page contents





Section 1: The Enlightenment (page 190)


I.           Introduction


-Members of the _____________ leaned ____________, waiting for ______________________________ to respond to _____________. Did the great _____________________________ really believe that Earth _________________________________________________?


-This was an ___________________________ in 1633. The Roman Catholic Church taught that God made ________________________ ______________________. If that where true, everything—_______, ______________, and _____________—moved around the _______.


-But in the 1500s, The Polish astronomer ______________________ had said the Earth __________________________________. Galileo had ____________________ the ideas of _____________________. Now the Church ________________ was asking ________________ what he __________________________.


-He knew that he could be _____________________________ if he disagreed with the _______________. So the old man told the court what it wanted to hear—that _______________________________ Yet as __________________ was being led away, he is said to have muttered, “_____________________________________________.”



II.        The Age of Reason (page 191)


-For hundreds of years, the _________________________________ had been the ____________________________________ in Europe. The Church told people what to believe about the _______________ and how they _______________________, based on the _________ and on __________________.


-To protect its ______________, the Church ___________________ people who ______________________________ or _____________. It also gave the __________________, or Church courts, the power to _______________, ______________, or ____________________ to death those who did not _____________________ the Church in __________________ and ________________.


-Nevertheless, there were those who ___________________ Church __________________. Protestants ______________________ from the Church. The Renaissance _____________________ the study of _______________________ and the _________________________.


-As scientists began to make careful __________________________, they started a _____________________ in the way people looked at ____________________________________________.


-This revolution in thought was called the _____________________. It was characterized by reliance on _______________________ and _________________ rather than on religious _______________ and ______________. The 1700s, when __________________________ ideas were the ____________________________ in Europe, is called the _________________________________________.


-Enlightenment thinkers used _______________, or logical thought, to shed a new “_____________” on _________________________. In many cases, they challenged those _____________________. The _____________________ affected ____________, _________, ___________________, _________________, and _____________—almost every field of human thought.


-Many ____________________________ ideas were rooted in the ______________________________ of the 1500s and 1600s. The ________________________ was a time when scientists began to rely on what _________________________ for themselves. It was the birth of ___________________________________.


-One of these scientists was _____________________________, who put forth the idea that ______________________________. Many experts  ____________________________________ theory.


-In the late 1500s, however, the Danish astronomer ____________ provided _______________________ Copernicus. In the early 1600s, ______________________________ used Brahe’s data to accurately calculate ________________________________________________.


-Galileo also studied the _________________. Using a new scientific tool—_____________________—he was able to observe _________ ________________________________________________.


-In England, ____________________ developed a theory about why ___________________________________________. He found that ______________ holds Earth and the other __________________ in their _______________________. In 1687, ___________________ published a book about the workings _________________________. He said that the __________________ follows “________________,” or rules that can be ___________________ and ________________ ______________________________________________.


-Scientists were developing a new way of learning ______________. This scientific ________________ involves careful ______________ of __________________ and, in some sciences, ________________ __________________. To use the scientific ___________________, scientists make ___________________ and develop _____________ based on their ________________________.


-They then test ________________________ by doing experiments and by ____________________. Logic and ___________________ are used to ________________________ and compare them to the results ________________________________. As scientists observe and _________________, they replace _______________________ with new ones that _______________________________________. 



 III.     New Political Ideas (page 193)


-Scientists were finding out that _____________________ according to certain _____________________________. Other Enlightenment thinkers declared that there were also ____________________ that applied _______________________________________________.


-One of these thinkers was the _____________________ philosopher _________________. He said that _____________________ govern human ________________. Government, he said, should be based on _____________________________________________.


-Locke believed that people were ________________________ and __________. He argued that people also had __________________, or rights that ____________________________________ from birth. They included the __________________, the __________________, and the ________________________________________________.


-According to Locke, people ___________ governments to protect __________________________. Governments draw the right to rule from the ____________________________. Therefore, rulers should govern only as long as they _________________________________.


-If a government __________________________________ by taking away people’s ____________________, the people have the right to ______________, or even __________________, that government.


-He was saying that monarchs like those of ___________________, ________________, and _________________ did not have ______ _______________________. They should not have absolute _______________. They could—even should—be _______________ if they did not ______________________________________ toward those they _________________.


-People in many _________________ read about these new _______ and began __________________________ whether their rulers were ___________________________. Some people eventually translated ______________________________________________________.   

IV.       The French Philosophes (page 194)


-Enlightenment ideas ___________________________________ in France. The ___________________ were a group of French _______ and _______________ who believed that the ___________________ of the ____________________ could be used to ________________ and improve _____________________________________________.


-They spoke out against ________________ and _______________. The philosophes _______________________, like most governments and the Church, that did not support _________________________.


-One of the most important philosophes was ___________________. Like Locke, _________________________ thought that people were ____________________. He added that _______________________ such as the Church and governments _________________________, or _____________________, this natural _____________________.


-In his 1762 book _______________________________, Rousseau argued that governments should _____________________________ and put few _________________ on _________________________.


-Perhaps the most famous _______________ was ______________. His ____________, ____________, and novels _________________ many of the ___________________. He used his _______________ to attack _______________, ______________, and religious prejudices. Voltaire was a great _____________________________.


-In the mid-1700s, _________________ by many of the philosophes were collected by _______________ in the ____________________. One purpose of this _____________________ was to bring together _____________________ on all of the ________________________.


-Another purpose was to make this ___________________________ to the public.  A third ____________ was to advance the _________ of the __________________________________.


-Articles in the Encyclopedia ___________________________, urged _______________ for all, and promoted ______________________. They also challenged ________________________________ and the _________________________. Both the ______________________ government and the Catholic Church tried to ___________________ ________________________________________________.



Section 2: Political Revolutions (page 198)


I.           Introduction (page 198)


-Elizabeth I was a _____________________, but she knew that her power was ___________________. As far back as __________, the Magna Carta had _____________________ on the _____________ of English rulers. Elizabeth ______________ that she ruled with the ________________ of ________________ and the _____________.


II.        Changes in England (page 199)


-Queen Elizabeth died without _______________. Her crown went to her cousin, the _____________________, James _______________. Although he had _______________ to rule according to English laws and _________________, James I believed that he was __________ _____________________ and that his ________________________.


-James, and his son ________________ who ruled after him, clashed with __________________, the council that had been ____________ __________________________________________ since the 1200s.


-Over the _____________, Parliament had grown in _____________ and _______________. Divided into the _______________________ and the ______________________, it had become a true legislature, passing _________________________________________________.


-Nevertheless, when Parliament would not _____________________ he wanted, James _______________, or ______________________, Parliament.

-Over time, a _________________________ developed between the king and _____________________. Both __________________ and _______________ often refused to allow _____________________. But when Charles needed ___________________, he summoned Parliament, which could _________________________. Parliament responded by trying to ___________________________________.


-Charles summoned __________________ in 1640 when he needed _______________________________________________________. This Parliament refused _________________ to the king. It tried and ___________________ some of the king’s _____________________, and declared that it could not _______________________________.


-In response, Charles led ______________ into ________________ _______________________. Parliament leaders who ____________ raised ________________________. Forces ______________ to the king fought forces loyal to _____________________________ in the _______________________________________.


-Led by ________________________, a skilled general, the military ______________ of ________________ were __________________. In __________, they captured ________________. Parliament set up a court that ___________ and ___________________ the king as “a ___________________…and _______________________________.”


-Charles I was _______________ in _________. It was the first time a _____________________ had been _____________ and executed ______________________________________________.


-After the war, Parliament ________________, or did ____________, the __________________. Oliver Cromwell ruled ________________ through a ___________________________________________.


-Cromwell was a _______________, a member of a Protestant group that wanted __________________________________ of the Church of England and to _______________________________________. 


-When he faced ________________ to his power, Cromwell took up the title ___________________ and set ______________________.


-In __________, just two years after ________________________, Parliament invited the son of ________________________ to return from _____________ and __________________________. This re-establishment of the ______________________ under Charles II is called the ______________________________________.


-Charles II was a popular ___________, but his brother, _________, who became king in ___________, was ___________. Not only was James ________________, he also behaved like ________________ _____________________________________.


-Parliament wanted a ________________________ who respected Parliament. In _________, they invited ________________________ daughter ____________ and her husband, the __________________ prince _______________________________, “to _______________ ______________ and ______________________.”


-When ____________________________ armies landed in England, James _________________________. This ____________________ overthrow of ______________ is called the ____________________.


-Parliament ______________ offered the _____________ to William __________________—with one condition. They had to accept the _________________________________, which stated that all ____ _______________________ by Parliament and gave the House of Commons the _________________________________—the power to ______________________________________________.


-The ___________ of ____________ also restated the traditional ____________ of English ______________, such as _____________. In 1689, ________________________ agreed, and Britain became a ______________________________, or a government in which the _______________________________________________________.  



III.     The American Revolution (page 201)


-By the _________, about ________ million people lived in the ________________________________________. To help ________ for the ______________ of their ____________________, the British wanted to ___________________ from the ____________________.


-Under British law, people could _________________________unless they had __________________ in the _____________________ that had __________________________. But the ___________________ had no representatives in the ________________. They complained that by ___________________, the British _____________________ was taking ____________________________________________.


-As American __________________ increased, British ____________ feared that they were ________________________ of their colonies. They approved __________________ and _____________________. Americans grew __________________________.


-Leaders such as __________________________ and ____________ ____________________ , who admired the ____________________ ideas of ____________________, started to think about __________ against British ___________________. The colonists began to gather ________________________________________________.


-On April ____, 1775, British ____________________ marched to ________________ and _______________, towns near _________, Massachusetts. Their purpose was to ______________________ and _____________________ away from the __________________. The Americans, however, __________________________. The American Revolution ______________________________.


-In 1776, _____________ North American _____________________ officially ________________ their __________________ from Britain under a ___________________ called the _____________________ ________________________.


-It was written by _____________________. Echoing ____________ ideas, ______________ stated that ________________ have ______ only because the _____________ give ____________________. If a _____________________ takes away _____________________, the people have a _________________________ the government or put ___________________________________________.


-With the ____________ of the ________________, the Americans won their _________________ in 1781. In 1789, the _____________ became the _____________________________________________.


-It was based _______________ on the _______________ of the ________________________ and on the ______________________ of English _________________. A written ______________________ protecting _________________ became part of the _____________.



IV.       The French Revolution (page 202)


-King Louis XVI of France __________________ the _____________ ____________________ with their _______________. Yet he was no great _______________________. He had ___________ because he wanted to _______________________________________________.


-The Americans _______________________ the help. The French people ___________________. They had to pay ________________ to support the ______________________________________.


-Under the French _____________________, only the ___________ people paid ______________. Nobles and _________________ paid ______________________. Thus, the ___________________ people carried the _____________________________________________.


-As France’s ___________ increased, the French government ______________________ even more. The French people grew ___________________ and ________________ that Louis share _______________. They used the ___________________ of the ___________________ thinkers to support _________________.


-Adding to France’s _______________ problems, poor ___________ in the late 1780s sent ____________________________. Millions of people were ______________. Riots broke out as _______________ ________________________________________.


-Finally, the king called a ______________ of representatives of the ____________________, or divisions, of ____________ society—the _____________, the _____________, and the _________________. When these ___________________ met in _______________, they declared themselves the _____________________.


-As food _______________ worsened and ____________________ that royal _____________ were going to ___________________ the capital, the people of ___________________. On July 14, 1789, they attacked the _____________, a prison that held ________________. To this day, ________________ is celebrated as ________________.


-Rioting continued all __________________. Meanwhile, the National Assembly passed ________________________ the people of France ____________________. The Assembly’s ______________________ ______________echoed the American Declaration of ____________. In 1791, the National Assembly ______________________________ setting up a ________________________________.


-European monarchs were __________________. Fearing that the “__________________” would _______________ and that they would lose their __________________, they sent ______________ to France to ________________________. The National Assembly declared ______________________________________________.


-When the war began to ______________ for France, __________ French citizens _________________________ and _____________ the king. A few months later, the king _____________________.


-A group called the ____________________________took power to ______________ France and the _______________________. The Committee declared that the constitution ______________________. -_____________________________ led the Committee in carrying out what became known as the ___________________________.


-For nearly a year, people who were _________________________ of the revolution were ___________________—perhaps as many as ____________________________________.


-As political power _____________, those who had helped to ______ ______________________ were killed as well as those who had ________________________________. Finally, _________________ himself was _____________________, and the _________________ soon ended.


-The French Revolution lasted ___________________. It was a time of __________ and _____________ as well as of _______________ and ________________. The Revolution would finally ____________ when one of the ______________________________ in history took control of _____________________________________.  



Section 3: The Industrial Revolution (page 204)



I.           A New Kind of Revolution (page 205)


-Until the ____________ of the 1700s, most people lived on _______ or in very _________________. __________________ was the basis of their _____________________. Most ____________ that people needed were made ____________________, either at ___________ or in ___________________________.


-Then in only _________ years, this way of ________ changed in a large _____________________. From about ______ to about _____, the way ________________ were produced shifted from __________ ______________in homes and _______ to _____________________ in factories. This change is called the _________________________.


-The Industrial Revolution began in ______________________ in the ___________. At that time, ______________ from its growing _______________________ was fueling the ___________________ of Britain’s ________________________.


-British colonies provided both the ___________________________ needed to _____________________________ and the people to ______________________________ once they were ____________. British businesspeople became ______________________ and had _________________ to invest in new ventures, such as __________.


-In the 1760s, the leading __________________ in Britain was the __________________________, or the making of cloth. __________ and ___________________ were done mostly by people _________ _________________________. It took a long ___________ to make each __________________, so textiles were __________________. Only the _________________ had more than one ______________ ________________________________.


-Several inventions of the __________ made it possible to produce more ____________ quickly and more ______________. For example, the _______________________ allowed one worker to do the ____________ of _____________________________________.


-On the other hand, the new ____________________ were so ____ and so ______________ that they needed more _______________ than one ______________ could ________________.


-Inventors came up with ways of using ______________________ to supply _______________ to these ______________________. They dammed ____________ and built ____________ that used _______ ______________. Later, steam ___________________ were used to supply _____________________.


-Britain’s large deposits of ______________________ these engines. The new ___________________________ had to be housed in large buildings called ____________________. Now, in order to work, people had to ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________.


-Soon other __________________________ took advantage of the new _______________________. Mighty _____________________ forged ______________________ for newly invented ___________, _________________________, and engines.


-Trains powered by ______________________, traveling on _____ _________________, moved people and goods more ___________, _______________, and ________________. Even ______________ became more like __________________, as farmers used new ______________________________ to plant, __________________, and ___________________________________.


-The ____________________________ spread to other nations in ___________________ and to the ____________________, and it affected more than ____________________________. It changed people’s _________________ and the ______________________.


-One change was a ______________________ in the amount and ________________ of goods _________________ to ordinary people. Cities ____________ as people left ________________ and _____________________________________.


-Instead of _________________ for themselves on ____________, people ______________ the things they _______________ with the money they ___________________________________________.


-These new jobs presented ___________________ for more people to move _________________________. The middle class had the __________________________ many new __________________ that could make _________________________________.



II.        Problems of the Industrial Age (page 208)


-People who had _________________________ in their homes or in local _____________ had been able to ____________________ with their ___________________. Industrial workers, on the other hand, often spent ____ to ____ hours a __________, every day, away from _________________________________________________.


-Factories were ___________ and ___________. The work was ____________________________: A typical factory worker did the same _______________________, over and over, _______________ of _______________________________.


-The work could also be _______________. The large, ___________ machines sometimes ______________ or even _________________. And _____________ workers were ______________________. Often parents had to put _____________________ to work in a _________ just so the _________________ could earn ____________________ to live.


-By 1800, in many ________________ areas, home offered _______ ____________ from the ___________ and _______________ of the factory. Workers lived in _________, _____________ quarters. Soot from factory _________________ and ______________ covered ____________________, even indoors. Often families shared a single ________________, or had no ____________________ at all.


-Garbage piling up ____________________ attracted ___________ and packs ________________. Dyes and _________________ from textile _______________ poisoned the _______________________. Diseases _______________ easily through such ___________. Many people died of _________________________________. Even minor diseases could be ______________ under ____________________.


-In response to the _______________ of ____________________, some workers formed _________________________. These were ______________________ that helped workers _______________ with ___________________ to improve ____________________ and _____________________________.


-Factory owners _________________ against __________________, sometimes with ___________________. By the late 1800s, however, ____________________ were well established. They won shorter ____________, ___________________, and ___________________ for their members and for other _____________________________.  



Section 4: Nationalism and Imperialism (page 212)



I.           Introduction (page 212)


-It was November _________. A group of men from ____________, ________________, ______________, ______________, ________, ______________________, and other countries had assembled for a ______________________. They were thinking about ___________.

-For months, they ____________________, drawing lines on ______ of ________________. Finally, they reached an ________________: They had divided up ____________________—an entire continent—_______________________________.


-No one from Africa ____________ in this _____________________. Those who did _____________ were not ______________________ in the __________________ people. The Europeans were _________ only in the ________________________. Their purpose was to avoid ___________________ with one another about _________________ would control ________________________________________






II.        The Age of Napoleon (page 213)


-During the French Revolution, other European nations invaded France. At that time, one of the most ___________________ in the French _____________ was the young _______________________. He won ___________ after _____________ against the _________ armies, rising quickly from _________________________________.


-Then, in ________, he took _____________ of the _____________ government. The beginning of _____________________ marked the end of the ________________________ in France but the beginning of its _______________ on government and ___________________ across Europe.


-Claiming he was __________________ the __________________ of the ___________________, Napoleon brought many _____________ to ______________. Perhaps the most _________________ one was reforming _____________________. The new system of _________, called the __________________________________, embodied such __________________________ principles as equality of all citizens ___________________________________.


-The ______________________ had far-reaching effects. It became the _______________ for the _______________________ of many European ___________________________ that came under French _____________________________________________________.


-Napoleon made another _______________________________. He permitted the ___________________________________ to operate _________________ again, but he also allowed _________________ to followers of other _______________________________________.


-In _______, Napoleon __________________ the French _________ to name him __________________. He then set out to make ________________ a French ______________________. He almost succeeded.


-In ________, however, when ______________________ tried to invade _______________, the French __________________ was destroyed at the _________________________________. Soon, other nations began to rebel ________________________________.


-When Russia ____________________ from its _________________ with France, _________________ invaded _____________________ and marched to ___________________. But his freezing, _________ armies were _______________ into a ________________________ in 1812. That was the beginning of the _______________________. An alliance of _______________________________ finally defeated Napoleon at _____________________________________________. 




 III.     Nationalism (page 214)


-Napoleon’s ______________ carried the ___________ and ____________ of the __________________ with them. One of these ideas was ___________________, which included ______________ in one’s own ___________ and a desire for ____________________.


-Pride in France spurred ________________________ to win battles for __________________. However, this spirit of ________________ also led many _________________ that _______________________ to ___________ against French _____________________.


-______________, England, and __________________ were already ______________ by the time ________________________ came to _________________. Much of the rest of _____________, however, was ________________________. During the 1800s, many of these __________________ were _________________ into nations. Both ______________ and ____________ became nations in the 1870s.




IV.       Imperialism in Africa and Asia (page 215)


-By the 1800s, some ____________________ countries had already claimed _____________ in distant _______________________. For example, the _____________, ____________, _____________, and _____________________ had established ____________________ in the Americas. Now, ________________ of their _______________ and __________________ strength, they wanted to expand their ________________________________________.


-European ______________ needed more of the ______ materials—_____________, ______________, ___________, and ___________ —that were _________________ in other lands. These ___________ also needed people to _____________________________________.


-To gain both raw ______________ and new __________________, European countries established ________________________ in less-industrialized regions of ___________ and _____________. Colonies also helped _______________ nations to _________________ their trade _______________. This effort to create an ________________ is called _________________________.


-Nationalism also contributed to _____________________________. Controlling vast _______________ fueled _____________________. And pride led to ___________________. Each country wanted more ____________ and greater _____________ than its neighbor.


-Europeans had a long ____________ of _____________ with Africa and ____________. In the 1800s, however, ___________________ nations __________________ nearly all of ____________. They also gained control _________________________________________.


-In the __________, the British began their rule of _____________. _____________, Russia, ______________, _____________, and the _____________ nation of ______________ divided up large areas of _________________ in the 1890s.


-The United States, too, became an __________________________. It claimed ___________________________ in the Caribbean and the ________________________ in the Pacific.


-By the 1900s, the _____________ and most __________________ countries were the _______________________________________.