page contents



  1. I.                    The Geography of Greece


  • The land of Greece looks as if the sea had __________________________________________
  • Some pieces have drifted away to form ____________________________________________. Others seem to barely __________________________________________________________.
  • Greece is a peninsula made up of _________________________________________________.
  • __________________________ are the major landforms of Greece. Greece’s islands are mostly _____________________________ leaving only small patches of ________________________.
  • Only about ___________________ of Greece is good for growing crops, so many Greeks became ____________________________________________________________.
  • Many ancient Greek communities were separated by ___________________________ or _____________________________, therefore each community developed its ______________


  • Despite this, they shared a ____________________________, spoke the __________________ ___________________, and worshiped the _______________________________.


  1. II.                  The Rise of Greek Civilization 


  • Early Greek civilizations arose both on and off the Greek ____________________________. Two ancient peoples, the ___________________________and the ___________________________, made important contributions to Greek civilization.
  • From about __________________ to about _________________ B.C., Bronze Age people called the __________________________ lived on the island of Crete. The Minoans developed a broad sea-trade network and traded with mainland Greece, Egypt, and _________________________.
  • The ___________________________ developed an advanced culture. Samples of _________________________ writing have been found as well as palace ruins in the ancient city of Knossos.
  • In the middle of the ______________________ B.C., Knossos was destroyed, probably by the ____________________________________, and Minoan civilization _____________________. 
  • After the __________________________ came to power, mainland and island cultures blended.
  • At the height of their power, around _________________ B.C., the Mycenaeans controlled the _________________________________ and parts of the Mediterranean.
  • The Mycenaeans relied on ____________________________ to spread their power. Greek myth tells the story of the ______________________________, a long struggle between Greece and the city of ______________________ on the west coast of _____________________________.
  • According to Myth, Greece conquered _____________________________ by using a trick—the __________________________.  Greek warriors hid inside a huge wooden _________________. The __________________________________ was rolled to the city gates. Thinking it was a ________________, the Trojans brought the _____________ into their city. During the night, the Greek soldiers climbed out of the _____________ and let the rest of their army into Troy. The Greeks ______________________________________________________ returned home.
  • The ____________________ and the _________________________ tell the story of the Trojan War. They may have been composed by many people, but they are credited to one poet called ______________________________.
  • These poems were important to the Greeks because they taught them _____________________

____________________________________ and how __________________________________


  • Not long after the Trojan War ended, civilization in Greece _____________________________. No one knows exactly why.
  • _________________________________ was everywhere and people no longer traded beyond Greece for food and other goods.
  • They were so concerned with _______________________ that they even forgot the practice of _________________________________.
  • These years, from the early __________________ B.C. to about ______________ B.C. have been called Greece’s ______________________________.
  • Greece’s __________________________ were not completely bleak, however. During that time, families gradually resettled in places where they could grow crops and raise animals. Villages _____________________________ and people built ________________________ near rocky, protected hills.
  • The name for the fortified hill of an ancient Greek city is _______________________, meaning “___________________________________________.”


  1. III.                Governing Ancient Greece
  • Historians believe that around ___________________________ B.C., villages throughout Greece began joining to form ___________________________.
  • Each city formed near an __________________________________.
  • Hundreds of Greek city-states formed, each one more or less ____________________________.
  • The earliest rulers of city-states were probably ____________________ or _________________. By the end of the Greece’s ________________________________, most city-states were ruled by ______________________________ who controlled most of the good land and owned horses, chariots, and the best weapons. 
  • As the Greeks sailed to foreign ports trading ______________________, _________________, and other products, the city-states became _____________________
  • A middle class of _________________________ and ____________________ developed and they wanted a say in the _____________________________ of their cities.
  • Gradually, military strength shifted from the ___________________________ to the ________________________ and __________________________________.
  • As a result, ______________________ governments were often overthrown and replaced by rulers called __________________ who were supported by the ________________________ and ________________________________ classes.
  • Eventually, the people of many city-states overthrew _____________________________ who were too harsh. Some adopted a form of government called a __________________________ where citizens governed themselves.
  • ____________________________________ was most fully developed in Athens where, about ______________, a leader named _________________________ reformed laws to allow _____________________________ citizens aged 18 or older to debate important laws.
  • In Athens only men who had an __________________________ mother and father could be citizens.


  1. I.                    The Golden Age of Athens


  • The Golden Age of Athens lasted from ____________________________.  During this period, __________________________ and the _______________________ flourished in Athens, and _____________________________________ reached its high point.
  • During the Golden Age, Athens grew rich from __________________________ and from __________________________________ mined by slaves. Athens also collected a ______________________________ from both its allies and conquered peoples.
  • For about thirty years during Athens’ Golden Age, ____________________________________ (c. 495-429 B.C.) was the most powerful man in Athenian politics.
  • ______________________________ was a member of an aristocratic family, but he supported _________________________. He introduced reforms that strengthened democracy such as requiring the city to pay a _____________________________ to its officials. This allowed __________________________________________________________________________.


  1. II.                  Religious Beliefs in Ancient Greece 


  • Greeks worshiped a family of gods and goddesses called the ___________________________

________________________________________. Each ruled a different area of human life and the natural world. 

  • The Greeks took care in honoring their gods. They expressed their ______________________ to them and asked for __________________________________________. They also tried to avoid ________________________________________.
  • Zeus was the king of the gods and goddesses, ruler of the _____________________________, and __________________________________________________________.
  • Hera was wife and queen to Zeus and the goddess of __________________________________.
  • Apollo was the son of Zeus and the god of ___________________________________________.
  • Athena was the wise daughter of ____________________________ and the goddess of ______________________. She was also the _____________ goddess who defended her cities.
  • Poseidon was Zeus’ brother, the god of the ___________________, of ___________________, ___________________________________________, and ___________________.
  • Wherever they lived, the Greeks built ___________________________ to the gods.
  • Although the Greeks worshiped all their gods, each city-state honored ____________________


  • To honor Zeus, the city-states came together every four years for an  ______________________ and ________________________________________________ .
  • Oracles were sacred sites where a god or goddess was consulted for ______________________ or asked to provide a _______________________________________________. Sometimes the advice came through ________________________ or was given in the form of a ___________________________ delivered by a priest or priestess believed to be able to hear the _____________________________________________________.
  • Most Greeks believed that their gods were the source of all _____________________________, but about 150 years before the Golden Age of Athens, some people thought about other ways besides ____________________________________ to understand the world.
  • Philosophers believed that people could use the powers of the ______________________ and _________________________________ to ___________________________________.
  • Thales, one of the first philosophers, believed that _____________________________________ _______________________________of the world.
  • Democritus, who lived in the 400’s B.C., thought everything was made of ___________________ __________________________________called ______________________________.
  • Beginning in the 600’s B.C., writers and traveling teachers called _________________________, gained popularity.
  • They were skilled speakers who cleverly debated topics in public, but many feared they were more interested in __________________________ than seeking the______________________.
  • During the Golden Age, the ideas of three men ______________________________, ______________________, and __________________________ had a lasting effect on modern learning and thinking.
  • Using the marketplace as his classroom, ____________________________ eagerly discussed ______________________________ and ___________________________ with the people of Athens and asked questions that challenged their beliefs. His questions often _____________________ and ______________________ many Athenians.
  • In 399 B.C. ___________________________ was brought to trial and accused of _____________ _________________________and ________________________________. He was sentenced to _____________________.
  • Much of what is known about Socrates comes from the writings of ____________________, one of his ______________________________.
  • Socrates’ death caused Plato to mistrust ______________________________. In ______________________________, Plato wrote that society should be made up of three groups: __________________________________, ____________________________, and ____________________________________.


  1. III.                Visual and Dramatic Arts


  • The Greeks used visual arts, such as __________________________________ and ______________________________, to glorify and honor their gods.
  • The Greeks are also known as the first ___________________________________ because they wrote the first plays.
  • The Acropolis, the ___________________________ center of Athens, was __________________ in 480 B.C. during one of the city’s many wars.
  • Pericles decided to rebuild the Acropolis and create new buildings to _____________________


  • The builders of the new Acropolis brought Greek ___________________________________ to its ___________________________________.
  • Their most magnificent work was the __________________________, a temple to the goddess _____________________________________.
  • Greek architects based the design of the Parthenon and other buildings on a figure called the _______________________________________. A _____________________________________ is one in which the long sides are about _______________ and ___________________________ times the length of the short sides.
  • Athenians were the first people to write ________________________.
  • Some of the most famous Greek dramas were ______________________________.
  • Between scenes in the play, a __________________________ chanted or sang ___________________. The __________________________ was used to give background information, to _________________ on events, or to _______________________ the gods.
  • ___________________________ and _____________________ were important authors of tragedy.
  • During the 400’s B.C., writers wrote ________________________ that made fun of well-known citizens and politicians and also made jokes about the _________________________ of the day.
  • __________________________________ is probably the best-known Greek comic playwright.


  1. I.                    Life in Public
  • All Greek cities had agoras or ______________________ and ___________________________.
  • Just as the Acropolis was the center of Athens religious life, the Agora was the center of its _______________________________________.
  • In the Agora, men talked of ____________________ and _________________________ or just gossiped.
  • The streets were lined with ___________________ and farmers and artisans sold their wares from stands set up under __________________________________.
  • Just about any ___________________________ an Athenian would want could be found in the Agora and sheep’s wool, _______________________, _________________________, ________________, and ____________________________________ were sold as well.
  • __________________________ and __________________________________ lined the agora.
  1. II.                  At Home in Athens


  • The grand public buildings of Athens contrasted with the ___________________________ of people’s houses, even during the __________________________________.
  • Throughout Greece, private homes were _____________________________. Most were made of ___________________________ with rooms set around an open ______________________ hidden from the street.
  • The _________________________________ was the center of the household.
  • The ancient Greeks ate ___________________________. Most Athenians ate little __________ because there was _______________________________________ or extra money to raise ____________________. Even wealthy families ate ___________________ only during religious ______________________________________.
  • ____________________________ was where most Athenian women spent their days. They had almost none of the _______________________ that their husbands, sons, and fathers probably took for granted.
  • They could not take any part in _____________________. Nor could they _________________.
  • They could not own ___________________________. One of the very few official roles allowed them was to be a ____________________________ in religious ceremonies.
  • Running the ______________________ and ____________________ was the job of women.
  •  They organized the ______________________ and ________________________, looked after supplies of ______________________ and wine, and cared for __________________________.
  • Women also kept track of the family _________________________________. If a family owned ______________________, they were the woman’s responsibility as well.
  • Historians estimate that as many as __________________ slaves may have lived in Athens. That is almost _______________________________ of the population at that time.
  • Many free people were _____________________________ when they were captured by armies during _____________________ or by _________________________ while traveling on ships.
  • Enslaved people did many kinds of work. Some provided labor on _____________________. Others dug _________________ and other _____________________ in the mines. Still others assisted ______________________ by making ________________________, constructing buildings, or __________________________ and _________________________.
  • Some slaves were able to _____________________________________, but many were not.
  • The hard work of slaves meant that the free citizens of Athens could afford to pursue ________, ________________________________, and ______________________________.




  1. I.                    Living in Sparta


  • Life in Sparta was ___________________. The Spartans themselves were ________________, _________________, and ___________________.
  • The Spartan army easily ____________________ Athens in the 400’s B.C. However, Sparta never came close to _________________________ Athens’ other ____________________________.
  • In its early days, Sparta seemed to be ____________________ to other Greek cities. Then in the 600’s B.C., wars inside and outside the city led to changes in ___________________________ and the ______________________________________________________.
  • The changes turned Sparta into a __________________________________________________.
  • The city had made one basic rule: Always ____________________________________________.
  • Early in its history the Spartans ______________________________________ around their city.
  • The conquered people turned into _____________________ or __________________ of Sparta. 
  • ___________________________ did all the ________________________ on the land owned by Spartan citizens, freeing the Spartans to _______________________________.
  • However, the helots far outnumbered the Spartans. Living in fear of a _____________________

______________________, the Spartans turned their city into a _________________________.

  • The life of every Spartan was in the _________________________________________________ from an early age.
  • Community leaders examined each ________________________________. Those thought to be too _____________________ would be ________________________________.
  • ____________________________________ began early for boys. At _____________________, a Spartan boy left is home to live in the _____________________________________ with other boys. His training continued for the next __________________________________.
  • By the age of 12, a boy had spent long hours practicing with _________________________ and __________________. He had only one _______________ and a thin _______________ to sleep on.
  • He could hardly live on the ___________________________ he was given, so he was urged to __________________.
  • The Spartans believed that _______________________________ would help him learn how to live off _________________________________________________________________.
  • However, if the boy was caught, he was severely ___________________________________.
  • Boys were expected to bear _________________________, _____________________________, and ____________________________ in silence.
  • Girls also trained and competed in _____________________________ and _________________ throwing. Girls didn’t become ____________________________ but Spartans believed that girls who grew up strong and healthy would have _________________________________________.
  • Spartan women had somewhat more ___________________________________ than women in other Greek city-states. They were allowed to ________________________________________


  • Spartan life lacked the ___________________________ and _______________________ found in Athens and some other Greek cities. 


  1. II.                  The Persians Invade


  • Much of Greek history tells of wars they fought among themselves. But near the beginning of the 400’s B.C., a new threat loomed: ______________________________________________.
  • By about the mid-500’s B.C., _________________________________________ had founded the ___________________________.
  • _______________________________ and later rulers then extended the original empire.
  • By 520 B.C., the ______________________ had gained control of the Greek ________________ on the west coast of ___________________________________________.
  • In the fall of 490 B.C., a huge force of thousands of ______________________ landed in Greece itself at a place called ___________________________, about _____________________________ of Athens.
  • The Athenians hastily put together a small army but the _____________________________ outnumbered them by at least ____________________________________.
  • After several tense days, the Athenians rushed the ___________________________ who were overwhelmed _______________________________________________________.
  • Within a short time, this tiny state had ______________________________________________


  • More battles with ___________________________________ followed. The briefly united Greek city-states _______________________________________________________________.
  1. III.                Conflict and the Athenian Empire


  • After the Persians were finally defeated, the influence of ____________________ spread over much of ______________________________________________.
  • Athens became partners with other city-states and worked to strengthen __________________ __________________________________within them.
  • Over time, these cities became more like _________________________________________.



  1. I.                    Introduction


  • Macedonia lay just __________________________________________________________.
  •  Alexander thought of himself as a ___________________ and spoke the _________________ language. But the people who lived to the south in such cities as Athens and Sparta did not accept the ______________________________________ as ___________________________. 
  • They thought the Macedonians were _______________________________ or wild, ______________________________.
  • Alexander’s tutor was _________________________________ but his role model was ________________________________, the mythical war hero of the __________________.


  1. II.                  Alexander’s Empire


  • Before King _____________________, Alexander’s father, seized power in _____________ B.C., Macedonia was __________________ and __________________________.
  • Philip united ______________________________________________ and built an even stronger ______________________ than _______________________.
  • With such an army and his talent for waging war, Philip _________________________________

____________________________________ after another.

  • Philip planned to attack _______________________, but in _____________ B.C. he was ____________________________ before he could carry out his plan.
  • At the age of _______________, Alexander became _______________.
  • One of Alexander’s first actions was to ______________________________________________.
  • Within eleven years, the Macedonian king had _________________________ an extensive area including __________________, ___________________, and lands beyond the Indus River to the ___________________________.
  • Wherever Alexander went, he established __________________________, many of which he __________________________________________________________________.
  • Alexander never _____________________________________.
  • After many years of travel and fighting, Alexander’s army was __________________________.
  • Not far beyond the _______________________, his troops became so ____________________ that they refused to continue ___________________________________. 
  • Alexander was ______________________, but he turned _____________________.
  • He got as far as ____________________, where he caught a ________________________. On June 13, _________________ B.C., only ________________________ years after he came to the throne, Alexander _____________________________.


  1. III.                The Hellenistic Age


  • With Alexander’s death, his empire began to __________________________.
  • Within 50 years, the empire had broken into _________________________________________.
  • Each kingdom ____________________ by a _________________________ that had descended from one of Alexander’s ____________________________________________.
  • Although the empire broke apart, _______________________________ remained alive and well in the _________________________________________________________________________.
  • Hellenistic comes from the word _________________- the name the Greeks gave their land.
  •  _______________________ comes from Hellen, one of the sons of Deucalion and Pyrrah.
  • When Alexander took control of lands, he tried not to ________________________________

_________________________ of the defeated people.

  • He hoped that in his new cities, the _______________________________ would mix with ________________________________________________.
  • Instead, _______________________ culture became the strongest _______________________ in the _______________________________________________________.
  • The cities of the Hellenistic world were modeled after __________________________________. Greek kings ____________________, and Greeks held the ______________________________.
  • There were Greek ______________________________ and _____________________________.
  • Citizens gathered at large _________________________________ for performances of old Greek ________________________________.
  • The Greek language was _____________________________________, although people in the country spoke the __________________________________________.
  • The greatest of all Hellenistic cities was _____________________________________________, founded by Alexander in __________________ B.C.
  • ________________________ became the capital of _________________ and it grew famous as a center for _________________________ and _______________________.
  • Its double ________________ was dominated by a huge ________________________________ that rose about _______________________________________________________.
  • Alexandria was also the _________________________________________ of the Greek world.
  • It had the largest ______________________________________ in the world, and _______________________ came from many lands to use its massive collection.
  • _________________________ and _______________________ also flourished in Alexandria.
  • Around 300 B.C., a mathematician named __________________________ helped extend the branch of mathematics called ______________________________.
  • _____________________________ work helped explain the qualities of such figures as squares, angles, _____________________, __________________________, and ___________________.
  • Mathematicians today still use ____________________________________________________.
  • Greek scientists made important contributions to ___________________________________.
  • In about 250 B.C., the Greek scientist ________________________________________________ concluded that earth  _____________________________________.  At the time, however, most scientists believed ________________________ to be the center of the ___________________.
  • In Hellenistic times, many scholars knew that earth was ________________. A scholar named ____________________________ calculated the ___________________________ around the earth. His answer, 24,662, was very close to modern measurements.
  • Probably the greatest scholar of the Hellenistic Age was _______________________ who studied in Alexandria.
  • Archimedes discovered that people can use ___________________________________ and ______________________________ to lift very ______________________________  objects.
  • One story claims that Archimedes hoisted __________________________________________ with these devices.