page contents





Section 1: Golden Ages of China


I. Introduction (Begin on page 90)


-In spite of its name, the ________________________was not a __________________. It was a long _____________ of connecting __________________ across Central __________. These routes stretched about _____________ miles, all the way from __________ to the eastern _______________________________.


-For centuries, ______________, ______________, and __________ carried traders and their _________________ along the __________. Most of the goods they carried were __________________________. One—a beautiful, ___________________ called ____________—was so important that it gave the ________________________________.


II. The Tang Dynasty


-China covers much of _______________________. It is an immense land with a _________________________.


-In the east are __________________ and ____________________. Fertile valleys lie along the _______________ and ______________ rivers.


-To the north and west of these ______________________ are great _______________ and ___________________ regions, including the _______________________ in the north and the ________________ _______________________in the west.





-Under the Tang, the land under _____________________________ stretched westward into ________________________. Peoples from these distant ________________ and _________________ traveling along the _________________ introduced ___________________—as well as new ______________—to China.


-In return, the Chinese traded their __________________________

_______________________. Chinese _________________ and ______________________ also spread to other nations. Such exchanges helped China become an __________________________ of ______________________________.


-Throughout its long history, China has been ______________ by many different _____________________. For example, the _______ dynasty ruled China from ________________________________.


-After the collapse of the __________________, China broke up into several kingdoms, but Chinese ________________________. _____________________ spread throughout China, and the ________________ and ________________ continued to develop.


-In 581, the ____________ dynasty came to power. The _________ ruled only until ______________, but they united the north and south of China for the first time in _____________. 


-In 618, the _________ dynasty was _____________. The Tang came to ____________ and ruled _____________ for almost _____

______________________. The _________________ dynasty was a _____________ age of ____________________________________.


-Under ____________ rule, China grew in both _____________ and ____________________. Its capital, _________________, was the world’s _______________________ at that time. Historians estimate that it was home to _____________________________________.


-___________ leaders continued ____________ that had been started under the __________. One of the largest of these projects was the _______________________________________.


-The __________________ was a waterway that linked the _______ River and the _____________ River. At more than __________ miles long, it is still the _________________________________________.


-The _____________ helped join _________________ and ______________ China and made it possible __________________ the capital with ___________________________________ grown in the south.


-The greatest ruler of the ______________ dynasty was __________ _____________. He began his ______________ career at the age of ______ and helped his father establish the ____________________.


-During his rule, from _______ to ______, he was not only a successful ____________, but also a ____________ and ______________. In addition, __________________ was a master of ___________________, the art of beautiful _________________.


-Later in his reign, _________________ grew tired of ________. He had been studying the ____________________________________. _________________ wanted to bring _____________ and ________ to China. To _____________ this kind of society, ________________ said, all people must treat __________________________________.


-_______________ began to reform the ______________________ according to _________________________. The Tang government hired ________________ trained in ________________________. It also began _______________________, giving more ____________ to the ___________________ who _______________________.









III. The Song Dynasty


-After _______, China’s control of its _________________________ lands ______________. Then fighting among __________________ groups within China ended _________________________________. Order was restored about ______________ later by the __________, the dynasty that ruled _____________ from ___________________.


-At the beginning of the _____________ dynasty, the Chinese capital was located at _____________, along the _____________________. After the _______________ lost control of _____________________, they moved the capital to ______________________, near the coast.


-The ___________ rulers made many advances in ______________. They expanded the _____________________ of hiring government officials. Under this system, ________________ had to ___________ and ____________________________________________________.


-Before the Song, officials came from _________________________. They were ______________ to keep their positions for ___________ even if they __________________________________. Hiring people based on their ________________, rather than on their __________ or _____________________, greatly improved the ______________



-During the Song dynasty, new strains of ____________ and better ____________________ helped peasants grow _______________. These two improvements allowed farmers to __________________

_________________________ of one. Food ___________________ meant that more people could follow other __________________ or ______________________________. 


-Chinese rulers supported many different forms of __________, including ___________________. Some rulers also prized graceful _________________, such as those made from _______________, a _____________ and very hard type of ______________________.


-Because it was first made in China, ______________ is often called _____________. Because the Chinese produced the __________________ in the world, it became an important _________________________________.


-Another item of great _____________ and _____________ was silk. Silk comes from the __________________________________ called _______________________. For a long time, only the Chinese knew _____________________ silk. Even after others ________________ the method, __________________ silk was still the _____________



-One of the _____________________ inventions was a new way to _____________________. For centuries, the Chinese had ________ the characters of __________________ onto a _________________. They brushed __________ over the __________________ and laid a piece of ______________ on it to ______________________.


-Printers could make ______________________________ of a book using these _______________, but __________________ the block for each page took ___________________. Around 1045, ________ developed a _________________________ that used ___________

________________________. He made many separate ___________ out of ________________ and rearranged them to make _________.


-During the ______________ dynasty, books became ____________

________________. In earlier times, only the ______________ could _______________. With more people able to __________________, the ______________ and ______________ of books _________________. More people, including __________________, learned to ________________ and __________________.


-They helped to spread ________________________________.





-This Song saying _______________ the new importance of books: “To enrich your ______________, no need to buy ______________. Books hold a thousand __________________ of _______________. For an ___________ life, no need to _______________________: In _______________________________________________________.”



IV. The Mongols Conquer China


-The Mongols were nomads from the _________________________, north of China. They were fierce warriors, said to “_______________

______________” because they spent so much time on __________.


-By the 1200s, they were a tough ______________________. Under the leadership of ______________________, they began forging an _______________ that eventually included ________________ and _____________ in the east, stretched into _________________ and _____________________________ in the west, and extended to the southwest as far as the _________________________.


-________________ had conquered all of _____________________ by 1215. But the southern _______________________ continued to resist. It was left to _______________________________ grandson _________________ to complete the conquest of ______________ and to rule it.


-_________________ came to power in 1259. Within ____ years, he had toppled the last ____________________. From his capital at the present-day city of _________________, ______________________ declared himself emperor of _____________________.


-He named his new dynasty __________________, which means “___________________,” because he intended that _____________ _______________of China would ____________________________.




-The Mongols __________________________ in China. They did not allow the old ________________________________ to govern. High government ____________________ were reserved for __________ and were even given to ______________ rather than to _________.


-The Mongols also kept their own ______________ and __________ rather than adopting ______________________________. They did, however, allow the practice _____________________________.


-Visitors from all ______________ were welcome at  ____________

______________________. One of these was __________________, an African Muslim. Another was a Christian from Europe, __________ _______________. He came from ________________ in present-day ____________________ in 1271.


-After returning to Europe, _______________ wrote about his ___________________. He described the riches of ______________ _________________, China’s efficient ________________________, and its ________________________________________.


-Marco Polo’s writings _____________________________________ between Europe and China. China _______________________ under __________________, but not under the khans, or _____________, who followed __________________.


-In 1368, a Chinese _______________ led an uprising that overthrew the ____________________ and ended ____________ rule of China.    


Section 2: Medieval Japan


  1. I.           Introduction


-In A.D. 882 a group of more than ______________________ sailed across the sea to ________________. They were from a kingdom in ___________________, north of China. They carried _____________ for the ___________________________ emperor.


-When the emperor ________________________ the news, he was _________________. This visit would give the _______________ a chance to display their ___________________. The emperor’s name was _________________. At the time, he was only ___________old.


  1. II.        A Country of Islands


-Japan is an archipelago, or _________________________________, in the ________________ Ocean off the coast of the _____________ mainland. It is about __________ miles from the coast of _________ but it is only ____________ miles from ___________________.


-The ________________ of Japan were formed by ______________, and _____________________ are common in the region.


-The islands of Japan are __________________. The ____________ make traveling by _________________. As a result, the sea became an ____________________________________________________.


-On the other hand, for centuries the ___________ helped to protect _______________ from ________________. Over time, this isolation also led the Japanese to develop ____________________________. 


  1. III.     The Heian Empire


-The emperor ____________ ruled Japan during the ____________ period, which lasted from ________ to ________. Before this time, Japan’s culture—including its ______________________________—was similar to _______________.


-But during the _______, Japan began to develop its own ________. In fact, official ____________ between the _________________ and _________________ governments ended in ___________. The split would last for more __________________________________.


-____________ emperors ruled from a new capital, ____________. Modeled after ______________, the great city of ______________ China, it was a rectangle of ________________________________.


-The _____________ period was a mostly _______________ time, during which Japanese __________________. Fine ____________, _______________, and beautiful _________________ all became a part of life for the _____________________.


-Life for most of the ______________________, however, was very different. _____________, ______________, _____________, and builders were usually ________________ and spent their time doing ________________________.


-The nobles believed that the _____________ of their ___________ and their ______________ within the _________________ set them apart from others. But even among the nobles, people belonged to __________________________________________.


-In fact, noblemen wore specially ____________________ related to their position in ______________. Noblewomen were not affected by such ____________ because they could not hold _______________

__________________ in the government.


  1. IV.       Feudalism in Japan


-During the 1000s, the Japanese emperor began to _____________. He continued to rule the _______________, but he had less _______ over the rest of ____________________.


-At the same time, the _______________ gained greater _________ and ______________. They owned ___________________, or large tracts of ___________, outside the ________________. The work on these ______________ was done by _____________________.


-This kind of _______________ system, in which __________ people are _________________ bound to work for __________ landowners, is called ____________________________.



-Rich ______________________ became so independent that they often ________________________________________. They even hired _______________________. The nobles paid these ________ to ______________ them, their _______________, and the peasants who ____________________________.


-The armies were made up of warriors called __________________.


-_________________ warriors followed a _____________________ of rules for behavior, called ____________________. They swore an oath to follow ____________________________________________.


-According to _______________, _____________ meant more than _______________ or even _______________. The code said that a samurai must never show ________________ or ________________ to an _____________. The true __________________ had no fear of _______________, and would rather _________________________.


-Over time, the _______________________ grew in number and formed their ___________________. Each clan promised _________ to a powerful warlord, or ________________. The _______________ expected his __________________ warriors to be willing to _______



-As the different warlords grew __________________, small wars broke out _________________. Eventually, the _________________ clan became the _______________________________.


-In 1192, the emperor gave the title of _____________________, or ____________________________ commander, to the leader of the ___________________ clan. _______________________________ became the supreme _______________ of all Japan. He set up the _______________________________, a series of military dynasties.






V. Japan and the Outside World


-Within a century after ______________ rule _____________, Japan was threatened by _____________________. One group came from ________________, north of China. Under their ____________ and brilliant leader ______________________, the _____________ had already conquered ______________________________________.


-______________________ tried to invade Japan  _____________, and _________________ times. For nearly ___________ years after the _________________ were defeated in the 1200s, few foreigners _______________________________________.


-In 1543, several ________________________ ships were blown off course and __________________ on Japan’s _______________. The Japanese showed great ________________ in the _____________—especially in their __________________.


-In the years that followed, a _________________ developed between ______________ and _________________. Many European __________________ and ____________________ made the long voyage to these islands ___________________________.


-And thousands of Japanese converted _______________________. The _______________________ influence in Japan did not last long, however.


-In 1603, _________________________ became shogun. _________ was determined to bring ______________ to the country. To end the _________________ among warring ___________________, Ieyasu divided Japan into ________________________________________.


-The ___________________ shogunate ruled ________ until _____. It was a period of ____________. Food was ________________, the _________________ increased, _______________ flourished inside Japan, and a ___________________________________ developed.


-A type of ____________ called ________ became popular in Japan. It emphasized ________________, the practice of _____________, and ___________________ for nature.


-Theater and ____________ also thrived under the _____________. Haiku—________ line poems that express a ___________________ in only ______ syllables—were greatly admired.


-Plays featuring life-sized __________ were popular. So was the _____________ theater. Kabuki combines __________, _________, and _____________.


-At the same time, the _____________________ was isolating Japan from _______________ influences. Even ______________________ had worried that Europeans might try to _________________ Japan.


-He and the _______________ who ruled after him, decided that Japan should remain __________________________________. They outlawed _________________ and forced ______________ to leave.


-By 1638, they had closed Japan’s _____________, banning most foreign ______________________. The shoguns also stopped the building of ______________ that could travel __________________. For more than _______ years, the Japanese would remain cut _____




Section 3: The Great Mughal Empire in India


  1. I.           Introduction


-Even before ___________ invaded India, people there had heard of this ___________________. He had destroyed entire ________ and their _________________ in other parts of ______________.


-In 1398, he and his troops marched into northern ____________, in search of _________________. They ruined _______________

 and quickly captured ______________, the capital city.

-____________ and his troops killed many ___________ and took _________________. They also carried away great __________—___________, golden __________, __________, and _________.


-For a brief time, ____________ became part of the huge empire that __________ controlled from his capital, _______________. But _____________ was more interested in __________________ than in governing those _____________________________.


-Not long after the _______________ invaded _____________, they departed. Once again, a _______________, or Muslim ruler, took control ____________________. But ____________ did not regain its command over the _________________.


II. India’s Geography


-The triangular _____________________________ forms the southernmost part of ____________________. A mountain range called the ________________ stretches across the ___________ of India. Although these _______________ have helped to isolate India from ____________________________, the passes through the _________________ have allowed some ________________ from the north to enter __________________________________.


-To the west of India is the _____________, and to the east is the _________________________.


-A large _____________ lies to the south of the ______________. It is dominated by ______________ systems, including the _____ and _____________ rivers. These rivers are fed by ___________

_________________________, and much of the land here is well ___________________________________________.


-Farther to the south are _____________ and _______________.





III. The Delhi Sultanate


-The Mongols led by ____________ were not the first people to invade ___________. Long before they came, _____________

_______________ had tempted others.


-Muslim ____________ began raiding the ________________ around A.D. 1000. From _______ to _______, a series of _______ controlled northern ____________ as well as parts of present-day _________________ and _________________.


-This period of India’s history is called the __________________—after the capital city, ____________.


-At the time of the ________________ invasion, the region was experiencing a ______________ of the ancient ______________. This revival had begun about _____________.


-Hindus accept many ___________, but they believe that all of these gods are just ________________ of one _______________. Hindus also believe that _____________________ are part of the _____________________________ of the universe.


-In _______ at this time, the _______________ system—a strict system of _________________—controlled everyday life. Castes determined a person’s _________________________________.


-At the top of the caste were ____________, _______________, and __________. Warriors were ______________. Then came ______________ and _____________. The fourth class included ___________________ and ____________________.


-Finally, there was a group of ___________, ________________ people who were called __________________________.


-The Muslims who controlled the ____________________ did not become part of __________________. Muslim culture is based on beliefs that are very ____________________________________.


-These differences caused _________________ between the two groups. In fact, religious ________________________ still divide the ____________ and ______________ who live in India today.


-In 1526, a ____________ prince named ____________ took advantage of the weakened _______________________. Babur was a ___________ descendant of the _____________ conqueror ____________. Even though _________________________ were outnumbered almost _____ to _______, they attacked the _____



-The sultan’s forces had __________________ to help them fight. _____________ troops had none. But the Mongols had _______—and they were ____________________.


-The prince defeated the _____________ and went on to control the capital city, _________________. A new period of _________ _________________ would now begin.


IV. The Mughal Empire


-_________________ founded the celebrated _______________ Empire whose ___________ rulers controlled ________________ until the 1700s. ____________ is another word for ___________.


-About 25 years after ___________ death, the empire came under the control of ________________. His name was _________, and he would become the greatest _____________________ of India.


-When ____________ came to power, he was only ____________ old. He grew up to become a ______________________. Through _____________, ______________, and __________________, he greatly expanded the _______________ Empire.




-Akbar also encouraged the ______________. He set up studios for _______________________. He supported poets. Akbar also brought together _______________ from different ____________ for discussions. He consulted with ____________, ____________, _________________, and __________________.


-Although he was a _____________, Akbar gained the support of his _________________ through his policy of _______________. He allowed _________________ to practice their _____________, and he ended ____________________ that had been required of _____________________________________.


-Akbar created a strong __________________________, and he gave ____________________ to ___________________ people, whatever their religion or ___________________.


-These policies helped ______________ and _____________ live together more peacefully. They also strengthened ____________ __________________ in India.


-In 1605, when ___________ died, most of northern India was __________________. Akbar had ruled the __________________ for _____ years, earning himself the nickname “_____________.”


-During this long reign, his system ______________________ had become firmly ______________ in India. This system allowed the empire to continue _______________ and __________________ for the next __________ years—even under rulers who were less capable than _______________________________.


-More than 100 years after ________________ death, the ______ ______________________ began to fall apart. Akbar’s grandson, ____________________, became emperor in 1628. ___________ spent a fortune on ______________________________________.


-The most famous of these is the ___________________, a tomb for the emperor’s wife ___________________________________.


-When his wife died, __________________ was overcome with ______________. The two had been ___________________, and Jahan had asked his __________________ on many issues. After she died, Jahan set out to __________ a tomb “_____________



-Jahan’s son, ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________________, spent still more money on _______________________. He also reversed _______________ policies toward ________________. Aurangzeb tried to force Hindus to _____________________________________________, and he began to _______________________ again.


-As a result, many Hindus _____________, and fighting the rebels cost still ___________________. After __________________ died in 1707, the empire split _________________________________.


-But to this day, people from around the globe journey to see his _____________________—a lasting reminder of the once great ___________________________________.



-The seven greatest accomplishments of the Song Dynasty were ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


-The Tokugawa shogunate closed off trade with the west because ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


-Feudalism began in Japan because ________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________