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Directions: Please use your textbook to locate the answers to the questions below. The End-of-Year Assessment encompasses chapters 4-7. (Page numbers are in parentheses.)




1. Describe how the Roman Emperor Constantine’s conversion to Christianity took place. (236)


2. Describe the role of Constantine in spreading Christianity throughout the Roman Empire. (239)


3. Describe the role of the family in ancient Rome. (227)


4. Why is Roman law important to us today? (223)



5. Describe how most people lived in ancient Rome. (226)



6. How did Rome treat its conquered people? (219)




7. What did Roman law specify should be done if two consuls disagreed on how to handle an emergency? (213)



8. Why was Rome’s geographic setting important? (211)



9. Why did Roman emperors give free grain to the poor? (226)



10. On what concept was Roman law based? (223)


11. What was the condition of most Roman citizens? (225)



12. The Greeks were most interested in ideas. In what were the Romans most interested? (222)



13. After what impressive victory was Julius Caesar able to gain control of Rome? (214)



14. How many consuls ruled Rome? (212)


15. How was power divided between the two consuls? (213)




16. What was the importance of the agora? (182)



17. What was the importance of the acropolis? (182)





18. How did the ending of the Peloponnesian War affect Athens’ position in the Greek world? (193)



19. How did the leadership of Alexander the Great change Greece? (197)



20. For what do we remember Solon? (173)



21. How did the Greeks perceive (view) their gods? (176)



22. Describe Athens’ achievements during the Golden Age. (175-180)



23. Describe slavery in ancient Athens. (185)



24. Compare and contrast Athens and Sparta. (175 and 189)


25. What occurred during the Dark Ages of Greece? (171)



26. How did the views of philosophers differ from those of the average Athenian? (177)





27. Describe several important inventions that appeared during the Han dynasty. (161)



28. Why did the influence of Confucianism grow during the Han dynasty? (160)



29. Why was Confucian philosophy important in ancient China? (149)



30. What were the central ideas of Confucianism? (148-149)



31. How did Confucius believe that people in authority should act? (149)



32. What were some of Shi Huangdi’s greatest achievements? (152-153)



33. Why was the Silk Road important? (160)



34. Describe the role of the family in early Chinese society. (142)


35. Where did the first farming settlements in China develop? (141)



36. Under Confucianism, who could hold government jobs? (150)



37. How did Confucius believe that people should act within the family? (148)







38. Why are monsoons important to India? (109)



39. What two important rivers start in the Himalaya Mountains? (110)



40. Name several important achievements of the Maurya Empire. (129)



41. Describe how Asoka viewed his people. (131)



42. Describe what happened to the Maurya Empire after Asoka’s death. (132)



43. Describe how India’s mountains and surrounding water influenced its development.  (109)




44. How do archaeologists know that Mohenjo-Daro was carefully planned? (110)



45. How does Hinduism differ from other religions? (117)



46. According to Hindu belief in reincarnation, what happens to faithful followers after death? (119)



47. According to Buddha, what is the cure for human suffering? (122)



48. What was Chandragupta’s philosophy of how one should rule an empire? (129)



49. Why is Asoka considered one of India’s greatest rulers? (131)



50. In 6-8 sentences, discuss at least two features that were present in every location where settlements of people grew into major civilizations. What were these features, features that allowed them to settle down, grow into cities, develop new occupations (jobs) and prosper (become better off than they were before)? Please give examples. (These answers are found throughout the book.)





 51. What were Athens’ three main sources of wealth during its Golden Age?  (175)


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52. Name three of the greatest of the Greek philosophers, men whose work has had a lasting influence on modern learning and thinking. (178)


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