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MEDIEVAL HISTORY                                            VOCABULARY FOR CHAPTER 2




Savanna: An area of grassland with scattered trees and bushes


Sahara: A huge desert stretching across most of North Africa


Oral History: Accounts of the past that people pass down by word of



Clan: A group of families who trace their roots to the same ancestor


Mansa Musa: A king of Mali in the 1300s


Mali: A rich kingdom of the West African savanna


Ghana: The first West African kingdom based on the gold and salt trade


Songhai: A powerful kingdom of the West African savanna


Ile-Ife: The capital of a kingdom of the West African rain forest


Benin: A kingdom of the West African rain forest


City-State: A city that is also a separate, independent state


Swahili: A Bantu language with Arabic words, spoken along the East

                  African coast


Great Zimbabwe: A powerful southeast African city