page contents







I.           YOU ARE THERE (page 102)


-The year is ______________ and Marco Polo has just reached _________________. It has taken him, his _________________, and his uncle _______________________ years of hard ______________ to get here. They traveled by ____________, on ___________, on ____________________, and by ___________________.


-Young Marco is now _______________________________ from the land of his ________________. How different and _______________ everything must look to him! What is this __________________ the people are using? It’s made out of ________________ not the _____________ and __________________ used at home. What are they __________________ for _______________? Instead of ________________, they use _______________________ that burn like ______________________.


-And then there is that _________________________ he sees in the _____________________. What is the strange _________________ they lit to send _____________________________ skyward? Yes, he feels far, far from _______________________.



II.        THE SILK ROAD (page 103)

-Paper ________________, ________________, ______________—all of these were new to __________________________. They were completely unknown in ______________________, where he came from. He was only ________ in _______________, when he set out on his great ___________________ with his _______________ and _________________. The left their home in _________________, a trading __________________ in what is today _________________.


-The Polos were ___________________. Their goal was to bring back ________________________goods from ____________. When they reached ____________________, they became guests of _________________________________, the emperor.


-The royal ________________ astounded the Polos with its _______________. Marco Polo described it in his book, __________

______________________. “The hall is so ______________ and so _______________ that a meal might well be __________________ there for more than ___________________________.”


-What caused such __________________? Hundreds of years earlier, the ________________ had learned how to weave ______________. Over the years demand for ___________ grew, coming from people as far away as _________________ and __________________. It was said that ____________ became ___________ its weight in _______________________.


-The Chinese also _____________________ other trade goods, including ___________ and _______________. Europeans wanted ________________ to preserve ___________ and to improve its __________________. The major trade route between __________ and other lands was a __________________ of ________________ known as the __________________________. 


-Traders and _________________________ were not all that traveled the _________________________. So did __________, ______________________, and customs. Marco Polo’s journey made people in both _______________ and _____________ want to know more about each other.




III.     CHINESE SAILORS (page 104)


-In about __________, China began to build an enormous _____________________. Its mission was to expand _____________ trade and to show Chinese ____________. With more than ________________ ships, it was the largest ___________ ever __________________ up to that __________________.


-A Chinese invention, the ___________________________, made it possible for the _____________________ to determine their _____________________ far out at ___________________.


-The fleet _____________ under the command of ______________. He and his fleet set sail in _____________. Over the next ______ years, Chinese ________________ made seven ________________ of trade and __________________. They reached such far-off lands as the ________________________, India, the ________________ Empire, ____________________ and the _____________ Sea, and the east coast of ________________________.


-Wherever Chinese ships _________________, demand _______________ for Chinese ____________________. 





IV.       ZHENG HE (page 105)


-Zheng He was born in _________________________. His family opposed the ____________ to power of a new _______________ supported by the _____________________________. Zheng He’s ____________ was killed in __________________. Zheng He was _________________ and made the servant of a ______________ who was the ________________________________.




-Zheng He impressed the ________________ with his intelligence and _________________. The two became _________________, and together they ___________________ to _________________ the emperor. They were _____________________ and the prince became the _______________________. He made Zheng He the _________________________________________.


-The new _________________ wanted to show ______________ greatness to the ________________, so he sent out a _________ _______________ of ships to _________________with other _____________________. He put the _________________ under the ___________________________ of Zheng He.


-Zheng He led ____________ major ____________________. He visited and ______________ with ______________ and countries of _____________________, the Persian ________________, and the eastern coast of ___________________________.


-After Zheng He’s ______________, a new emperor stopped all ___________________________. China focused only on _______________ at home. But a lasting __________________ of other _________________ was established and would not soon ____________________________.  




I.           YOU ARE THERE (page 106)


-For three long ______________, you have been on your ________. For __________ long _______________, you have been sitting on a ________________, swaying back and _____________.


-You are traveling across the ________________________. It is hot during the __________ and ______________ at night. The Sahara is like a _______________________________. But instead of _______, you cross endlessly ____________________ dunes. No wonder they call the camel “_________________________.” It is the only kind of transportation that can ____________________ you across the ____________________________________________. 


II.        GHANA, KINGDOM OF GOLD (page 107)


-A caravan is a group of __________________ traveling _________________. For centuries, caravans on _______________ traveled the _________________, bringing __________________ to and from __________________. This region became ____________ to several ____________________________________________.


-The earliest kingdom, which was named ____________________, thrived around ________. Visitors called Ghana a “_____________.” Ghana received this ______________ because its ___________ was _______________ in the precious _______________________. But Ghana lacked an important __________________—__________.


-Trading ______________ developed, bringing ______________ into ______________ in exchange for its _________________________. Arab traders from _______________________________ brought salt from the _________________ to cities on the __________________ edge of the _________________, like ______________________. In Timbuktu, ____________ traders ____________________ to get the best ________________ for their _____________ in ____________. Just as China’s _________________ had become worth its weight in _________________________, so too did __________________.


-The Arab _______________ also brought their religion, _________, with them to ____________________. The followers of __________ are known as ___________________. Islam began to ____________ through the _________________. The kings of _________________ hired _____________________ as officials, to help them _________.



-Ghana’s _______________ grew rich from ____________. Its kings charged _____________ on all imports and ____________________. The kingdom of Ghana ___________________ in the ____________. But a new ________________ was ______________________ in the same _______________. It would become even _________________ and ______________ than ________________. 


III.     MALI AND SONGHAI (page 108)


-The kingdom of _____________ controlled more _____________ than ______________. Like Ghana, Mali ________________ its ________________ to _______________. Caravans continued their trade of ____________ and ________________. In addition, ____________________ ships from Spain, ____________________, and _______________ brought __________, _______________, and other goods to ­_____________________________________. Mali traded ___________, animal _________________, and ___________ _____________for such goods.


-Mali reached its ___________ as an empire in the early _________, during the rule of ________________________. The king was known for his __________________________________.


-Mansa Musa was a ________________ who in _____________ went on a _________________. Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage_________ him to _________________, a city in the _________________________ that is holy to ______________. With him came ________________ of people. Among them were about _____________________, each carrying a _________ of __________ weighing four _____________. The ______________ was used along the _________ to __________ traveling ________________________.


-The king’s journey _____________________ trade ____________ between _____________ and other ____________________. He brought back many _____________________ and ______________ who _____________________ to life in Mali. Many of them _______________ in _____________________. This city, which had long been a center of ________________, now also became a center of ____________________.


-Mansa Musa ordered a large ______________ for ___________ and ________________, the Great Mosque, to be built in ____________.


-Soon after _________________________ rule, another trading kingdom rose in _______________________. This was __________, which flourished from the _____________________ through the ______________. At its peak in the __________________, Songhai controlled more _____________ than both _________________ and ______________.   





-Zheng He’s journeys showed that the ___________________ were learning _______________ to _____________ and ______________. Mansa Musa’s ___________________ showed how ______________ from ______________________ and the ______________________ peninsula __________________ between their two _____________. The people of __________________ were learning about the people and ____________________ of __________________________.


-European _______________________ built on the knowledge of many ___________________ and __________________ around the world. One ______________ that helped them was ______________ by ________________. It was the ____________________, an instrument that helped __________________ use the ________ and ________________ to find their location in _______________—their _______________________ from the _______________________.


-With the __________________ and other new ___________ and ideas, different parts of the __________________ were becoming more closely ___________________________.





  1. I.           THE VIKINGS (PAGE 111)


-The Vikings were skilled ______________. Their homeland was __________________ in northern _______________. In their sleek wooden ____________, powered only by __________ and _______, they sailed as far _____________ as ____________, as far south as __________________, and as far ________ as North America.


-Eric the Red ______________ west to the ________________ of ___________________. But Eric was soon _______________ out of __________________ too. So he sailed _________________ again, and in about ______________, he came to a ________________ he called ____________________.


-Despite its _____________, it was a very ___________________. But Eric ________________ the place to ________________ like a good _______________ to ______________. He called it ________________ to encourage ___________________________.


-Eric’s son, ____________________, was interested in ___________ of a land still ______________________. In ______________, he ___________________ to find it. When he and his ______________ set foot upon _____________________, they were probably the first __________________________ to do so.


-Ericsson had landed on ______________________ on the east coast of what is today _________________. According to _____________, his men found __________________ growing there. So they called the place _______________________ or “Land of ______________.”


-Soon groups of _________________ came to settle in __________. But _______________ broke out with the American _____________ living there. By about __________, those ________________ settlers who survived had __________________________________.


-The Vikings did not have a ________________________. So how do we know about these ______________________ of a thousand years ago? They created long ______________________ called ________, repeated from one _________________________ to the next. Later, these __________________ were written ________________. 



  1. II.        THE RENAISSANCE (PAGE 112)


-For centuries, the _______________ had shown a ______________ of __________________ and __________________ about the rest of the world. By about __________, a similar _________ was emerging far to the ______________ of ___________________, in ________. There, a new ___________ was beginning that _________________ about another ___________ years. It was ______________ as the ________________________ a word that means “____________.”


-Why was the __________________ a “___________?” Because it ________________ a new beginning in ___________ and ________ and a ____________ to learn more __________________________. Italian cities like Marco Polo’s ______________ had become centers of ___________________ with _______________ in other parts of _________________________. The wealth this ______________ created __________________ to support the ___________ and _________________________.


-Italians studied the ___________________ of ancient European ___________________, such as the _______________ and ______________, and of other _________________ in the world, such as the __________________________.


-The ____________________ spread to other parts of ___________. In Germany, in about ____________, _________________________ developed a __________________________, a machine that made it possible to _________________ a large number of ______________.



-Until this time in ________________, _____________ had to be __________________ and _________________ by hand, one copy ________________________. This was a very __________________ and made books _________________ and ____________________. Thanks to the inventions of _______________________ and other early __________________, books became ____________________ to many more ___________________. Now _______________ could spread more __________________.


-Other advances came in _________________________ and ______ ______________. Europeans adopted ____________________ from other ___________________, such as the _____________________ from the Chinese and the ____________________ from the Muslims.


-Continuing to improve their _______________, Europeans made them _____________ and safer to ___________ than ever before. As their ships _____________________, they were able to ________ farther and farther from ____________________.   





-By the early ______________, the demand of ________________ for _____________ from ____________, especially ____________, was stronger than ever. But ____________________ could not get these _____________________. The ____________________ and other land routes were ______________ and __________________. They were often _______________________ by merchants who __________________ a high _______________ for ____________.


-These problems ___________________ a drive to find new trade ________________ to Asia—__________________. Beginning in the ______________, the country of ______________________ took the ____________________.



-The king’s son, ___________________, gathered together the best and most experienced ___________________, _________________, ________________________________, and other experts from many ________________________. They shared their ___________ to hire ___________ and ____________________ that could develop new ___________________________.


-And to ________________ ships along the way, the experts improved ____________________ of ________________. Soon, Henry became known as “__________________________________.”


-Though ________________ did not go himself, he ______________ sending _____________________________ south along the Atlantic coast of ________________. On each ________________, explorers traveled __________________ than the last, ___________________ the _________________ shore and reporting __________________. Portuguese ________________ began bringing home ___________



-The Portuguese also profited from the _______________________, the _______________ and ___________________ of human beings. Slavery had _________________ throughout the ________________ for ___________________ of years. For example, _______________ had existed among the _________________ and in the West African kingdom of ________________________.


-Slave traders took ________________ people into and out of Africa along the ____________________________________. Many Arabs, ________________, and _____________________ all participated in the _________________________ by capturing ________________ and forcing ___________________________________________.


-In the ______________, the slave trade ______________. The _________________________, and later other Europeans, began transporting ____________________________ to Europe, where they became _________________________________. 


-A slave, unlike a __________________, is owned by a ___________ and has no __________________________.



  1. IV.       A SEA ROUTE TO INDIA (PAGE 114)


-After Prince _____________ died in 1460, _____________________ exploration continued. In 1488, Portuguese explorer _____________ _________________and his ___________ ships sailed within about _________ miles of ________________________ southern tip. Then violent ___________________ lashed the tiny _________________ for many _______________.


-By the time the __________________________ let up, Dias made a startling _______________. His ships had been _________________ around the ________________________________ of ___________. They had reached the _______________________. But his crew, far from __________________ and ____________________, refused to go on. So _______________ turned back for __________________.


-Dias reported that he had found the _________________________, which he called “the _________________________.” But the king of ____________________ renamed it the ______________________. This name showed the ________________________________ hope for ______________________ to __________________.


-Almost ___________ years later, in ___________, another Portuguese explorer left Portugal __________________ around the ____________________________________.

-Vasco da _________________ and his four ships rounded _________________, sailed _____________ across the Indian Ocean, and reached ______________ in _____________.


-Before long, Portuguese ____________________ settled there in ______________, ________________. There they bought _____________ at low ____________ and _______________ them back to __________________. Portugal’s sea __________________ made it a _______________________________________.




-You have read in this chapter how _____________________ and ____________________ continued to ________________________ among the peoples of ______________, _______________, and _________________. Of course, trade was nothing _____________. Caravans had ___________________ over land ________________ for _________________.


-Boats had always carried _________________ from place to place, often along ____________________________. Advances in sailing gradually _________________________ how far and how fast  _______________________________________.


-By the late 1400s, Europeans _______________________________ new ocean _____________________ to ___________________ and ____________________.


-Soon they would be taking even longer sea __________________—journeys that brought them into ______________________ with the peoples of the ____________________. The ___________________ Hemisphere and the ________________________ Hemisphere were coming at last into ________________________________________.