page contents





Section 1: The Industrial Revolution


  1. I.           A Revolution in Technology


-In the ______________, a great change began that we now call the _________________________. Gradually, _________________ took the place of many ____________________. Much of the ________________ once provided by ______________ and ______________ began to be replaced, first by _______________________________ and then by _______________________.


-The ____________________________ began in __________________ in the ___________________ industry. For _________________ workers had spun _______________ in their homes on ______________________. The ________________ was then woven into _____________ on __________

_____________________. It took nearly _____________ weeks to produce a _________________ of cotton _____________________.


-In the 1760s, the _______________________________ speeded up the ______________________ process. However, _______________ still had to be made by ____________.


-Then, in 1764, _________________ invented the ___________________, a __________________ machine powered by _______________________ rather than _________________________________.  


-To house the large _________________________, manufacturers built _____________________ on the _______________________________. The new ________________ created a new way of working, known as the ____________________________. Instead of _____________________ at home (cottage industries), _________________ workers had to go to the ______________________ and begin and end work at _______________.


-Workers now had to keep up with the ______________ instead of working ______________________________________________.


-The system, however, required that ______________________________ be invested in _______________ and __________________. Thus, the mill owners turned to ____________________. Factories proved to be a good investment for the __________________ and _______________________. By 1784, __________________ workers were producing _______ times as much ______________________________________________________.


-Building factories ______________________ had some disadvantages. In _________ season, the machines had ________________. Also, most factories were far ________________________, and labor was hard to find in __________________________________.


-In 1790, ______________________ built the first ___________________

__________________ plant. The steam engine was a _________________ of power. Factories no _______________________________ to be built __________________. They could be built in _________________, where young ____________ and _________________ provided ______________ labor. 


-Britain tried to ______________ the ________________ of its industrial _________________. It forbade anyone to take ___________________ about ________________ machinery out of _________________. Skilled workers were________________________________________________.


II. The American Industrial Revolution


-In 1789, a young apprentice in one of ___________________________ decide to _______________________ to the United States. ___________

________________ knew that his knowledge of _____________________ could be worth __________________. He studied ________________ and ____________ the plans of ______________________________. Then, he boarded a ____________ for _________________________.



-In the United States, _________________ joined forces with a wealthy merchant, ______________________. Brown had ________________ a textile mill in __________________________________. Relying entirely on _____________________________, Slater ______________________ a __________________ machine based on ____________________. Slater’s factory began producing ______________________ at a rate never before seen in _______________________________.


-The success of _______________________ marked the beginning of American _________________________. _____________________ began in the Northeast.


-U.S. industry did not grow significantly until ________________________. As the _________________________ blockaded U.S. ports, Americans had to depend on ________________________________________________.


-Before the war ______________________________________ had visited England and seen the latest _____________________________. When he returned to the United States, _________________ and an associate built an ______________________________________________________.


-With several other _____________________, ________________ opened a mill in ________________________________. The mill was organized in a new way. Instead of obtaining __________________________________, Lowell’s _________________ brought together ___________________ and _______________________ in one ___________________.


-After Lowell died in __________, his partners ________________ the business. Wanting better ____________ for their _________________, the partners built a ___________________, with ______________________, a library, and a _____________________. They named their ________ town __________________ after their late partner.


III. The Revolution Takes Hold


-Americans experimented with ________________. One of the most important developments was ____________________. Before the 1800s, skilled _______________________ manufactured ______________, guns, and other mechanical products _____________________. When a part broke, a craftsworker had to ____________________________________



-In the 1790s, American inventor ____________________ devised a system of _________________________________. __________________

_________________________ soon came to be used in the manufacture of other products. Manufacturing became __________________________, and the price of _________________________________.


-Samuel Slater employed ______________ in his ____________________. As time went on, _________________________________ for children and adults became _________________________.


-American _____________ mills, ______________ mines, and steel _____________________ employed children as young as ____________. These children had no opportunities for ________________. They often worked in ___________________________. By 1800, more than a ______________ children between the ages of ______ and ______ worked ___________________.


-Working conditions were ___________________. Factories were poorly ________________. There was no _____________________. Machines were designed to perform a task not __________________________. As a result, many workers were ______________________________________.


-A worker who lost a ____________ or a ____________ received no help. He or she needed to __________________________________________. Business owners provided no __________________ for _______________ workers.


-To keep machines ___________________ as long as possible, workdays lasted __________________________. By 1844, workers were demanding ______________ days, but the ________________________ was far in the future.




Section 2: The North Transformed


I. Northern Cities


-By today’s standards, early American cities were _____________. In the 1800s, however, U.S. cities ____________________. The Industrial Revolution spurred _______________________. As capitalists built more _______________________, agriculture workers were attracted to the new types ________________________________________________.


-As cities along the __________________ became crowded, newly arrived immigrants headed west to places like _________________, Pennsylvania, and __________________________, Kentucky.


-Growing cities faced many _________________. _____________ streets, the absence of good __________________________, and a lack of clean ____________________ encouraged the spread of __________________.


-Citywide ________________ were another common _________________.


II. The Growth of Northern Industry


-New inventions revolutionized _________________________. The most important was the ________________, a device that used ____________

_________________ to send messages quickly over _________________. 


-___________________________________ invention worked by sending electrical ____________ over a ___________. A code devised by ______ used shorter and longer ____________________________. In his system, known as _____________________, each letter of the alphabet is represented by its own mix of  ___________________________________.


-In 1844, ____________ tested his system. _____________________ soon became part of American life. Thousands of miles of _____________ were ___________________________________________________.



-The mechanical reaper, invented by ______________________________, made it easier for farmers to _____________________________________. The reaper cut stalks of ______________ many times faster ____________________________



-Improvements in ______________ also speeded up the harvesting of ________. _______________ separate the grains of _____________ from their ____________. Eventually, the mechanical ______________ and the ______________ were put together into __________ machine called a _____________.


-These advances in ________________ also affected ________________. Farm laborers who had been replaced __________________ went to cities to work _____________________________________________________. 


-Other inventions revolutionized the way ___________________________. In 1846, __________________ patented a machine that could __________

___________ in fabric. A few years later, __________________ improved on ______________ design. The ______________________ made it much more efficient to produce ________________________. As clothes became less _________________, people of _____________ means began to dress almost as well as __________________________________.



  1. III.     A Transportation Revolution


-Improvements in ___________________ spurred the growth of American __________________. As transportation became ____________ and _________________, factories could make use of ____________________ from __________________. Improved transportation also allowed factory owners to ____________________________________________________.


-In 1807, _________________________, an American inventor, used a ___________ engine to power a ______________. Fulton’s Clermont was the first ______________________________________.


-By the 1850s, Great Britain was producing _________________________. These _____________________________ were faster and could carry more ____________.


-Of all forms of transportation, ____________________ did the most to tie together raw _____________, ___________________, and ___________. Steamboats had to follow the _______________________________, which sometimes _______________ in winter. _________________, however, could be _______________________. By 1840, about ________________ of _______________________ had been built in the United States.


  1. IV.       A New Wave of Immigrants


-The American population _________________ in the 1840s. Millions of __________________________ entered the United States, mostly from _________________________________.


-_________________ had long been under _______________ rule. While the best __________________ was owned by _______________ landlords, the __________ was the staple, or basic, food for most of the population. Then, in 1845, a ______________ destroyed the ________

___________________, leading to a ______________________. The years that followed are often called the ____________________. More than a million people _______________________________________. About a million __________________________________. Many came to ________________.


-___________________ came to America during _________________ as well. Many had taken part in _________________________ against _______________. When the ________________________ failed, the _____________________ fled to the United States.


-Some Americans worried about the growing _____________________. These were ________________. ________________ especially opposed Irish immigration because most of the Irish were __________________.



-One group of __________________ in New York formed a secret ________________. When asked about their secret order, members replied, “______________________.” In time, __________________ became a political party. In 1856, the ___________________________ for President won ______% of the vote. Soon after, the party ________ over the issue of _________________ and _______________________.


  1. V.          African Americans in the North


-Even more than ___________________, African Americans in the North faced _____________________.


-Slavery had ___________________ in the North by the early _______. Free African Americans were _________ by new arrivals from the South. Freedom, however, did not _____________________________. African Americans were often denied the _____________________, and they were not allowed to work in ___________________________________.


-Prejudice against African Americans led to _____________________ of schools and _______________________. As a result, African Americans started their own _________________ and ______________________.


Section 3: The Plantation South


  1. I.           The Cotton Kingdom


-As the North became more __________ and _____________________, the South remained largely ______________. Two events changed life in the South. First, a boom ________________________ caused by the _________________________ created a huge ____________________. Second, a new _____________ ____allowed the South to satisfy that ________________________.


-In 1793, _________________ devised a simple machine that speeded the ___________________________. His _________________ used a spiked ______________ to remove _______________ from cotton ________________.

-Before the introduction of the ________________, the seeds had to be _____________________ of the cotton _________ by ______________. A laborer could clean only a _________________



-Using the ___________________, a worker could process _______ times more __________________. Cotton growing became more __________________________.


-To grow more cotton, planters used more ______________________. In 1790, there were about ______________________ enslaved African Americans in the United States. By 1860, the census recorded nearly _____________________________.


-Cotton became the ____________________________________ for the United States.


-In the southern “____________________,” society was dominated by owners of ____________________. This small but ____________ class lived in _____________ and sent their children to the ______________. But more _________________ of all southern farmers did not have _______________. They grew ____________ and raised ____________ and _______________.


-Most _____________ whites accepted the system ________________. Many feared that any ____________________ of controls over African Americans might encourage ________________________________. By the 1830s, some people in the ____________________ were urging that slavery be ______________. In response, ______________ whites hardened _________________________________________________. 


  1. II.        African Americans in the South


-Not all of the _____________________ African Americans in the South were ________________________. About ______________ were free. Many had purchased _________________________________.


-Laws denied _____________________ even to African Americans who were ____________. By law, they were excluded from all but the most __________________________. Their children were denied the right to __________________________________. African Americans could not _________________, serve on ________________, or testify against _________________________________________________________.


The __________________ of African Americans in the South was never _______________. Slave ___________________ prowled the streets looking ________________________________. They often kidnapped _____________________________________________ and sold them ______________________________________________.


-In spite of all the ____________________________ upon them, many free African Americans made __________________________________

_________________________. Norbert Rillieux ___________________

_____________________________________________. His method of __________________________ made the process _______________, _________________, and less ______________.



-Another African American _________________________, Henry Blair, developed a ___________________________ that reduced the time a _________________________________________________________.


-Enslaved African Americans had __________________________ at all. _____________________ controlled every ____________ of their lives.


-Enslaved African Americans had only one ________________________ against mistreatment: owners looked ____________________________

_________________________ that they needed to keep ____________ and ______________________.


-Families of enslaved African Americans were often _________________ when slave ________________________________________________

___________________________. Many children had only the slightest _________________________________________________________.


-After _______, it was illegal to import ___________________________ to the United States.


-Many African Americans did what they could to ___________________ the slaveholders. Some ____________________ or ________________ not to understand what ________________________________. Others deliberately ________________________________________________. The most daring fled ________________________________________.


-Sometimes, resistance became ___________________. Nat Turner led the most famous ________________ in ____________. Turner said he had a vision that told him to ______________________. He and others _________________ about _____________________. In reprisal, many innocent African Americans were ______________________.


Section 4: The Challenges of Growth


  1. I.           Moving West


-By the 1750s, the _________________________ and the ___________ of Pennsylvania had begun to settle the __________________________ between the ____________________________ coast and the _____________________________________.


-The most famous early pioneer was ___________________________, who, along with about ____________________, cleared a new route to the ____________ in 1775. Called the __________________________, it crossed __________________________ through the _____________

___________________________ in Kentucky. It became the main route across the _________________________.


-By the early 1800s, the flow of __________________________ to the ______________ had become a ________________. Traveling west, though, was __________________. Many early roads began as paths ___________________________________. Not surprisingly, the roads were ____________________. They were ______________________, dotted with ______________________, and easily ________________




  1. II.        Roads and Turnpikes


-Clearly, the nation needed _________________________. Farmers and merchants had to have ______________ to move their _____________ to market _____________________ and ________________________.


-Private companies began to build ____________________________ or _____________________. In ______________, a private company in Pennsylvania built a _________________ between ________________________ and ____________________________. The _________________________________________ was the first _____________________________ road in the United States.


-In marshy areas, wagons traveled on _________________________. This meant a _____________ ride as ________________ bounced over each __________. __________________ roads were a _____________ to horses, because they could _________________________________ if they ________________________________________________.


-The _______________________ was the first federally funded road. Begun in _____________ in Cumberland, _____________________, it stretched to _____________________, in western ________________, by 1818 and reached ___________________, ____________________, by 1850. 


  1. III.     Canals


-Slow road travel isolated ________________________________ from _______________________. The fastest, _______________________ way to ship goods was by _________________. However, the major _______________ ran _______________ to ____________________. The solution was ______________ canals from ___________________ to ______________.


In 1816, New York Governor ___________________ proposed a canal from the _________________ to ___________________. Building the canal was a ___________________________ for ________________. The land in upstate __________________ is not _________________. _______________ had to be built to _____________ or ___________ boats in the canal.


-Within two years of its opening in ___________, the canal had paid for itself. ____________________________ came across ______________, passed through the ____________________, and was carried down the _________________ to New York City. Because of its ______________ at the end of the ____________________, New York soon became the _________________________________________________________. 


-The success of the ______________________ sparked a surge of canal __________________. In 1829, a canal was built through __________. Canals were soon underway in _______________, ________________, ______________, ________________, and ___________________.


  1. IV.       Extension of Slavery


-Westward expansion __________________________ the nation. It also caused ________________________. The most serious problem was the ___________________________________________________________.


-In 1819, the nation consisted of only 11 “_________________________,” which permitted _________________, and 11 “_____________________,” which ___________________ slavery. However, Missouri had been seeking admission ____________________________________________________.


-Northerners _____________ strongly. Another slave state would upset the _____________ in the Senate where each state had _________________. Adding two more ___________________ from a _____________________ state would make the _______________ more ______________________ than the _______________________.




-In the next session of Congress, _______________________ applied for _____________________ to the Union. Unlike Missouri, ______________ prohibited ___________________. The admission of both a ____________

_________________ and ___________________________ would maintain the ____________________ in the ___________________.


-In 1820, Senator Henry Clay __________________________________ to adopt the ___________________________. It permitted _____________ to be admitted _________________________ as _______________ state and _________________ to be admitted as a ________________ state. In addition, the compromise provided that the Louisiana ________________

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. The compromise also gave ______________________________________ a clear right to pursue _______________ fugitives into “______________” regions and __________________________________________________.


-The ________________________________ revealed how much sectional ____________________ divided the states ________________________. White ______________________ were not happy that _______________ had given itself the power to ____________________________________. Many northerners, in turn, were angry that ______________________ had allowed _____________________________________________________.


-As Thomas Jefferson observed, the _________________ of feelings about slavery ______________________________________________________. In time, the issue of slavery would ________________________________
