page contents





Section 1: Feudalism and the Manor System


  1. I.           Introduction (Begin on page 118)


-A knight was expected ____________ loyal to _________________ who knighted him. His ____________ was loyal to a more powerful ________ or __________. Knights and lords _________________ the less powerful people ____________ to them. This system held ___________________.


  1. II.        The Middle Ages


-The Middle Ages were the times of _________________ in shining armor, ____________ and ladies, and ________________ and cathedrals. These were the years between __________________ and _________________.


-Historians usually say that the ancient _____________ lasted until about A.D. _________ and that modern times started about _____________. The period in the middle, the __________________, is also called the medieval __________. Medieval comes from the ___________ words medi meaning “______________” and aevum meaning “__________.” 


-The Middle Ages began with the _________________________________ in Western Europe. For centuries, the ___________________ had provided ________________ and _______________ in the region.


-It had spread its culture, the _______________________, and Christianity across the __________________. Over time, however, the _____________ _______________grew weak. It suffered __________________ and social _________________. Worse, the ______________________ also suffered from ______________________ by peoples from the _______________.




-In wave after wave, the ____________________ destroyed Roman towns and cut off ____________________. They claimed ______________ of the _________________ for themselves. Because these people ____________ their own ________________ and ______________, they broke the ________________ that had held the ______________________ together.


-By about A.D. ___________, the Roman Empire in Western Europe had _________________________. It was replaced by a __________________ of small ________________. Reading and ____________________ were in danger of _________________ from Europe because many of the invading ___________________________________________.


-One of the invading groups was the _______________. They claimed the area called ______________, which is now in ________________. In fact, the name _________________ comes from the word “_______________.”


-In 768, a skilled military leader named _____________________ (Charles the Great) became king of the ________________. At that time, the many _____________________________ of Western Europe were often at war with one another.


-Charlemagne expanded his kingdom by ______________________ these __________________________. Soon, he ruled an empire that stretched across ___________________________________________.


-Charlemagne ruled his empire for nearly _________________________. During that time, he worked hard to keep _________________________. He established _________________ throughout the _______________ to promote _________________ and _________________. He spread the ___________________ religion. He issued _____________ and improved the ________________________.


-Western Europe had not been so ____________________ or united since the time of the _______________________.




-After Charlemagne’s death, his empire was ________________ among his __________________. They ____________ one another, ______________ the empire. Other groups also _________________ the weakened empire. Perhaps the ________________________ were made by the __________. 


-The _______________ came from the north of _____________—present-day __________________________________________. They were skilled _______________ and tough ____________________.


-Their attacks began around _____________ and continued for about _________ years. Relying on ___________, the _____________ burned and _____________ European towns. But they also reopened __________

__________________ to the _____________________ lands and beyond.


-And they __________ in other parts of northern Europe, _____________ with the local populations. Even so, the _____________ did not unite these lands into a lasting empire.


  1. III.     Feudalism: A New Kind of Government


-Charlemagne’s empire was ___________. Western Europe was again _______________ into many _____________. ___________ attacks were a constant ________________. Life was __________________.   


-The people of Europe had to find a way to __________________ and to ________________ their communities. Slowly they worked out a new ____________________________________________.


-The system that developed was called ___________________. Under ____________________ the land was owned by _____________ or _________________ but held by _________________ in return for their loyalty. By about ___________, ________________ was the way of life throughout Western _______________. It would last for ______________ of __________________.





-In medieval Europe, power belonged to those who __________________

_____________________. The landowners were ____________, such as barons and ________________. They gave a share of land called a ______ to each of their ________________, who promised to follow each landowner’s ______________ and to __________ for him. A vassal could also be ______________________.


-The chief ___________ of lords was to ________________________ and their lands. Vassals were expected to _________ and _________________ that would _________________ for their lord. Many of these vassals were _________________-professional soldiers who ______________________.


-Vassals also appeared at the ________________ when commanded to do so. And they paid ______________, often in the form of ____________, to their __________________. 


  1. IV.       The Manor System


-Feudalism was the way medieval Europeans ________________________ and _______________. Manorialism was the way they organized their _________________. This system was based on the ____________, a large estate that included _____________________, _____________, and often an entire __________________.


-It included a large house, called the ____________________, where the lord, or ruler, of the ____________________. The lord of the manor was typically a _____________________ or of a more ___________________. The manor was part of his ____________.


-Most manors were far from _____________, ______________, and other ________________. Therefore, they had to be self-sufficient, or able to ___________________________. Food, _______________, and other things _________________ by the people who lived on the manor were ______________________.




-A lord depended on the ______________ his manor provided. He ruled over his ______________—and the _________________ who lived there. He made rules and acted as ______________. He decided who would oversee the ________________ and other __________________. And he collected __________________ from the peasants who lived on ________.


-Women of the ____________________ also played an important part in _____________. Like the men in her family, a noblewoman went to other noble families for ________________. Then, she took her place as _______________________________.


-She managed the ___________________, performed necessary ________ tasks, and _________________________.


  1. V.          Peasants and Serfs


-The majority of the people of medieval Europe were not ____________, ______________, or ______________. They were ________________, a group of people who made their living as __________________________. Their lives were often very _____________________ from the lives of the ___________________.


-Peasants were often very _____________. They did all of the ________ on the manors ______________________. They farmed the ___________ to raise _______________ for his household. They were only allowed a ______________________ of land for _____________________. Even so, they had to give part of their ____________________________________.


-Most peasants were also _____________. Serfs were ________________ who were considered to be part ______________________. When a noble was given a manor as part of his ____________, its ___________ became ________. They could not leave the _____________, or even get __________________, without his ______________________.





-Although serfs were ____________, they were not quite ______________. A serf who saved enough ________________ to buy a __________________ could become a ____________ peasant. A serf who escaped _______________ and lived there for a ____________________ without being __________________ also became _______________. Most serfs, however, remained ______________ their ___________________.


-Medieval peasants worked hard for __________________________. They farmed their own ______________ and those of their ___________. Men, women, and children were _____________________________________.


-Peasants lived in _______________ that often had only a single opening for a ________________. For heating and cooking, they built a _________ on the _________________. Smoke filled the dark, ___________________ before ___________________ out of a ___________ in the ___________.


-Peasants ate mostly simple foods such a _______________, __________, and _______________. They rarely ate _____________ since the animals of the manor and ______________________ land were ______________ for their ____________. Peasants even ___________________ when they _______________: their mattresses were __________________________.


Section 2: The Church and the Rise of Cities


  1. I.           Introduction (page 126)


-During the Middle Ages, ________________ were built not only to ________________________ but also to be a ______________ to their city. Entire communities worked for ________________ to build the ______________, ________________, most beautiful ____________.


-Once completed, a cathedral served as a ________________________, a ________________ place, and even as a ________________________. Its beautiful glass _________________ and ___________________ told Bible stories and presented the lives of the _______________ to a population that could not ________________________________.



-II. The Church in the Middle Ages


-Most ______________ cathedrals were built in Western Europe between _______ and _______. Gothic refers to the _______________________.


-A cathedral was the church of a ______________, an important leader of the _____________________. During the Middle Ages, nearly all ________ in Western Europe were _______________________.


-During the Middle Ages, life was __________________________ for most people. They were comforted by the _______________________ that they would enjoy the ___________________________ after death if they lived according to ______________________________.


-The Church also held that if people didn’t _________________________, they would be _____________________________. The promise of _____________ combined with the threat of __________________ made most people follow the _____________________________________.


-The Church also had great ___________________. It gained great wealth by _______________. It also took __________ from lords in exchange for _____________________________, or persons with authority to perform _____________________. In fact, the Church was the single largest owner ____________________________________________________________.


-The combination of ______________ and _____________ power enabled the Church to take on many of the roles ______________________ today. It even made up ______________ and set up __________________ them.


-People who did ______________ the Church were threatened with being __________________. Excommunication means being ________________ from _____________ in the Church and ____________________ in Church life. This was a very ____________________. Few people would ________ with someone who had been _________________________.




-High Church officials were advisors to ___________________. The ever-present threat of ___________________ gave Church officials great _______________________. The Church used its __________________ to limit __________________. It declared periods of _________________, or temporary peace. That was one reason _____________________ began to _____________________ during the 1100s.


-The Church was highly _____________. Almost every _______________ had a priest. A ____________ supervised several priests and an __________________ supervised several bishops. Finally, archbishops were under the ___________________________________________.


-The _______________ or government of the Church, was based in _______________. The Church had _____________ in every _____________, every _____________, and every ______________.


-The medieval Church touched nearly______________________________. Think of any major event—the ___________ of a child, a serious _____________, a _____________, or a death. During the Middle Ages, the _____________ were almost always in __________________ to offer a _______________ or to __________________________.


- The clergy helped people ______________________________________ about how to _________. They also listened when ___________________ to church to ______________________________. In the name of God, the clergy then ____________________ for the wrongs to which ___________ __________________________.


-Some religious men felt that ____________________________ their lives to God by living together in religious communities called ______________. Religious women, called _________________, lived in similar communities called _______________. This form of religious life is called ___________.


-These religious communities developed better ways of ________________ and _______________________________. In this way, the Church helped improve the ____________________ of the Middle Ages, which was based mostly on ____________________.


-Monks and nuns also looked _______________________ and set up ______________. Monks were more ___________________ than most people. Because they _________________________ from ancient times, they preserved _______________________ that otherwise would have ___________________________________.


-Some Christian _________________ studied ancient _________________ that said people should use ___________________ to discover ________.  However, the Church taught that many ideas _______________________

____________________. These medieval _________________ worked out a ________________ that tried to resolve the ______________________. Called __________________________, it used reason to support Christian _______________________.



  1. III.     Trade Revives and Towns Grow


-By about A.D. 1000-the middle of the Middle Ages—________________ was well established in ______________________ and the Church was a ___________________________. Europe was becoming a ___________ place, and the population ______________________________.


-As people felt ______________, they began to _______________ more and learn about ______________________. Europeans began to demand such things as _____________ and ______________ that they could get only from ____________________________________________.


-Ancient ________________________ came back into use again. European merchants traveled abroad to ____________________________________.


-At first, local _______________ were traded in the ________________ of small ______________________. As _______________ grew, so did these ________________. Some developed into major ____________________.


-Traders also gathered at _______________________ for travelers, such as ________________________ and along ___________________. They chose important __________________ and ______________ places built by ______________. Before long, _______________ developed in these _______________________, too.


-Also during this time, many _______________________ were becoming ____________________. Providing _______________ and ____________ for everyone on the ___________________ became difficult. Many lords gladly allowed ___________________ to buy their __________________ and move to the _____________________________________.  


  1. IV.       Life in Towns and Cities


-By about _____________, many towns in _____________________ were growing into ___________________. Paris, with a population approaching _________________, was the largest _____________________________.  


-Town life was not at all like __________ or _____________. Towns and cities were not __________________________. Instead, their economies depended on the ______________________________________________.


-A new ______________ of people developed, made up of ____________, __________________, and ____________________. In status, it was between ___________________ and peasants, and so it was called the _____________________________.


-In many towns and cities, the _________________, traders, and _______ _______________ began to form associations called _______________.  A _____________ included all the people who ________________ a certain ____________ or ________________.


-Guilds set ___________ and prevented _________________ from selling _______________ in town. They set ________________ for the quality of their goods. _____________ members paid __________. This money was used to help __________________________ or to support the families of ________________________________________.



-It took a long ___________ to become a member of a ______________. Between the ages of ____ and ____, a boy who wanted to learn certain ________________ became an apprentice, or an ____________________



-He _____________ and _____________ in the home of a _____________ of that __________ for as long as _______________ years. Then he could become a ___________________, or salaried worker. In time, if ________ officials judged that the ____________________ work met their standards, he could ____________________________________.


-Medieval towns and cities were _____________________________. Their lack of ____________________, or procedures for keeping the town ________________, bred ________________, and the overcrowded conditions meant that _________________________________________.


-One disease, the _________________________, wiped out one third of ___________________________ between __________ and __________. Called the ____________________, it was spread by ____________ living on the ______________ that thrived in the ________________________.


  1. V.          Medieval Culture


-Despite its hardships, medieval life was not all a ____________________. The growing cities attracted ________________________, and young men flocked to __________________________. Many of these schools became great ____________________________________.


-Stories, poems, and songs about ____________________ were also very __________________. Chivalry is the code of ______________________ by which _______________________________________.


-Throughout Western Europe, traveling ________________ and musicians went from place to place _____________________ about the brave deeds performed by _____________________ to win the love of a _______________________ and worthy __________________________.





Section 3: The Crusades


  1. I.           Introduction (page 133)


-On November 18, 1095, a crowd gathered in the town of _____________, located in present-day _________________. They came to hear an urgent message from the _________________.


-Pope Urban II was calling the people of ___________________________. The purpose of the war was to capture the __________________, a region sacred to Christians because _____________________________________.


-It was a small region on the __________________________ shore of the _____________________ Sea, in present-day ______________________, _______________, and _____________________. Now, said the pope, the Holy Land has fallen to an ______________. Christians must ___________ it back.


-Over the next 200 years, the _______________ launched eight military expeditions, called the ___________________________, to capture the __________________________.


  1. II.        Causes of the Crusades


-Over the next 200 years, the _______________ launched eight military expeditions, called the ___________________________, to capture the __________________________.


-The word comes from ____________, the Latin word for “____________.” People who carried the __________________________ into battle against the non-Christian __________________ were called _________________.  


-Since about A.D. ___________, European _____________________ had been traveling to ________________, a city in the Holy Land regarded as sacred by ____________________, _________________, and ________. These people were __________________-people who journey to a ______ _____________________________________________________.


-Nobles and peasants alike made the ______________________________. They wanted to visit the places written about _______________________.


-For centuries, _____________________________ had been controlled by _______________________________, who generally welcomed Christian ____________________. Then, in the 1000s, the ____________________ took control of the __________________. This ______________________ group sometimes attacked ____________________________ from Europe. They then closed the ________________________________ to Jerusalem.


-At the same time, the _________________ were also conquering much of the __________________ Empire. The _____________________ Emperor in ____________________ asked Pope Urban II to send ______________ to defend his _______________________. The pope _________________ and called on the people of Europe to _____________________________.


-Pope ___________________ wanted the ________________ to be under the _____________________________. He wanted __________________ to be able to visit _____________________ and other religious ________.


-The pope thought a __________________ would unite Europeans against a common enemy-the _________________________-and they would stop _________________________. He also hoped to gain _______________ and _____________________ for himself and the ___________________.


-Some Europeans had other reasons for ___________________________ the ____________________. They wanted to ______________________ not only the _____________________ but also key __________________ between _________________, ________________, and ______________.







  1. III.     A Series Of Crusades


-The pope’s best hope for __________________ the Holy Land rested with European ______________________________________. But before these armies could ______________________, a band of ___________________ set out for Jerusalem.


-Peter, a small man who wore _________________________, gathered an “____________” of common people. They set out in _________________. When they got to ___________________________, the Byzantine emperor advised them to wait for _______________ from an army of ___________ from Europe. Peter ______________, but his followers _______________.


-His soldiers ________________ the Turks, who easily ________________ them. Only a small _______________ of his ________________________.


-At last, the European ________________ sent by ___________________ reached Constantinople. Joined by what remained of _________________, the knights _______________ their way to Jerusalem and _____________ it ___________________________.    


-While taking _________________ of the city, the crusaders ___________ about 10,000 of its _______________, ________________, and ________ inhabitants.


-After the _______________ of Jerusalem, most of the ________________ returned to Europe. Those who __________________ in the Holy Land set up ______________________________. The Muslim Turks ____________ these kingdoms __________________. European Christians then launched more _______________________________________________________.


-The Second Crusade had little ___________________. Then a strong Arab Muslim leader ______________________. He was known to the Europeans as ________________. By 1187, ______________ had retaken Jerusalem. King _________________ of England tried to persuade _______________ to return the Holy City __________________________________________.


-Saladin refused saying, “To us ___________________________________ …as it is to you, because it is the _________________________________ [Muhammad] made his journey by ________________________________. Do not _____________________________________________________.”


-Even so, _________________ signed a treaty with King ______________. He agreed to reopen ___________________________________________.


  1. IV.       The Results of the Crusades


-Although crusaders did _______________ the Holy Land for a while, they were never ____________ to gain _____________________ of it. Still the Crusades brought _________________ and important ______________ to Europe.


-The European _____________ that carried crusaders and their supplies to the Holy Land returned with ____________, _____________, __________, and ______________. Soon, these goods were in ____________________ in Europe.


-Thus, the Crusades helped __________________, which in turn led to the ___________________________________.


-The Crusades also encouraged the _______________________ in Europe. For much of the Middle Ages, most people _________________, or traded ___________________________________ or for _______________ or for protection. But the crusaders went ________ from _____________, where they needed to ________________________. In that case, it was easier to use ___________________ than it was to ______________________.


-Returning crusaders also brought __________________________ and __________________________ back to Europe. You have read about the advances made by Arabs in ________________, ___________________, and ______________________________. The crusaders helped increase European _______________________ of these ____________________.


-Europeans learned how to make better _______________ and _________ ____________________________that would help them become worldwide ____________________________.


Section 4: The Power of Kings


  1. I.           Introduction (page 140)


-For ________ days, the king waited outside the _______________ where ____________________ was staying. Barefoot in the ________________, the king begged __________________________. Would the pope forgive ___________________________?


-During the Middle Ages, kings and popes _____________________ over who should select ___________________. Because ________________ were Church ______________, popes claimed the right to _____________ them. Kings wanted this _______________ because __________________ often __________________ large areas of their _____________________. They also wanted to ______________ a role in the __________________.


-In 1077, ________________ of Germany ruled much of ______________. He had been choosing __________________ even though Pope _________________ had ________________ him not to. In response, the pope had ___________________________________ and declared that his people ______________________________________________________.


-However, after putting _____________ off for three ______________, ________________ days, the pope ______________________. He allowed Henry to _____________________________________.


-Pope Gregory had made a ______________________________. In 1081, King Henry invaded ___________________, where the pope ___________ By 1084, Henry had _______________ Pope Gregory with a ___________, who crowned Henry emperor of the _______________________________.

Gregory was ___________________________________.




  1. II.        Nation Building


-Henry’s success in ______________________________________ was a hint of things to come. As later kings ______________________________, they often dared to put their __________________________ before those of the ______________________. They would soon increase their ______ _________________________________________________________.


-When the 1200s began, Europe was still a _________________________. While kings reigned over ____________________, the wealthiest lords also had great _________________. Many saw themselves as nearly the king’s ______________________. In fact, it was not unusual for a noble to have more ______________, ________________, and ____________________.


-But the nobles’ power was based on the __________________________. If the ________________________ began to decline, so would the nobles’ _______________________.


-One reason for the decline of the _________________________________ was the growth of _______________ and _______________. Kings began to support the new ___________________ in exchange for ____________. They agreed to ___________________________ and made ____________ to help towns grow _______________. Then, with the ________________ paid by townspeople, kings hired _____________________ and used them to attack ____________________________________________.


-The Crusades also ___________________ the nobles. Many gave up land to _____________________ so they could join the __________________. Other nobles were ________________ in the _______________________, and kings ____________________________________.


-Over time, kings became more and more _______________________. Instead of a patchwork of ______________ ruled by many nobles, large __________________ of Europe became ________________________. The kings became _______________ enough to _____________________. 



-Gradually, these larger ______________________ began to turn into ___________________. A nation is a community of people that shares _______________________________________________. A common ____________________ and _________________ also often unite the people of a _______________.


-The process of ___________________ smaller communities into a single nation with a _______________________________ and a  ____________ _____________________is called ________________________________.


-In the late Middle Ages, the idea of ___________________________ was taking hold in Europe. A royal _________________ united the two largest ________________________________. In Russia, rulers called _________ were expanding their _____________________ and their ______________ _______________________________________________________.


-In France, a long line of kings ___________________________ but surely ______________________________________________.


  1. III.     Changes in England


-By the ___________ England was already on its way to becoming a _______________________. In ____________, ____________________, a duke from France, had ___________________ England in what came to be called the ______________________________.


-As king of England, was a _______________________ who made sure to keep more ______________ than his ________________. The kings who followed William—especially ______________ and ____________—further __________________________________________________________.


-Of course, the nobles began to ______________________________. King ____________, a son of Henry II, would soon ______________________.


-When _______________ became king of England in _______________, he quickly moved to ______________ his _____________ and _________. He ____________ people heavily. He ____________________ his enemies ____________________ and without _____________________.


-John also _______________ with the pope by ______________________ to the ______________________ of a ____________________ he did not like. The king _____________ Church _____________________. The pope struck back by _____________________________ John and declaring that he was _________________________________________.


-John was now at the mercy of the ________________________________ whom he had ___________________. With the backing of the _________, English nobles _____________________________________ with the king.


-On June 15, __________, about 2,000 English nobles gathered at _____________________, a meadow along the _____________________. They presented John with a _____________________________________. John was forced to place the ______________________ on the document, and it _____________________________.


-Called the _____________________, or the “Great Charter,” it _________________ the king’s _________________ over the nobles. The king could no longer ___________________________________________, and he could not ____________________________ without consulting his ___________________________ of lords and clergy.


-This council later became the ______________________________, which included ____________________ as well as _______________ and _________________. Eventually, _________________________________ evolved into a powerful _________________________. As it gained power, Parliament also helped _________________________________________.


-At the same time, however, the Magna Carta also ___________________ the ________________ of the king. Because nobles now had a _________ in ___________________, they were more likely to __________________ what the king did.






  1. IV.       The Hundred Years’ War (page 143)


-Despite the growth of nations, ____________________________ was not at peace. Now, instead of ____________________ fighting each other, the _______________________________ went to war.


-One long series of clashes between ___________________________ and _________________ was called the _____________________________ War. It lasted from _____________-___________.


-In the 1300s, the borders of _______________ and _________________ were not the ones we know today. As a result of ____________________ and ___________________, the English king had come to be the ____________ of many countries in present-day ____________________.


-William the Conqueror, who became ______________________________, was also ___________________________ in France. The 1152 marriage of ____________________________ of England and the French noblewoman __________________________________ brought more French land under __________________________________________.


-Then in 1528, the ____________ died. King _____________________ of England, whose mother had been a ___________________, claimed to be king of France under _____________________. The French ____________ did not ______________. Determined to get his way, _________________ invaded ____________—and began the ___________________________.


-There were other causes of the ___________. Both England and France wanted to control the _________________________, the waterway that separates their _________________. Each nation also wanted to control _________________ in the region and the ________________________. 


-The ______________________ War dragged on, fought by one king after another. ________________ won most of the _______________, but the _________________ continued to fight. However, the tide turned in 1429 when a ______________ girl called ________________ took charge of the ____________________ forces at the battle of ______________________.


-Under __________________ command, the ________________ defeated the English at ______________. She then led her forces to ____________ in other battles. In 1430, _____________ was taken __________________ by allies of the English. England tried Joan for _______________________. She was convicted and ______________________________________.


-The French saw ___________________ as a ________________, and her death inspired them to many victories. By ___________ (the same year Constantinople fell), the English had ____________________ from most of France. With the _________________ troops in _____________________, France was on her way to becoming a _____________________________.


-The Hundred Years’ War affected the _____________________________ in England and France. On the battlefield, new ______________________ such as the ______________________ and ________________________ increased the importance of __________________________.


-Armored _________________, on the other hand, became ____________ ___________________in battle. Feudal ____________________ could not stand up to the _______________________ of the new ______________. Kings now needed large _____________________, not small ___________ of __________________________, to fight for them.


-The Hundred Years’ War also led to ________________________. People began to think of themselves as __________________ of ______________ or of ___________________, not simply as loyal to their local __________. Kings who had led their nations in _____________________ became more powerful as the _______________________________________________.


-On the other hand, the ______________________ had been forced to ask ______________________ for more and more _____________ to fund the war. This helped parliament win “_________________________________” and increased its power in _________________________________. These two developments helped ______________________________________.




-The Hundred Years’ War helped set the ____________________________ of England and France. Forced to give up their _______________________ ___________________, the English began to look to more _____________ _____________________for ______________ and __________________. Leaving _________________ behind, Europe was becoming a continent of _________________. And some of these nations would soon ___________  ____________________________________________________________.