page contents





Section 1: The Renaissance and Reformation (page 154)


I.           Introduction


-Leonardo da Vinci was just one of the many____________________ who lived between about_________ and _________ This was the time of the __________________, a period ____________________


II.        The Renaissance (page 155)


-The Renaissance began in ___________________________. During the Middle Ages, ___________________, where Leonardo lived, was ________________ from the rest of __________________________. Most people in _________________________________ lived under __________________. They labored for their _______________ and depended on their ____________________________. Manors, rather than ______________, were the centers of ____________________.


-In northern Italy, however, people lived in ____________________, or cities that were both ____________ and ____________________. They had their own __________________________ and were not as ______________________ by nobles of the Church. Instead, wealthy families or ________________________________ held power.


-These merchants controlled ________________________ with Asia. Italian merchants bought ____________________________ such as _________ and __________ in Muslim ________________________ around the Mediterranean Sea. They then _____________________ these goods throughout Europe, __________________ them at high ___________________.


-The city of ____________, built on islands in the _______________, was a leader in this ________________.


-Being at the ____________ of this lively ______________________ exposed Italian __________________ to other _________________. And because _____________ brought them ______________, many _________________ had more time to ____________, to ________, and to _____________________________________.


-The wealthy became ________________, or financial supporters, of __________________________ and the ________________. By the 1430s, the city of _____________________, ruled by the prosperous _____________________, had become a center ________________.


-In the 1300s, the _______________ and _______________ of Italy began to look at __________________________. First, they looked back—not to the _____________________, but to the ___________, _________________, and __________ of ancient Greece and Rome.


-Ruins of ________________________ and realistic _____________ were all around them, especially in the ________________________. These works inspired _____________ and _______________ as well as a new focus on the _____________________________________.


-Renaissance scholars and artists developed a new focus on the _____________, ____________, and _________________ of human beings, rather than ___________________. This philosophy is called ___________________. The ideal of this new era was someone with ______________ and ___________________ in many ___________. Such a person came to be called a ___________________________.


-A rebirth of ______________________ occurred somewhat later in ___________________________. In the early 1400s, artists such as _______________________ developed a distinctive _____________ style of ________________. By the 1450s, newly prosperous cities in the north were the center of a ______________________________.



 -Scholars and artists, such as the German artist _________________, traveled to _________________ and helped spread the idea of the __________________________________ in the north. By the late 1500s, the Renaissance had reached _______________, where the plays of _________________________________________________.


III.     The Renaissance Artist (page 157)


-Artists of the Middle Ages had not __________________ people or nature ______________________. Their goal had been to celebrate ______________, the _____________, and _________________.


-In contrast, the artists of the Renaissance _________________ and _______________ the more ________________ art of ancient _______________________________. While they continued to do __________________________, they often used the _____________ and _______________ of their own time for these biblical ________.


-In keeping with their interest in _____________________________, these artists also painted _________________________________ of important people of the day—including their ___________________. One of the most famous Renaissance paintings, the _____________ by Leonardo da Vince, depicts a woman _______________________. In fact, to this day, no one is _______________________________.  


-To better ________________ how to portray people, Italian ____________ and _________________ studied the ____________ and ___________________ of the body.
Some artists even dissected __________________ to learn about ________________.


-Renaissance painters also used a new __________________ called ___________________ to make ______________ and landscapes look ____________________. By making distant objects _________, artists could create a scene that appeared _____________________. They also used _____________ and ________________ to make objects look solid.


-Michelangelo was one of the _________________________ of the Renaissance. He could sculpt ______________ so that it looked like ______________ cloth, _____________ muscle, and ____________ hair. However, his _________________ work is not a sculpture but a _________________________ that cover the _______________ and walls of the __________________________ in Vatican City in Rome.


-_______________ and ________________ were not Michelangelo’s only achievement. He was also a _____________ and an _________. Michelangelo designed the __________________________________ in Rome as well as _____________________________ for the city of Florence.     


IV.       The Protestant Reformation (page 158)


-In 1517, only ______ years after Michelangelo finished the _______ ____________, a German monk named ________________ began to criticize the ______________. Following the ______________ of the time, he ____________ a list of his _________________ on the door of his church in ___________________________________.


-This act is regarded as the beginning of the ___________________, an effort to ____________ or _______________ the Catholic Church. At first, instead of _________________, it led to the establishment of __________________________________________________.


-Luther disagreed with many of the ______________________ and _____________________ of the Roman Catholic Church of the 1500s. He believed that people did not _________________ or other ________________________ to tell them what _________________ to do.


-In Luther’s view, ____________ in God, coupled with common ___________________, and not _____________________________, was the key to a proper ________________________________.



-Luther also felt that __________________ people could understand the ______________________. He translated the Bible into _______ so that ordinary __________________________________. He was in favor of creating ____________________________ that would teach _____________________________________.


-Luther especially despised the Church practice of _______________, or pardons for ___________. At that time, people were asked to pay ____________ to the Church to be ___________________________.


-Luther felt the Church did not have the _______________________ God’s ______________ for ____________. What’s more, the Church often sold _____________________ more to __________________ than for any truly _________________________.


-In Germany, _____________, ______________, and ordinary people rallied behind __________________. Some priests agreed with Luther about _______________ in the ____________. Nobles were eager to limit the ____________________________________. They wanted to ______________ their own ________________ and make their own _______________, like the leaders of ___________ __________________________.


-Meanwhile, a revolution in _____________________ had begun in Germany. In the 1400s, the German _________________________ invented the first European ___________________________ using ______________________. He printed a ______________ in 1455.



-The development of the European ___________________________ helped spread _______________________ across Europe. ________ printed in ________________ became available. By the time Luther died in _____________, most of the people in what is now ________ Germany were ______________, or followers of ________________ _____________________.



-Soon, people in much of __________________________ held views similar to ______________. They created their own _____________ _________________, free of __________________________. These came to be called _________________________ because they grew out of ______________ against the ______________ and ________ of the _________________________ Church. Their members, even today, are called __________________________.


-Many Roman Catholics _____________ with some ______________ made by __________________. Instead of _____________________ from the Church, however, they worked to ____________________. As part of this _______________________, Pope Paul III set up the __________________________ in 1545. For almost _____________ years, it worked to _____________ the ________________________ of the Church. But it also ___________________________________ of the Catholic Church.


-The Catholic _____________________ also strove to bring ___________________ back to the ____________________ Church and to make sure that Catholics held _________________________.


-In an effort to wipe out ______________, or beliefs that did not ________________________________, the Church strengthened the power of the _____________________. The ___________________ was a system of church ___________________ that used secret ______________ and _______________ to root out _____________ and force non-Catholics to _______________ to ________________.


-At the same time, the effort to ______________ the Church led to a _______________ of sincere ______________ among many Catholics. St. _________________________ worked to help the poor people of Paris. Teresa of Avila set up a _______________________ in Spain.


-Ignatius of Loyola founded the _____________________________. Jesuits, as members of this society are called, were among the______________________________ of Europe at this time. They became well known as ___________________________________. 



Section 2: The Age of Exploration (page 161)


I.           Introduction


-During the Middle Ages, Europeans had done __________________ beyond their own _____________. Except for the _______________, they had very little ______________ of, or ______________ in, other ______________.


-During the ___________________, however, Europeans became ________________ about the ________________ around ________. This led to an interest in _____________ and __________________. It also led to ________________________.



II.        Europeans Begin to Explore (page 162)


-Driven by _______________, a desire for ______________, and great advances in __________________________, Europeans soon traveled far beyond their ____________________—and all the way ________________________________________________.


-From about _________ to ________, Europeans ___________ across the vast ______________ to explore __________, ________, and the _______________. This period is called the _____________. Eventually, Europeans would _______________ much of these lands and change the __________________________________________.


-Before this time, European ___________ were not capable of such ____________________________________. By the 1400s, though, Portuguese ____________________ had developed a new type of ship called the __________________. Strong, __________________, and able to _________________________________, it was the best sailing __________________ of its time.


-The Europeans also had two improved ______________________ tools, the mariner’s _________________ and the ______________. Further, they had learned how to make _______________, more ______________________. Now they were able to set out on long _________________________.


-By the early _________, many Europeans had ________________ of paying ________________ to Italian ______________________ for Asian ______________. These merchants, in turn, had paid high ______________ to the ____________________ of the __________ Empire, which controlled the _________________________ between Europe and Asia.


-Europeans wanted to gain ________________ of the ____________ with Asia ____________________. To do this, they would have to find a new _________________________—one that did not use the _______________________________ and the ____________ routes controlled by the ________________________.


-Two European nations, _____________ and ____________, set out to find a _________________ starting from their _______________. 



III.     The Portuguese Head East (page 163)


-By the 1400s, the small nation of ________________ was already a ______________ and successful ___________________. It had even ___________________ some territory on the coast of ___________.


-The Portuguese wanted ________________________ exploring the _____________________. And they thought that the best ________

_______________ to Asia might be one that went ______________, around the southern _____________________________________.


-The search for this _________________________ was led by Prince ______________, the son of Portugal’s ____________. In 1419, he opened a _____________ to encourage ______________________.

-He invited _________________, _________________, and expert _______________ called _________________ from all over the country.


-Henry oversaw more than _________________________ Although he did not go ____________________, his work won him the title of __________________________________.


-As expeditions pushed farther _____________ along the western ___________________________, sailors set up ________________ there. They also gathered information on _____________, ________, and _______________________.



-Henry the Navigator __________ in 1460, but his dream of an ____________________________________ lived on. In 1488, the Portuguese sea captain __________________________ sailed all the way around the ___________________________, which we now call the ____________________________________________.


-Ten years later, ___________________________ sailed around the ________________________, up Africa’s _____________________, and then across the ____________________ to _____________. He returned with a cargo of ___________________________________.


-Soon, the Portuguese _________________ important ___________ around the _____________________. They had their ____________ to Asia. 


IV.       Columbus Heads West (page 164)


-While the _______________________ were exploring to the ________________, an Italian ________________________ named Christopher Columbus became ____________________ that he could reach _______________ by _______________________, across the Atlantic. At that time, _____________________ Europeans knew that the __________________________. It made sense to Columbus that a ship ________________ would eventually ___________________.


-Columbus convinced ______________________ and King Ferdinand of ________________________ to pay for an expedition that headed ____________________________________. They knew of the great _______________ to be gained if Spain had a __________________ _____________________________________.


-What neither Columbus nor the Spanish ___________________—nor anyone else—knew was that ____________________________ lay between ____________ and _________________. So in August 1492, Columbus ____________________ for Asia—_____________ across the _______________________________.


-Columbus’s ____________________ included three ships—the ______________, the _______________, and the _____________—and about _____________________________. After two months, on _______________________________, they landed on a little _________________ in the _________________________ Sea, off the coast of _________________________________.


-Because he thought he had reached the _____________________, Columbus called the people he found there ____________________. He claimed the ___________________________________________.


-News of Columbus’s ________________________________ Europe. Spain and ___________________ became ________________. They tried to ______________ each other from _____________________ in the Americas. In 1494, they signed a _________________ that set a _____________________________________ through the Americas at about ________________________________________________.


-Spain had the _____________ to settle _____________ of the line. Portugal could do the same ______________ of the _____________.


-England sent sailor _____________________ across the Atlantic five years after Columbus’s ____________________. He reached what is now _________________. A few _________________ later, his son ____________________________ followed.


-His goal was to find a _____________________________, a way to sail through __________________________ and then on to ______. Many other European _____________________________ searched ________________________ for a way to continue the __________ ____________________________________ to Asia.


-In 1513, a Spanish adventurer named ________________________ led a land ____________________ across a ____________________ but ___________________ strip of land in _____________________ America. From a ________________________, he saw a huge ocean to the __________________, which he claimed for ______________.


-The Spanish called it the __________________. ________________ had become the first __________________ to see the ___________ from the _________________ of __________________. The ________________________ was the sea that would eventually take Europeans all _________________________________________. 


V.          All the Way Around the World (page 166)


-Even after Columbus ________________________ the Americas, Europeans did not understand ______________________________. They believed that ________________________, which they called

______________________, was separated from the Americas by a narrow ______________________________.


-The Portuguese sailor __________________________ was eager to cross that _____________________________. But one problem still remained: how to ________________________________________.


-With backing from the _____________________________, Magellan set sail in ___________ with _______________. They sailed ______ to ____________________________ and then _________________ along the ______________________________________________.



-After spending a _______________________ on land, some of the sailors wanted to ____________________, but Magellan forced them to ____________________. Finally, they located a ______________, ________________________ passage near the _________________ ___________________________. Today, it is called the _________ ____________________________________, in the explorer’s honor.


-It took Magellan _____________ days to ____________ through the strait. Strong _____________ and ____________________ made the journey ______________. Only _________ of the __________ ships made _________________.


-The three ships ________________ from the __________________ into the sea that _______________ had ______________________. Magellan thought this ______________ was much _______________ than the _____________, so he called it _____________________, which means “_________________________.”


-Magellan and his men had _______________ how __________ the _____________________. Short of ____________ and fresh ______, they sailed for ___________ months without ___________________, except for a few _________________________________.


-Some of the men ___________ to ______________, while others died of ______________. At last, they reached the ______________. There, ________________ struck: Magellan was ___________ when he became involved in a ___________________________.


-The expedition continued, but only _____________________ finally made it back to ________________. Of the roughly ______________ who had set ____________ with Magellan, only ________________.


-On September 8, __________, the survivors reached ___________, where the Spanish __________________ them as the ____________ people to _____________________, or _____________ around, the world.  



Section 3: The Age of Powerful Monarchs (page 170)


I.           Absolute Rule in France (page 171)


-Louis XIV was king of _______________ in the ________ and early ________. In ______________ at this time, people did not choose ___________. They believed that __________ chose the _________. The king’s ___________________ came directly from ___________, and was therefore ___________________. This belief was called the _________________________.


-Therefore, it seemed ____________ that a leader ____________ by ___________ should have ___________________ than anyone else. Louis XIV was an ________________, or ______________ ruler with _________________, or complete, ____________________ over the ___________________ and people in his or her ________________.


-Absolute __________________ did not share ____________ with ______________, with ________________________, or with anyone ___________. From the _________ to the ____________, much of Europe was governed by __________________________________.


-French kings had not always been __________________________. Over a period of about __________ years, starting in the late _____, French ___________ had gradually taken _____________ away from the ____________________.


-Much of this ____________ of _______________ was accomplished not by a ___________ but by a ______________. Cardinal __________________ served as chief __________________ to Louis XIV’s father ______________________________________.


-To limit the ______________ of the French ___________________, Richelieu allowed _____________________________ to buy titles of _________________________. Then he ____________________ the __________________ of some of their _____________________.


-He also started ____________________ for the French government. These ____________________ earned a great _______________ of ______________ for the ________________. Altogether, as these changes made the __________________________, the king became _____________________ and more _____________________.


-Both ____________________ and ___________________ died in 1643, and _________________ became king. He was the _________ monarch of France for ____________________________________.


-King Louis XIV was so _______________ that he became known as the __________________. Just as the _________________ was the center of the ____________________, Louis XIV was the _________ of the _________________.


-He lived in incredible ________________ at ___________________, his huge __________________ outside ___________. It took forty years to complete this ___________________________. At times, as many as _________________ laborers worked on its ____________.


-Many ______________ lived at the __________________________ with the king. Having the ______________ at __________________ made it easier for _____________ to keep ____________________. At home on their ___________________, they might have become a __________________________________.


-To keep the nobles _____________, Louis XIV gave huge ________ with fabulous ______________________. For the most part, the king also excluded the _________________________________________.


-All of this ________________ and ___________________ was very ___________________. To raise the _________________, the king ________________________. This meant that the ______________ and least ________________________ people in France __________ for the _________________________________________________.



-King Louis XIV had more _______________ and ______________ than any other ______________ in _______________. And he wanted __________________ to have more ________________ and ________________ than any other __________________________.


-To accomplish this goal, he encouraged the ____________________ and supported ________________ to build an ________________ in _____________ and in the ____________________. Louis also went to __________ to gain ____________________. From 1667 to 1713, France was almost constantly at _____________________________.


-These wars cost ________________ of _______________, yet they won France _____________ in the way of _______________ or __________________. By the time _____________________ died in 1715, France had ______________________. Even the ___________ at ______________________ had to be _________________ to help pay for _____________________________________.




II.        A Powerful Queen of England (page 173)


-Nearly a _______________ before __________________________ took the throne of France, ______________________ already had a ________________________ ruling over a ____________________.


-The monarch, however, was a woman—______________________. She became the most ___________________ and _______________ ruler _____________________________ had ever known.


-When _________________ became queen in _________, she found herself in a ____________ of great _____________________. Her grandfather, _____________, had ended ________________ among local _____________. He had made sure that ___________ monarch would be more _________________ than any of the __________.



-Her father, _____________, had broken away from the Roman ________________ Church and started a new _________________, the Church ________________. The English ___________________ became head of the _____________________ and no longer had to _____________________ with the Church based in _____________.


-Like her father, Elizabeth was ______________________ and ____________________. She spoke _____________ and ________, and she could read the __________________________ languages of __________________ and ___________.


-Unlike her father, who was married __________________________, Elizabeth never __________________. She knew that if she _________________, she would lose ____________ of her __________________ to her ___________________________.


-Elizabeth was ______________________ to gain the support of the _____________________. After she became _____________, she often __________________ through the ______________________ so her _____________ could ______________. The English people came to ______________________________________________.


-Elizabeth’s rule, from ___________________, is called the _________________________. During this time, ______________ grew increasingly ______________ and _____________________.


-Elizabeth strengthened England by using _____________________ to prevent ____________________ between ___________________ and the ___________________ who were still __________________ in England.


-She made _____________ that England remained a _____________ _____________ and that the monarch ________________________ of the _____________________. However, she also allowed much of ______________________________ to be practiced in the English _______________________________.


-At first, Elizabeth avoided _______________ with other European _______________. She used the _________________ of her _________________ with their _________________ as one way to ______________. Meanwhile, Elizabeth supported _______________ power and ____________________________ in the Americas.


-The English sea captain _____________________ sailed around the world. He also ____________________ Elizabeth by leading __________________ on Spanish ships _______________________ from the __________________.


-By ___________, Spain had had ________________. The Spanish king sent a _______________________, or fleet of ships, to invade _________________. With the help of a ___________________ that __________________ much of the _______________________, the ______________ English ships _____________________ the larger, ___________________ Spanish vessels. Now England had the most ______________________________________________________.


-Elizabethan England was not only _____________________, it also enjoyed a ____________________ of _____________, __________, and ___________________. Elizabeth loved the ________________. She often ________________ and helped ______________________ the plays of __________________________. Today, _____________ is regarded as perhaps the __________________________________ in the English language. 



III.     Strong Rulers Unite Spain (page 175)


-Spain, too, came under the control of ________________________. When _______________________ and _______________________ married in 1469, their separate _______________ became _______. Together, they ruled almost all of ____________________________.





-Like other European monarchs, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella worked to _______________________________________________. They also used their power to ______________________ the Roman Catholic Church throughout ___________________. Under their rule, ____________ were forced to ______________ to ______________ or _________________________________________.


-The ______________, North African Muslims who had controlled part of ___________________ since the ____________, were driven _______________________________.


-Ferdinand and Isabella also established the ___________________, a court that ____________ and ______________ people who did not ________________ the Roman Catholic Church.


-The Spanish monarchs also supported _______________________, including those of ___________________________. These voyages eventually led to the _________________ of a _________________

________________________________ in the Americas.


IV.       Absolute Power in Russia (page 175)


-Russia shared many of the ________________ and _____________ developments of Europe, including the rule of  __________________ ___________________. But Russia was also ___________________.


-First of all, _____________ of Russia is in _____________. Much of it is in _____________. Today, Russia extends all the way from the ________________ coast of _______________ to the coasts of the ______________ and the _____________ seas in ______________.


-In the 700s and 800s, __________, a city in present-day ________________, became an important center of ___________. It developed ties to the _____________________________, which sent ____________________________________________________.


-In 957, Princess _____________ converted to _________________. Her grandson, _______________, expanded the ________________ ruled by ___________________ and also made Orthodox _______________________________________________________.


-During the early 1200s, the _____________ had conquered much of ____________. In the 1230s, ________________ armies known as the _____________________ turned west. They took over much of ________________________________________________.


-The Mongols ruled _____________ for ______ years. Although they required ___________________, the Muslim ____________ allowed Russians to ________________________ and brought peace to their ______________________. However, Mongol _______ cut Russia off from _____________________________________ and many of the _____________________________________________________.


-During this period, the _________________ of Moscow gained _____________. Moscow was a center ________________, and its princes were the ______________________ for the ____________ rulers. The areas they controlled were called __________________. Meanwhile, the _____________________________________ made Moscow its headquarters. 


-In the _________, the leaders of __________________ led other Russian groups in _______________ against ______________ rule. By 1505, _______________________ of Moscow had brought much of Russia under __________________________. He then turned to ___________________________________ by limiting the power of Russian _______________________.


-Ivan the Great, as he came to be called, declared himself ________ ____________________________, “in authority like the highest ___________.” His grandson, ____________________, strengthened the monarch’s ________ even more. He was crowned ___________, the Russian word for “________________” or “________________.”




-Peter the Great became __________ of Russia in __________ and ruled for more than ______________. Peter ________________ the Russian ________________________ and improved Russian _____________________ and ____________________ by adopting European ______________________________.


-But he also strengthened ______________, which had already ______________________ in the rest of Europe. Peter _________________ Russia’s _________________, but he could not achieve one of his _________________________: a _____________ that would not __________________________ in the winter, so that Russia could ____________________________________________.


-Like other ________________________ Peter the Great limited the _____________________ in order to __________________ his own position. Peter also wanted ____________________ to be more like _____________________________. He built __________________, a ____________________ city near the __________________ coast, which he called a “_________________________.”  The city became a symbol of _________________________ and his desire to make ___________________________________________________.



Section 4: Conquests in the Americas and Africa (page 180)


I.           Introduction (page 180)


-About a hundred years before _______________________ had sat down to a _______________________, Moctezuma was the supreme ruler of the ___________________________ in the Valley of Mexico. __________________ was powerful, but the __________________ believed in gods that ______________________________________.


-An Aztec _______________________ said that long ago the white-skinned god __________________ had sailed away to the ________. The ________________ believed that someday _________________ would return _____________________________________________.


-In ______________ that seemed to happen. __________________ heard about a _____________ of _____________________ who had landed on the ______________________. He wondered if these men could be _______________________________________________. 



II.        Spain’s Empire in the Americas (page 181)


-The leader of the ______________________________ was not an Aztec ________ but a __________________________________. A ______________________ was a Spanish ________________ who ______________________ Native American _________ in the 1500s.


-Ever since _______________had brought back ________________ of new ____________, European had ________________ about the ___________ that _____________________________. The Spanish sent ___________________ to look for ______________ and other ___________________________.


-One of these ________________ was led by __________________. Soon after landing in __________________, Cortes heard about the _________________________. He also heard that many of the local _______________ hated the _______________ because the Aztecs _________________________ and __________________________. Cortes ______________________ some of these _______________ to help them ______________________________________.


-Cortes headed for the ________________ with ________ soldiers and ____________________. Aztec ________________ saw them coming. They had never _________________________________.


-Moctezuma’s spies _________________________ the Spanish as “supernatural ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________.”


-When Cortes and his men arrived in ________________________, the Aztec capital, they were _______________. The city was larger than any _______________________________________________.

-The Aztec leader ____________________ welcomed ____________ and his men. He and _________________________ were afraid that ____________ might be the returning ________________________, so they treated him and his men as __________________________.


-In order to gain control of the Aztecs, ________________________. The Aztec people soon _________________. Moctezuma was _____, but the _______________ drove ______________________ and his army ________________________________________.


-Outside the city, Cortes ___________________. The Spaniards and their _______________________ allies attacked ________________. In __________, the Aztecs finally _____________________. By then, about ________________________ had died, and 30,000 of Cortes’s ______________ had been ________________. Tenochtitlan and the Aztec __________________________________________________.


-Cortes took control _____________________, which he called __________________________. He built his new capital, Mexico City, on the _____________________________________________.


-Cortes tried to ___________ life in __________________ like that in his ____________________. He imported ______________________ and ___________________. He also introduced the _____________ system, in which the _____________________ gave Spanish settlers the right to the ___________________________________________ who lived in a certain area. 


-The settlers were expected to _______________________________ to Christianity and to __________________________. In reality, the settlers treated _______________________. Many Native Americans were ______________________________, and many others died of ____________________________________________.


-Like the Aztecs, the Incas had built __________________________. Their vast _______________ covered most of the _______________ of __________________ and was tied together by a well-constructed ________________________________________________.


-For all its __________________ and ______________, however, the Incan ______________ could not ____________________________. In ___________, the conquistador __________________ led his men into the __________________________. He drove ______________, and within ____________________ he and his __________________ had ___________________ an empire of some _________________.


-How did he do it? First, a ____________ was already ____________ within the ____________________. Some of the people __________ against _______________ rule sided with ______________________. 


-Further, as _______________ had done, Pizarro ________________ the empire’s _______________. Leaderless, the _________________ was easy ____________. Finally, European ____________________ such as _____________ killed or ____________________ millions of people __________________________________.


-The Spanish takeover of the _______________ and ____________ empires eventually led to __________________________ of most of ________________ and ____________________. The riches of ______________ and _________________ that Spain brought back to Europe ______________________________________________.


-The large numbers of _____________________ changed the course of history in the _______________. And Spaniards ______________ _______________ of the Native Americans—along with the ____________________ they accidentally brought—devastated the ___________________________________________.



III.     The Columbian Exchange (Links-page 183)


-The movement of peoples from ______________ and ___________ to the Americas ____________ up a global ___________________ of _____________ and ____________. Europeans introduced _______, ______________, ____________, and __________ to the Americas.


-From Africa and Asia, they brought such plants as ______________, _______________, and ______________. All became ____________ in the Americas.


-The introduction of ______________ crops such as __________, _________________, and ______________ from the Americas made it easier to ______________________________________________.


-Because ________________ famous voyages made this exchange possible, it is called the __________________________________. 



IV.        The African Slave Trade (page 183)


-Europeans did not ____________ their _________________ to the Americas. They were looking for ____________________________.


-Prince Henry the Navigator helped ____________________ between _______________ and the west coast of _________________. Soon, ____________, ______________, and ________________ ships also sailed to ________________ to trade for ___________, __________, and _____________. Then they began to trade for ______________ _____________________ as well.


-There was a __________________ for __________________ in the Americas. ________________ and ________________ settlers in the Americas wanted _________________________________________.


-At first they _____________ Native Americans. When many of these ______________________, the Europeans began _______________ enslaved ___________________. Some historians put the ________ of ____________________________ taken to the Americas at about ____________________________.




-As many as _________________ may have _____________ on the ______________ and ________________ slave ships. Men, women, and children were ______________________ in the dark _________ of the ships. The air was __________________ that there was often not _____________________ to keep ________________________.


-The slave trade created ________________, both in the Americas and ________________. In addition to being ___________________ of their _______________ and taken from their ________________, enslaved Africans _________________________________________.


-In the Americas, ________________ was _____________________ to both ______________ and _____________________ because the society that ___________________ was based on _______________ and _______________________________.    


-In Africa, groups who were ________________________ had often ___________________ the people they _________________. Some of ___________________ people were __________________. But in the ______________, the slave ____________________ became big _____________________________.


-As the demand for __________________________ in the Americas, European ______________________ lured African groups into wars ________________________. These wars guaranteed the ________ a steady _________________________________________.


-Other people were _______________ in ___________________ and sold by African _____________ and _________________ to the __________________________. These captives were exchanged for _________________, __________________, _______________, and ___________________________.


-European _______________________ wanted Africans who _______________________, ______________, and _____________ to work on their _____________________ in the _______________. The loss of so many _______________________ in their prime was a serious blow to ___________________________________________.


-Wars also caused _______________ and __________________. These harmful effects of the ______________________ lasted for _________________________.