the practice of medicine; circulatory system, the discovery that blood ____________________________________________________.


•    Advances in technology included: _________________________ made from ___________________________, __________________________ for breaking up soil, a _______________________ to steer a ship, _____________________, wheelbarrow, and a _________________________, a device that registers the occurrence of ________________________________.


•    The Chinese first used _____________________________ and ____________________ to keep records. Later they wrote messages and even whole books on ____________________. Then around A.D. ____________, the Chinese recorded one of their greatest achievements: the _________________________________.




•    Early paper was made from materials such as __________________________, ______________________, and ____________________________. The materials were soaked in __________________, beaten into ______________________, and dried flat on a _______________________________.


•    After several centuries, the use of _______________________ spread across ______________ and into Europe. Eventually, ____________________ replaced ______________________ from Egypt as the material for scrolls and books.


•    The __________________ dynasty came to an end in the A.D. _______________,

       but its ______________________________ were not forgotten.  Today people

       in China still call themselves “________________________________.”



  1. IV.             SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION (Answers will be found throughout the chapter.)


  • People in China today still refer to themselves as “Children of Han” because ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  • China’s physical geography affected the development of its early civilization by ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  • The philosophy of Confucius had such an impact on life in ancient Chinese society because _______________________________________________
