page contents














I.           YOU ARE THERE (page 156)




-How could _________ people just __________________? When John _______________ left ______________________ three years ago, English _______________________ were beginning to build a ______________________ here.




-Among the colonists were his _______________________ and baby granddaughter _____________. Now White is back on ___________ __________________ with _______________________ for the new colony. But no one comes _________________________________.




-White walks around the ____________ colony. He hopes to find some ______________ that might tell him what ________________. He finds a __________, but it only _____________ to the ____________________.




-Carved into a _____________ is the word “___________________.” What does this have to ______ with the _____________________ of ______________ family and more than ________________ other people? This is a question ___________________ will ____________ be able to _________________. And today, we still have no ____________________.




II.        THE LOST COLONY OF ROANOKE (page 157)




-England’s rulers ________________ as their rival _______________ established vast new ___________________ in the _____________. In the late ______________, England began __________________ to establish _________________ of its own. The colony at __________________________ was England’s first _____________________________.




-Queen Elizabeth I of _________________ and other English ___________________ had many ______________ for wanting __________________ in North America. Like the _______________, the English ________________ to find ___________________ in the __________________. Even if there was no ______________, English leaders hoped that _____________________ was ________ in some other ___________________________________.




-But Queen ________________________ knew that _____________ a colony in _________________ would be _________________ and ____________________. It could also be ____________________. The _______________ Spanish did __________ want other _______________ building ____________________ in the Americas.




-A close _______________ to Queen Elizabeth, _________________, offered to _______________ the first __________________ himself. Raleigh was a ________________ who explored ________________ in the early ______________. He knew of a ______________ called ______________________ off the coast of _______________ is now ________________________.




-The first group of colonists ___________________ sent to Roanoke Island landed in ________________. They faced a difficult ________ during which they had __________________________. In 1586, the ________________ English returned ___________________.




-But Raleigh was __________________ to give up the __________ of __________________ a colony in North America. In __________, John ____________ led more than _________ men, women, and _________________ to _________________________. This colony also _________________________.




-When _________________ ran out, White sailed back to ________ for help. When he ________________ England, however, he found the ________________ at ______________ with ______________. England could not ________________ any ________________ to send _________________ to the ___________________.


-White was not able to _______________ to ___________________ until 1590. When he got there, ________________ had __________. The only _______________ White found was the word “__________” carved into a ______________. Croatoan was the name of an American ______________________ that lived near _____________ __________________.




-No one knows what _________________ to the ________________ settlement. The colonists may have been ______________________ by _______________________. They may have ________ in battles with ___________________________. Another possibility is that the ___________________ colonists may have moved ______________ to live with the _________________________________.




-Because the ___________________ remains __________________, the __________________ settlement is known as “______________ ________________________.”










-Tensions were growing between ______________ and __________. England’s ________________ to build a ________________ in North America ______________ Spain’s _________________________. In addition, English _____________________ had been raiding Spanish ______________ as they carried ____________ and ____________ from the ______________ to Spain.




-One of the most famous English _________________________ was ____________________. In 1577, _____________ began an historic _____________ around the _______________. When he returned to _________________ in 1580, __________________ ship was loaded with ________________ captured from ____________________.




-He became a ______________ in England. But the Spanish called Drake the “____________________________.”




-In ________, King _____________ decided to __________ England. He assembled the ________________________, a huge fleet of ___________ ships. Armada is the __________________ word for _______________.




-With _________________ carrying about 30,000 _______________ and _________________, the ________________________ met the English __________ off the coast of ___________________. The Spanish were _________________________________.




-But the English navy and had some __________________________. The English ships were _________________ and could move _________________ in the water. They also had more powerful ________________.




-Lord Howard, _________________ of the English ______________, wrote of the Spanish: “Their ______________ is wonderful ________________ and _________________, yet we pluck their _______________________________________________.”




-Many Spanish ships were ______________ by English __________________. Others were caught in a _____________ and ______________ against the _______________ coast of _________. Of the Spanish Armada’s ____________ ships, only about ________ made it safely back _____________________.




-The Battle of the ____________________ was a major __________ for the _______________. The victory helped make _____________ one of the world’s most ___________________. Now English leaders could turn their _______________________ back to _____________ colonies in _______________________________.






IV.       THE JAMESTOWN COLONY (page 159)




-In __________, a group of ______________________ formed the ___________________ of London. They asked _________________ for a __________________ to set up a _______________ in Virginia.


-A charter was a document that _______________________ to settle on ______________ claimed by their ______________. The owners of the ______________________ raised ______________ by selling stock, or ____________________________. Each person who bought stock in the ____________ would earn a ________________ if the _______________________________________.




-In _________, three English ships _______________ about ______ colonists reached the _____________ coast of _________________. They sailed up a ____________, which they named the __________


___________, in honor of _______________________.




-Looking for an ______________ that would be easy to __________, they chose to _______________ their ships on a ________________ in the _____________. They called this spot ___________________.




-One of the settlers, ______________, called __________________ “a very fit _____________ for _______________ a great city.” He was _______________. The land was __________________ and __________________. The air was full of _____________________ ______________________. The river _________________ was not ____________ to drink, and it made ________________________.




-Almost as soon as they _______________ in _________________, many settlers began to ______________________. 






V.          JOHN SMITH AND THE “STARVING TIME” (page 160)




-Some Jamestown ____________________ had expected to find _______________ in ___________________. Instead of planting _______________ and building ___________________, the men _________________________________ searching for gold.




-After some _______________ they had ___________________, the colonists did _______________ but __________ for _______. But what they ____________ was _______________. Soon, men began ______________ of __________________ and _________.


-By the __________ of the first ___________ at Jamestown, only _____ of the _________________ were still ______________. A colonist _____________ that what little _________________ was ____________ from the _____________ from ________________ “contained as many ________________________________.”




-Then _________________ was elected ________________ of the ___________. He issued an ______________ to the surviving ______________ based on the _______________: “He that will __________________________________________________.”




-Under _______________ leadership, the colonists built ________ and __________________ for fresh ___________________. They planted ______________ and ______________ in the river. Smith also began ________________ with Chief ___________________, leader of the ___________________________________.




-Corn from the ____________________ helped keep the colonists ______________. For a brief ______________, relations between the _______________________ and the ____________________ were peaceful. Chief Powhatan’s daughter, __________________, often visited __________________________. 




-John _____________ later ______________ that when he first met with _____________________, he was taken _________________. He was about to be __________________ when twelve-year-old _____________________________ his life.




-She then __________________ her father to let Smith ________. Historians are ___________________ if this story is __________. Whether or _________ it _______, Smith returned to __________ in _________.




-The colony ______________ without Smith’s _______________. So many people ________________ that this time period became known as the “________________________________.”




-With the population _________________, Jamestown was nearly __________________. However, more settlers ______________ including a new leader, ______________________________. The ______________________ Company gave him new ___________, such as ________________ colonists to ______________. The last __________________ were ______________ and the colony was _______________________. 










-Like corn and _____________, the _______________ plant is native to the ________________. Earlier European ___________________ and _______________ had learned from _____________________ how to grow _____________________.




-By the early 1600s, _______________ was becoming ____________ in __________________ and other __________________________.




-In about __________, a settler named _________________ raised a _________________________________ in the rich _____________. Tobacco soon became _____________________ first ____________, or crop grown for _________________. Tobacco was soon widely __________________________________.




-England’s ______________________ did not approve of __________________. He called smoking “________________ to the nose, ____________________ to the brain, and ________________ to the lungs.” As we know today, ________________________ was right about the harmful ____________________________________.




-But the King’s __________________ to ________________ did not stop people in _______________ from _______________________. Tobacco _______________ to England rose ___________________. Farms were __________________ so quickly that _______________ needed more ________________. Thousands of English __________


__________________________ began arriving in Jamestown.




-Indentured _________________ agreed to ________________ for someone for a certain ________________ of ________________ in ___________________ for the ____________________ of the ocean ______________________________________.




-Most ______________________ hoped to buy ______________ of their ______________ when they ___________________________. Many never ______________ that _____________. Between 1619 and ______________, many of the newly ____________________ indentured servants _______________ from _________________, ___________________, and __________________ by their masters.




-In 1619, another group of _________________ came to Jamestown. A ____________ ship ______________ with ___________________ who were sold as _________________________ and later ________. Some of them ____________________________ their own tobacco ________________________. Later, Africans ___________________ to _______________________ would be _______________________.




-In spite of the _________________ of life in __________________, the ________________ continued to _____________________. The marriage of ___________________ and ________________ in 1614 helped maintain __________________ between the _____________ and the ______________________________ people.










-The Virginia Company of ___________________ continued to try to _______________ more ______________ to their ______________. With this ____________ in mind, _______________ of the company _______________ that settlers in _____________ should have “such a _______________________________________…as may be to the greatest ___________________ and __________________________ ____________________________________.”




-On July 30, 1619, the Virginia ___________________________ met for the ___________________. The __________________________ was the first ___________________________________ in an English _______________________.




-Members were ____________ to represent each _______________. The House of ____________________ helped __________________ the tradition of ________________________ in the English colonies. 






VIII. JOHN SMITH (page 163)




-John Smith was only _____ in __________, but he had already _______________ as a _____________________ and had traveled through _____________, ______________, and _______________. He had returned to ___________________________ to work on his ___________________________________________.






-He took _____________ and his ___________________ to a remote _______________ in the _______________, where he spent several _______________ reading about _________________ and improving his _______________________________.




-Then in ____________ he joined the _____________________ and ___________________ in their ________________ against invading ____________________________. His bravery won him _________, but when the ________________ won the __________, Smith was taken to ________________ as a ________________. He eventually ___________________, returning to __________________ in 1604.




-Two years later, _____________ joined a group of _____________ sent by the ___________________________ to Jamestown, Virginia. Smith’s _______________________ taught him how _____________ to new ____________________, and he was good at ____________ ______________________________.




-He studied the ________________, _________________, and _____________________ of Virginia, and wrote ________________ about all he __________________. These _________________ are still ____________________ today.




-His skills were ______________ to helping the colonists __________ in the new ______________. He made ___________________ every __________________ did his _______________ of the __________.




-He later wrote of himself: “Smith set them ____________________, and ___________________________ himself…They must _________ __________________, he said; try and _______________________.










I.           YOU ARE THERE (page 164)




-Samuel de ___________________ sails his ship up the mighty St. ____________________, wondering where it will ______________. Could this be the ______________ so many ___________________ have been _____________________ for?




-He soon _________________ to the place the ________________ call __________________, where a _________________________ over the water. Champlain wants to _____________________ up the ______________, but the Native Americans ____________________ that he will soon come to __________________________________.




-After several days of ____________________________, Champlain and his fellow ___________________________ reach a place where ________________________ crash over rocks and dark __________ _________________. They can travel ________________________. This is not the _______________________ that explorers have been _______________________ to find.












-Samuel de ___________________ was a ____________________ explorer. In _________, he was part of an ____________________ that _________________ the St. __________________________ in present-day ___________________. The expedition was _________ to find the _________________________, a ___________________ connecting the ____________________________________ Oceans.




-Explorers had been ___________________ for a _______________


________________________for over ___________ years. Such a __________________ would make it ________________ for trading ________________ to sail from ________________ to __________.


-Many European _________________, including ________________, __________________, and the ______________________, hoped to be the first to find the _____________________________________.




-No one ever found the ____________________________—because one does ____________________. But the ____________________ did ______________ to the founding of new ___________________ in North America.




-In 1608, _____________________ founded the ________________ colony of _________________ on the ________________________. This proved to be a _____________________________ for a colony, because ________________ of ____________________ lived in the ____________________ of this ___________________.




-Beaver _____________ could be _____________ for huge __________________ in Europe. _____________________ quickly developed into a ________________________________________. __________________ Indians ______________ the _____________ and _______________ the furs to ______________________. Here, they ________________ the furs for _________________________. 




-The French started other ___________________ in North America, including the ______________ of _____________________. These _________________ colonies were called ____________________.



-In __________, Dutch leaders sent an English ________________ named _____________________ to search for new _____________ to Asia. Like _________________, Hudson sailed up a ___________ _________________, hoping it would _________________ to be the ______________________________.




-After sailing about __________ miles, however, the ____________ became too _______________ for the _______________. But before ____________ back, _____________ claimed the _______________ he explored for the ________________. In honor of _____________ ___________________, this river was later the _________________.




-The Dutch colonies in _________________________ became known as ________________________. The Netherlands is another ______ for _________________, the country of the ___________________.




-In _______________, Dutch ________________ began building the __________________ of ________________________________ on _____________________________. From this spot, the _________ could _____________________ on the _______________________. This ideal ___________________ helped ______________________ become the _________________ and most ____________________ settlement in ____________________________.






III.     FACT FILE (page 166)




-John Cabot: Born in _____________. Sailing under the flag of _________________, he reached the mainland of ______________ ________________in ______________.




-Jacques Cartier: Born in ______________. Sailing under the flag of __________________, he reached the present-day country of _________________ in __________.






-Giovanni da Verrazano: Born in _____________. Sailing under the flag of ________________, he became the first _________________ to reach the _____________________ of what became known as the _______________________ in _____________.




-Samuel de Champlain: Born in ________________. He explored the _____________________________ for ______________ in _______. In ____________, he reached _________________________, which is named ___________________________.




-Henry Hudson: Born in _______________. Sailing under the flag of the ______________________ in ________, he explored the _______________________ coast of what is now the United States.






IV.       NEW AMSTERDAM GROWS (page 167)




-To help their colony ______________, the Dutch _______________ people from many ________________ to settle in ______________


______________. Settlers arrived from _______________________, _______________, ________________, __________________, ___________________, and many other countries.




-New Amsterdam became a ___________________________ with a _________________ population. While in _____________________ in ____________, a French visitor named ________________ wrote that “there were ________________ there of __________________ different _______________________.”




-Later New Amsterdam was ___________________________ by the __________________ and given a new __________________. You probably _____________ this city by its ________________ name—____________________________________. 












I.           THE PILGRIMS (page 169)




-As you have read in the stories of _________________________, ____________________, and ______________________, colonists came for many _________________. They came to _____________, to gain _______________, to spread their _____________________, and to live on ________________ of their _________________.




-Some of the ________________ settlers, however, had another. They came in search of _____________________________.




-The story of the __________________ begins in _______________ during the early _____________. At this time, England ___________ ___________from the _____________________________. England’s king ____________________ created a new ___________________ church called the _______________________________. Everyone in England had to _________________________________________.




-As time _________________, some people _____________ that the ______________________________________ was too much like the _____________________________________. One group was called ____________________ because they wanted to _______________ from the __________________________________. Separatists often faced _______________________, or unjust __________________, because of their _________________________.  




-A man named ______________________________ was a leader of a group of __________________________. Bradford’s group decided to ___________________ England and start a __________________ of their own, where they could __________________ as they pleased.




-These colonists became known as the ______________________.






-William Bradford went to the _______________________________ and asked for ______________________________ to begin a new _____________________ in __________________. He said that the ______________ would live “by ____________________, under the general ___________________________ of Virginia.”




-Leaders of the ________________________________ agreed. The ____________________ began preparing for their ______________, knowing there were _____________________________.




-“The dangers were _____________,” Bradford wrote. “The ______________________ were many.”






II.        THE MAYFLOWER (page 170)




-In September ______, about _____________ crowded into a small ship called the ______________. Storms battled the ____________ during its __________________ across the ___________________ Ocean. The ship was ___________ off ________________.




-Instead of arriving in _________________, the Pilgrims landed much farther _____________ at _______________. John Smith had_____________ this region of North America ______________—the name we still use ________________.




-The Pilgrims decided to ___________ a place to ______________ in ___________________. They chose a _____________________ the English called _________________________.




-Before landing their ship, _________________________ decided to write a ____________ of ____________________ for their colony. They called the plan the ___________________________________. It said that the _______________________ government would make “just and ____________________…for the ____________________ of the __________________.”




-All adult ______________ aboard the ________________________ signed the __________________________. Women were not allowed to __________________. Like Virginia’s ________________ ______________, the Mayflower Compact was an _______________ step toward ___________________________ in the English colonies.




-In November ________, the Pilgrims finally ___________________ on solid _____________. Bradford wrote that they “fell upon their ____________ and blessed the God of _______________, who had brought them over ______________________________________.”




-It was not the best __________ of _________ to start a _________ in New England. As William ______________ wrote, “They that know the __________________________________ know them to be _______________________________________________________.”




-Many Pilgrims were __________________________ from the long ________________. Now they faced freezing _________________, ______________, and ___________________. In their first three months at Plymouth, nearly ________________________________.




-When spring finally _______________, something unexpected happened. While the __________________ were at work planting ____________ they brought from __________________, a Native American named _________________ walked into their settlement and called out, “_______________________________________”




-Samoset explained that he ________________________________ from ___________________ and __________________. This meeting _______________ a period of _______________________ between the ____________________ and the _________________ people.












-Samoset told the _______________ of another Native American named _______________. Squanto had been _________________ by European _________________ and sold into _______________ in _______________. Later freed, he went to ____________________, where he learned ___________________. Now he lived with the _____________________________________________.




-Acting as a _________________, Squanto helped the ___________ make a ________________________ with ____________________, the leader of the _____________________. Squanto also showed the __________________ where the best _____________________ and __________________ areas were located. And he _______________ them how to ___________________ in the ____________________ New England ______________.




-That fall, the Pilgrims __________________ their first ___________ in Plymouth. “Our corn did _______________________, and God be _________________,” wrote a Pilgrim named __________________.




-The Pilgrims ______________ to hold a ______________________ of ______________________. They invited the _________________, who had ____________ them ______________ a very ___________ year. The Pilgrims and the _________________________ feasted on ___________, wild ___________, __________, ____________, cornbread, _______________, ________________, _____________, and wild plums. The three-day ___________________ also included parades, _________________, and ______________.






IV.       THE PURITANS ARRIVE (page 172)




-In 1630, another ____________ sailed from _______________ to __________________ in search of ______________________. This group was called the __________________________ because they wanted to “______________” or reform the ___________________





-Like the Pilgrims, the Puritans ___________________________ in England. Many were put in ______________ for their ____________.




-The Puritans were _____________ by a lawyer named John _________________. Winthrop ______________________ that the ________________ should ____________ their own _____________ in ___________________. There. They could ________________ as they _______________, and set an ____________________ for how other people ________________________.




-John Winthrop ________________ this idea when ______________ to the _____________, he said, “For we must ______________ that we shall be as a _______________________________________, the eyes of all _______________________ are on _______________.”




-The Puritans had ______________ important _________________ from the _______________ faced by early __________________ in ___________________ and ____________________. In 1628 a small group of Puritans sailed to New England to get the colony started.




-Then, in _______, Winthrop _____________ for New England with about _____________________ and about ______________ loaded with _____________, ____________, _____________, and _______. When the _________________ arrived, some small ______________ and _____________ had already ____________________. Thanks to this good ___________________, the _______________ did not face a time of ________________________________.




-The Puritans ________________ their _______________ the __________________________. They began _______________ for a location on which to ____________ their main ________________. They chose a __________________ in ________________________. They named this place __________________. 






-The Massachusetts Bay Colony __________ very _______________. The colony’s ______________ thrived on _____________, fur ___________, and ________________. By 1634, about __________ people had ___________ to _________________. This would remain the _____________________ in the English _________________ for over ________________________.






V.          THE PURITAN WAY OF LIFE (page 173)




-Puritan towns were ____________________. Each family had its own _________________ on which to build a _______________ and a _______________. At the __________________ of each town was a building called a ___________________________, where religious ___________________ and ________________________ were held.




-The Puritans also believed in __________________. They especially wanted ___________________ to learn how to ______________, so they could read the ________________ for ____________________ and understand the ____________ of the _____________________. In ___________, Puritans built the first ______________________ in the English ______________________.




-The Puritans had found a ________________ where they could live according to their _______________________. But what happened when someone _______________________ with their __________?










I.           GEOGRAPHY OF THE 13 COLONIES (page 177)




-The 13 English ___________________ were ________________ in the _______________________________ of the present-day United States. All ______ colonies lay between the ____________________ in the east and the ______________________________ in the west.




-The colonies can be divided into ____________ regions—the ________________________ Colonies, the ________________ Colonies, and the ____________________ Colonies.




-The New England Colonies had ____________ and ____________ ______________making them a ______________ place to _______. People found that the _____________ was _____________ in other valuable ______________, however. The thick ________________ provided excellent _____________ for homes and _____________. The coastal _____________ were _____________ in fish and ____________________.




-With a warmer _____________ and more _____________ soil, the _______________ Colonies were better for ___________________ than ________________________. Because farmers in the Middle Colonies ____________ so much ______________, the region was called “the ____________________________________________.”




-Long, wide rivers like the __________________ and the _________ made it easier for ____________ to _______________ and transport ___________________.




-Farmers in the ___________________ Colonies enjoyed the ___________________ climate and the _______________________ season. The __________ soil produced ________________________ such as ______________ and _____________. Many rivers _________________ inland farms with ________________ along the region’s __________________.






II.        NEW ENGLAND COLONIES (page 178)




-During the 1630s, many ______________ settlements were built in _____________________. In these towns, ___________________ leaders made _____________________ that people were required to _________________.




-All citizens had to attend ________________, for example. But not everyone __________________ with all of the _________________.




-Roger Williams was an ______________ young ________________ in _____________, Massachusetts. He believed that the __________ should ______________________ citizens for what they _________.




-Williams was known as a ____________________, a person whose views _______________ from those _____________ by most people _____________________________. Because of his beliefs, _______ leaders forced __________________ to leave __________________.




-He traveled ____________ in the ___________ winter of ________, founding a _______________ he named ______________________. This was the _____________ of a new ____________________ that would be called ____________________. Under William’s leadership ______________________ became the first ___________________ in North America to offer ___________________________________ to its settlers.




-Anne Hutchinson was another _________________________ who _________________ Puritan leaders in ______________________. She believed that a person’s ________________________________ was more ____________________ than the church’s ____________ and _____________. She often held __________________________ in her Boston home.




-Like Roger Williams, Hutchinson was __________________ to _______________ Massachusetts because of her _______________. She moved to _________________________.




-In __________, a Puritan _______________ named Thomas Hooker left Massachusetts with about _______________________. They founded the _______________ of __________________. Hooker and his _______________ came to this ______________________ in search of __________________________ and _________________.




-They also ______________ to build _______________ on the fertile _________ along the _________________________. English settlers were __________________ to ______________________ during this time. The earliest _____________________ in this ______________ were small ______________________________.










-By the mid __________, there were about ____________________ settlers ____________ in the ______________ colony of New _____________________. Religious freedom, __________________, and the _____________________ attracted people from many _________________________________ to this _____________.




-England’s _____________________________ decided to expand the _____________________ by taking over ______________________. He gave his brother _____________, the Duke of _______________, the task of _______________________________________.




-In _________, English ____________ sailed into New Amsterdam ______________. Dutch leader ____________________ saw that he __________________ the settlement. The English _______________ New Netherland without _______________________________.




-In honor of the _________________________, New Netherland was renamed ___________________________. New Amsterdam became _______________________. The Duke gave a part of ____________ to his friends _____________________ and ____________________ so they could _________________ their own __________________. This new English ________________ was named _______________.




-In 1681, __________________ gave a huge __________________ of land in __________________ to a young _____________ named ______________________. The king had ______________________ from Penn’s ______________ father. Now _____________ asked for ______________ as ___________________. Penn wanted to build a colony based ____________________________________________.


-Penn was a ___________________. Quakers opposed __________ and __________________ that people could ___________________ without going _____________________ or following _____________ ________________________________.




-The English ____________ named this new colony _____________, meaning “_______________________________” in honor of William _______________________. William Penn said that this new colony would be a “___________________________,” where people from _________________________ and of all ______________________ could ______________________________ in peace.    




-He also ___________________ to pay Native Americans a ________ _________________for land. In a letter to the __________________ Indians, Penn wrote, “I desire…______________________________ together as _______________________________________.”




-For the site of Pennsylvania’s ______________________________, Penn ______________ land between the __________________ and _______________________. He named the new town ___________, which means “_________________________________.” A section of ______________________ to the ________________ of Philadelphia later became a __________________________ called ___________.










-You have already read about colonies that were _______________ by _______________, ________________, and _________________ seeking ________________ freedom. Like these groups, __________ also had faced ___________________ in _________________. They wanted a ____________________ of their own.




-In ___________, King __________________ gave a large section of land _______________________ to a ________________ landowner named ___________________________. Baltimore named his colony ____________________. Maryland became a ________________, or safe place, both for __________________ and ________________.


-Maryland was a _____________________ colony, meaning a colony where land ________________________ by an _________________ or a group of __________________________, or owners.




-The next ________________ colony to be formed was __________. This happened in __________, when King _____________________ gave ___________________________________ a charter to a large section of _____________ between ____________________ and the _____________________ colony of __________________.




-Over the next few ______________, this region’s _______________ and __________________ attracted many new _________________. In __________, Carolina was divided into two __________________ colonies—_____________________ and ______________________.




-An English ______________ named ____________________ helped found the ____________ of the English ________________ in North America. Oglethorpe saw that ___________________________ were ______________ with ___________, or people who owed ______________. He came up with a ______________ to help them.




-He would start a new _________________ colony in North America where _____________ could go to start ____________________ on their own _________.  In 1732, _________________________ gave ___________________ a charter to land _________________ of the __________________. Oglethorpe named the new land __________.




-Georgia’s ______________ helped the other __________________ colonies. Look back at the map on page _________. You will see that ____________ lay between the ___________________ and Spanish ______________. Because of this location, _______________ helped ______________ the other English ________________ from possible ____________________________.




-Like William Penn, ______________________________ wanted his colony to have ______________________________ with the Native Americans of the ______________. As soon as he ______________ in ________________, Oglethorpe met with ___________________, chief of the _______________________________________.




-The ____________________ agreed to give ______________ to _____________________ and his _________________. With about 100 ____________________________, Oglethorpe founded his first __________________ in Georgia, which he named ______________.










-The English colonies ___________ very ________________ during their early ___________. From _________ to __________, the population of the colonies ________________ from _____________ to over __________________.




-Fifty years later, the _________________ had topped ___________. People moved to the colonies’ _________________________ cities—______________, _________________, and ______________. They also ____________________ from the ______________ and towns, clearing _________________ and _________________________.










-At the age of _______, William Penn, the son of a high-ranking _______________________, found himself _____________ in a cell. Earlier that day—September ________________—Penn had been sitting in a ___________________, praying with a group known as the _______________________________________, or, “Quakers.”




-The law of ________________ at that time did _______________ for a group of _____________ to ________________ together. Penn and his fellow ________________ believed that they should have the _____________________ in the way that _____________________.


-Just after the ______________ of the _______________, an English ________________ entered the _____________. Soon more soldiers ______________ and ________________ everyone present.




-From his _________, William wrote a ______________ asking that all the _______________________________ be released. He wrote: “Religion, which is at once _________________ and my ________________, makes me a ________________…but mine own ___________________________.”




-Penn and the other _____________ were set ______________, but Penn ______________________ much more ____________ in prison because of his __________________________. Years later, in __________, William established ______________________ as a new __________________ in North America.




-His belief in ________________________ was one of the ________ that _____________ the new ____________. The city of Philadelphia welcomed people of many _______________________________ and _____________________________.