page contents


1. Quipu: group of knotted strings used by the Incas to record information 


2.Great Plains: mostly flat and grassy region of western North America      


3. Maize: corn


4. Hieroglyphics: the signs and symbols that made up the Mayan writing  system 


5. Kiva: round room used by the Pueblo people for religious ceremonies


6. Tenochtitlan: capital city of the Aztecs


7. Terraces: step-like ledges cut into mountains to make land suitable for farming


8. Cuzco: the capital city of the Incan Empire, located in present-day Peru


9. Anasazi: one of the ancient Native American peoples of the Southwest


10. Pueblo: Native American stone or adobe dwelling, part of a cluster of dwellings built close together


11. Maya: a people who established a great civilization in Middle America                                     


12. Census: official count of people in a certain place at a certain time                      


13. Mound Builders: Native American groups who built earthen mounds


14. Slash and Burn: farming technique where trees are cut down and burned to clear and fertilize the land


15. Aztec: a people who lived in the Valley of Mexico


16. Andes: a mountain chain of western South America