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CHAPTER 10           A GROWING NATION: 1815-1840


Section 1: Building a National Identity


  1. I.           The Era of Good Feeling


-With the end of the War of ___________, the __________________ took firm control of the government. The ______________________ election of 1816 resulted in a landslide victory for ________________ _______________________________________________________.


-Stung by this defeat, the Federalist Party began to _____________ ________. Within a few years, the party ______________________.


-President ________________________ wanted to promote national _________________. In the spring and summer of ______________, he made a ________________________________ in the middle and northern _______________________ of the country. He was warmly _______________________.


-While Monroe was in _____________________, a local newspaper described the new sense of national Unity as the “_______________ __________________________________.” The name stuck and was used to describe __________________________________________.


-When he ran for reelection in 1820, no _______________________



  1. II.        Building the National Economy


-After ____________, many Americans believed the federal government should take action to ____________________________ ________________________in all regions of the _______________.


-Congress and the President encouraged U.S. ___________________ with _____________________ and a _________________________ of the United States.


-Outstanding among those who favored __________________ action were:


-Henry ______________ spoke for the people in the _____________ who thought the country needed _____________________________ and __________________ to transport ________________________ from one region to another.


-John C. _____________________ spoke for the interests of the ___________________. While first a defender of _______________ ____________________, he later put more emphasis on the idea of _________________________.


-Daniel ___________________ became a spokesperson for the ________________________. At first, he opposed high ________________, but later he came to support them as a way of protecting ____________________.


-Congress passed a law in _________________ creating the first ____________________________. In 1811, the _______________ ceased to exist. Without the ____________, the economy __________________. State __________________ made too many ______________ and issued too much ___________________. This caused an increase in ___________________ and led to rising _____________________.


-To cure these problems, Congress established the second ________ ______________________________ in ____________. Like the first _____________, the new _________ was privately owned and had a ____________________ to operate for twenty years. It lent money to ______________________ and controlled the ________________ _____________________________. This gave a boost to American businesses.


-Another problem the nation faced after the War of ______________ was _________________________________. Most British goods had been kept out of the United States by the ______________________ and the ___________________________.


-British manufacturers now looked to __________________________ in the United States. They could still produce goods ______________ than the Americans because they had _________________________ and more ____________________________. This gave the British an opportunity to drive their American ___________________________ out of business by ____________________________________ in the United States.


-British __________________ caused ____________ of New England businesses to ______________. Angry ________________________ turned to Congress for help. They demanded ___________________ to raise the price of _____________________________.


-Congress responded with the _______________________________, which put a __________ on foreign __________________, _______, leather goods, ________________, and other products. In 1818 and 1824, Congress passed even _______________________________.


-These _________________ were popular in the North, where most ___________________ were located. However, the _____________ were deeply _________________________ in the South where they forced southerners to _____________________________________.


  1. III.     Three Important Supreme Court Rulings


-The Supreme Court also promoted national ____________________ __________________ and the power of the ____________________ ______________________ during this era. Led by Chief Justice John _____________________, a ________________________________, the Court issued a series of important rulings between 1819 and _______________________.


-In McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), the Court ____________________ the second bank of the United States. The Court’s 1819 decision, written by _________________________, strengthened the power of the _________________________________. It ruled that the states had no power to interfere __________________________________.


-In ________________ College v. Woodward (1819), the Court ruled that the charter of ___________________ College in New Hampshire was a ____________________________________. Since the Constitution protected ____________________________, New Hampshire could not change Dartmouth’s charter. In protecting __________________ _______________, the Court was protecting private businesses and _____________________________________.


-In Gibbons v. Ogden, the Court again supported ________________ power. It ruled that New York State could not give a _____________ company a __________________ to carry passengers on the Hudson River. The Court pointed out that ____________ on the Hudson River included stops in New Jersey as well as New York. Therefore, it was ________________________________. Under the Constitution, only Congress can ___________________________________________.      


Section 2: Dealing with Other Nations


  1. I.           Relations with Spain


-At the time of the War of 1812, the ___________________________ and _______________________ were the only parts of the Americas not under ________________________ control. _____________________ controlled more territory in the Americas than any other _______________________. However, ____________________________ power had steadily weakened over _____________________________________________________.


-__________________________________ control was especially weak in ___________________. ___________________ could not stop enslaved African-Americans who escaped from _____________________________ in ________________ and Alabama from crossing into _______________. Once in __________________________, many of the escapees joined the _____________________________. The ___________________________ often crossed into the United States to _____________________ American settlements.


-In 1817, the U.S. government sent _______________________________ to recapture those who had escaped ______________________________. __________________ attacked and destroyed _______________________ villages. He then seized two important ________________________ towns and forced the __________________________ to flee Florida.


-Since ______________ could not protect _______________, it decided to ___________________ the territory. In the _________________________ Treaty of 1819, _______________ ceded ___________________________ to the United States.


  1. II.        Spanish Colonies Win Independence


-By 1810, ______________________ to Spanish rule ran ______________ in Spain’s American colonies. The ______________________________ and ___________________________ Revolutions had inspired Latin Americans to want _____________________________________________________.


-Mexico’s struggle for independence began in ___________. In that year, Father Miguel Hidalgo organized an ________________________________ that freed several ______________________ provinces. However, in 1811, Hidalgo was _____________________ and _________________ by troops loyal to Spain.


-Another _______________________ broke out in Mexico in ___________. This time, Spain was unable _____________________________________. In 1821, Spain agreed to _______________________________________.


-South America, too, was affected by ______________________________. The best-known leader of the struggle for __________________________ from Spain was _______________________________. In August 1819, he led an army on a daring __________________________________ over the _____________________________________________ and into Columbia.


-There he defeated the _____________________ and became president of the independent _____________________________________. It included today’s nations of _________________________, ___________________, _______________________, _________________, and Guatemala.


-In 1822, _______________________ announced its independence from Portugal. By 1825, most parts of Latin America had __________________ _________________________________________.


III. The Monroe Doctrine


-Several European powers, including __________________________ and ______________________, indicated that they might help Spain regain its _____________________________. This worried President James Monroe and _______________________________________________________.


-In a message to Congress in December ________________, the President stated what is known as the _____________________________________. The United States would not allow European nations to ________________ _____________________________or interfere ______________________ ______________________________________________. The United States would consider any attempt to do so, “________________________ ___________________________________________________________.”


IV. Relations With Canada


-Canada remained a British colony after the ________________________. In 1791, the country was divided into _____________________________. Upper Canada was ________________________, and Lower Canada was ______________________________________.


-In 1837, there were rebellions against ____________________________ in both _____________________________________________.


-Although the British put down the rebellions, they ___________________. They could no longer deny ______________________________________. Britain would have to give __________________________________ more _______________________________________________.


-The Act of ____________________________ merged Canada’s two parts into a single unit governed by a __________________________________. Britain, however, still had _______________________________________. 


-Between 1818 and ________, the United States and Britain settled several ____________________________________________________________.


Section 3: The Age of Jackson


I. Adams and Jackson in Conflict


-Andrew Jackson served ___________ as President, from ______________ to ___________. So great was his __________________________ that the ___________________________ period after he became President is often called the _________________________________________.


-Jackson was ambitious, _____________, and _________________. He became known as ______________________________________.


-Jackson stood for the idea that __________________________________ should participate in American political ______________. As a general and later as President, Andrew Jackson was deeply ______________________ of ordinary citizens because of his ________________________________ and his __________________________________.


-Jackson first ran for President in _______________. His opponents were ___________________________, ___________________, and William H. ____________________________ of Georgia. Jackson received the most ________________________________ but not a __________________. The House of Representatives would _____________________________ the election.


-The choice was between ___________________ and _______________, the two who had received the ____________________. As Speaker of the House, Clay had _________________________. He told his supporters to vote for ________________. The House then elected _______________ on the _________________________________.


-___________________ reacted with fury. He had won the most popular __________________ and ______________________________, but still _________________ the election. When _________________ appointed Clay __________________________, ____________________ supporters claimed the two men had made a “_______________________________.”


-Adams was burdened by the charge of ____________________________. He accomplished ______________. Adams never won the _____________ of the American people. As a result, he served ______________________.


II. A New Era in Politics


-The election of 1824 disappointed __________________________ and his followers. Still that election began a new ___________________________.


-Back in the 1790s, states had begun ________________________. Many states dropped the requirements that men had to ____________________ to be able to vote. Almost all _________________________________ now could vote and _________________________________________.


-States were also changing how they chose _________________________. Previously, state _____________________________ chose them. Now that right _______________________________________________________.


-Of course, ___________________ was still ________________________ in the United States. Women could _______________________________. Nor could enslaved _____________________________, male or female. In most states, even free African-Americans __________________________. 


-Supporters of Andrew Jackson believed that __________________ people should __________________________, hold _______________________, and do anything else they _______________________________________.


-Jackson and his supporters did not trust ___________________________. They believed it often favored the __________ and __________________. The Jacksonians also were _____________________ of banks, which they ___________________________________________________________.


-The Age of Jackson also brought back the __________________________ that had briefly ended during the _________________________________. During the 1824 election, the Republican Party ______________________. Supporters of Adams called themselves ____________________________. Jackson’s supporters used the name ______________________________.


-In 1831, the National Republicans nominated _______________________ to run against Jackson. Jackson _______________. However, by 1836, the anti-Jackson forces had formed a new party, the ____________________. From then until 1852, the _________________ and the _______________ were the country’s two major political ________________________.


-The new parties adopted a new way of ________________________ their presidential ________________________. Previously, a party’s members of Congress held a ___________________. These ____________________ involved only a small ___________________________________________.


-Beginning in 1831, political parties started holding ___________________ ____________________________. National ________________________ opened the process to many more people and made it ________________.


III. Jackson Becomes President


-_______________ times as many people voted in the election of 1828 as had __________________________. Most of these new voters supported ___________________________, who easily defeated _______________.  


-The election revealed growing _________________ and ______________ divisions among American voters. Jackson did best in the ______________ and ______________. Adams was most popular in his ________________ ____________________________________________________________.


-Jackson began his term by replacing some _________________________ with supporters. Previous Presidents had done the ___________________. The difference was that Jackson openly ____________________________

_________________________. He claimed that putting new people into government jobs ____________________________________________.


Section 4: Indian Removal


  1. I.           Native Americans of the Southeast


-When Andrew Jackson became President, more than 100,000 Native Americans still lived __________________________________________ The Choctaw, __________________, Cherokee, and ________________ nations lived in parts of Mississippi, _______________________, northern __________________, western ______________________, and southern _____________________________.


-The Seminoles, who lived in ___________________, were a combination of _________________, _______________________________________, and escaped _________________________________________________.


-The Cherokee had adopted some ________________________________. Aside from farming, they ran ____________________________________. The Cherokee had their own __________________, and some could speak and _____________________________________. Many had converted to ______________________.


-The Cherokee even had a ___________________________________ for their language. In 1827, the Cherokee established a _________________ based on a ______________________________. They claimed status as a _________________________. The next year, they started a newspaper in both ____________________ and ____________________________.


II. Conflict Over Land


-To government leaders, the presence of ___________________________ in the Southeast stood in the way of _______________________________ of the _________________________________.


-Furthermore, the ________________________ lived on ______________ land. White farmers wanted that land for ___________________________.


-Policies to move ___________________________ from their __________ dated from the presidency of _____________________________. After the War of 1812, the federal government signed ____________________ with several _________________________ groups of the Old Northwest. Under those ___________________, the groups gave ______________________ and moved ___________________________________________________.


-However, the Native Americans of the _____________________________ would  ________________________. In 1825 and 1827, the state of ____________________ passed a law forcing the ____________________ to give up most of _____________________. In 1828, Georgia tried to get the _____________________________ to do_______________________.


-________________ actions were challenged in two suits that reached the _____________________________. In Worcester v. Georgia (1832), the Court declared that ____________________________________________



-Chief Justice ____________________________ wrote the Court’s majority opinion in _________________________________. President Jackson was furious when he _______________________________________________. He was already putting into effect a federal law called the _____________

_______________________________. The law gave him authority to offer Native American nations ________________________________________ in exchange for their ___________________________________________.



III. On the Trail of Tears


-Believing they had no choice, most Native American leaders signed new _______________________________________________. They agreed to move to what was called the ____________________________________. Today most of that area is in the state of __________________________.


-The _________________ signed the first treaty in ___________. Closely guarded by American soldiers, they moved west between 1831 and 1833.

-The federal government did not provide enough ___________________, ______________, __________________, _____________, winter clothes, or other supplies. Heavy _____________ and _______________ caused enormous suffering.


-The _______________________ held out a few years longer. They were still on their land in __________ when Jackson _____________________. Finally, in 1838, President ______________________________ forced the _____________________________. In the winter of 1838-1839, they went to _________________________, guarded by _______________ soldiers. The route is called the _____________________________________.


-The _____________________ were forced to march ________________. They had little ________________ or _________________. Many did not ___________________. Of 15,000 ___________________ who began the trip, ________________________________________________________.


-One group refused to move. The _______________ fought __________ wars against removal. However, in the 1840s most __________________ were forced ________________________.


-In their new homes in _________________________, Native Americans struggled to __________________________________________________



Section 5: States’ Rights and the Economy


I. The Bank War


-Between 1816 and the early 1830s, the second ____________________

__________________ earned strong support from __________________

_____________________. They liked the fact that the ___________ made loans to _______________. Moreover, the ____________ was a safe place for the ______________________________________________________. The ________________________ it issued formed a stable ____________. Its careful policies helped create _________________________________




-On the other hand, many Americans _______________ the ___________. They opposed the way the ____________ restricted __________________ made by ___________________. Fearing that state banks were making ______________________________, _______ directors often limited the amount of money _________________________________. This angered farmers and ________________ who wanted to borrow ______________ to buy ___________.


-The _____________ most powerful enemy was _____________________, who called the Bank “_______________________________.” According to _____________________, the Bank allowed a small group of the wealthy people to _______________________ at the expense ________________



-Jackson especially disliked ____________________________, the Bank’s president. _______________ got Congress to renew the _______________

____________________ in 1832, although the ______________________



-Jackson immediately ________________ the bill. The fight over the Bank became a major issue in the 1832 ________________________________. Henry ______________, who ran against Jackson, strongly ____________

____________________________________. But most voters stood solidly behind Jackson’s ______________________________________________. Jackson won _________________________________________________.



II. The Question of States’ Rights


-The ____________________________________ of 1787 had created a government based on _______________________, the division of power between the __________________________ and the ________________. The ____________________________ gave the federal government many __________________________________________. At the same time, the ________________________ set limits on _________________________.




-Over the years, the issue of _____________________________________

___________________ had come up repeatedly. During _____________

______________________’s presidency, arguments over ______________

______________ and _______________________ caused a serious crisis.



III. The Nullification Crisis


-The ________________ erupted when Congress passed a law in 1828 raising the __________________________, __________________, and other products. The ________________ helped manufacturers in the North and parts of the _________________. But it made southerners ________

_________________________________________________. It seemed to southerners that the federal government was _______________________



-Vice President _____________________________ argued that the states had the _________________________. If accepted, _________________ ideas would seriously __________________________________________.


-To many southerners, the _________________ was part of a much larger _______________. If the federal government could __________________ what they considered an ________________________, could it also use its ____________________________________________________________?


-Calhoun had based his _________________________________________ on his view of how the Union ____________________________________. He said the Union grew from an __________________________________

___________________________________________. After the Union was formed, each state ______________________________________. One of them was the power to _________________________________________



-The clearest argument against _________________________ came from Massachusetts’ Senator _______________________________. He argued that the United States had not been formed by ______________________ but by the ___________________________________________________.


-A few months later, President Jackson dramatically __________________



-To Calhoun, _______________________________ were more important than saving the ___________________.


-In 1832, Congress passed another ____________________. Although it lowered some tariffs, it passed high ____________ on ________________ and ______________. South Carolina then called a state ______________, which voted to _____________________________. The state also warned the federal government not to use force to _________________________. If it did, South Carolina would ___________________________________.


-A furious ___________________ responded _______________________. In December 1832, he put _______________________________________ on alert. Then he issued a “______________________________________

____________________________________.” It said that the Union could ________________________________.


-With tensions running high, ___________________________ resigned as _____________________________________.


-Early in 1833, Jackson asked ____________________ to allow the federal government to collect its ______________________________________ by ______________ if necessary. At the same time, he __________________ a compromise bill that would ____________________________________. In March 1833, Congress _______________________________________.


-Unable to win _____________________ for its position from other states, ______________________ then repealed its _______________________. The crisis had been ____________________________________________.  


-Jackson had successfully defended _______________________________, while states’ rights supporters had ________________________________. However, the issue of __________________________ would not go away. Americans would continue to ____________________________________ between _______________________ and __________________________ until the _______________________________ broke out in 1861.

IV. The End of the Jackson Era


-A weary Andrew Jackson ______________ from ____________________ after __________________ terms. ________________________________ was Jackson’s choice to __________________________ him. He had been ___________________________________ during Jackson’s first term and ________________________________ during his second term.


-In the election of 1836, the Whigs ran ___________________ candidates, each from a ___________________________________. Their goal was to ___________________ any candidate from receiving a _______________

__________________________________________. This would throw the election into the ___________________________________.


-However, the strategy did ______________________. Van Buren received a majority of both the __________________________________________.



-Van Buren took office at a time when the American _________________ was beginning a _____________________________. Because Britain was experiencing an ____________________________, British manufacturers were buying _______________________. This caused _______________ prices to _________________ sharply. American banks could not collect on the _______________ they had made to ______________________. As a result, hundreds of ____________________________________________.


-The result was an economic ____________________ in the United States called the _______________________________________. The economic _____________________ that followed lasted ______________________. The hardships of those years ruined ______________________________.


-Van Buren ran for reelection in ________ against the _______________ candidate, ______________________________. This time the _________ ran a skillful ___________________. They portrayed _________________ as a “_________________________________” who would be feel right at home in a ______________________. Helped by his “________________” campaign, ____________________ easily defeated Van Buren. The Whigs were in power and the __________________________ was over.