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1. scribe: a professional writer


2. Fertile Crescent:  a region inSouthwest Asia; site of the first



3. city-state: a city that is also a separate, independent state


4. polytheism: the belief in many gods


5. myth: a traditional story; in some cultures, a legend that explains

                 people’s beliefs


6. empire: many territories and peoples controlled by one government


7. Babylon: the capital ofBabylonia; a city of great wealth and luxury


8. caravan: a group of traders traveling together


9. bazaar: a market selling different kinds of goods


10. battering ram: a powerful weapon with a wooden beam mounted

                                      on wheels


11. alphabet: a set of symbols that represent the sounds of a language


12. monotheism: the belief in one god


13. famine: a time when there is so little food that many people starve


14. exile: to force someone to live in another country


15. covenant: a promise made by God


16. Moses: an Israelite leader whom the Torah credits with leading the

                      Israelites fromEgypttoCanaan



17. prophet: a religious teacher who is regarded as someone who

                          speaks for God or for a god


18. diaspora: the scattering of people who have a common background

                            or beliefs


19. code: an organized list of laws and rules


20. Hammurabi: The king ofBabylon from about 1792 to 1750 B.C.;

                                 creator of the Babylonian Empire


21. cuneiform: groups of wedges and lines used to write several

                               languages of theFertile Crescent(From the Latin word

                               cuneus: wedge and the French word iforme: to form.)