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I. Define each of the following. All will appear on the final examination.


1. Compromise: ___________________________________________



2. Bill of Rights: ___________________________________________



3. Constitution: ___________________________________________



4. Northwest Ordinance: ____________________________________



5. Ratify: ________________________________________________



6. Samuel Slater: __________________________________________



7. Eli Whitney: ____________________________________________



8. Nativists: ______________________________________________



9. Missouri Compromise: ____________________________________




10. Erie Canal: ________________________________________________________



11. Continental Divide: _____________________________________



12. War Hawks: ___________________________________________



13. Francis Scott Key: ______________________________________



14. Tecumseh: ___________________________________________



15. Tribute: ______________________________________________



16. Abraham Lincoln: ______________________________________



17. Propaganda: __________________________________________



18. John C. Calhoun: ______________________________________




19. Popular Sovereignty: ____________________________________



20. John Brown: __________________________________________




21. Nathan Hale: _________________________________________




22. Robert Fulton: ________________________________________



23. Abolitionist: ___________________________________________



24. Judicial Review: _______________________________________





II. Respond to the following questions. You may use your text or notes. The text’s glossary and index will assist you.  


25. What was the purpose of the Monroe Doctrine?




26. What is the Bill of Rights? As you know, it was not originally a part of the Constitution. Why did so many believe it was necessary to add it? What process was used to add it?




27. What rights does the First Amendment protect?



28. According to the words of the Constitution, from where does it get it powers?



29. After Shay’s Rebellion, many saw a great need to revise the Articles of Confederation. Why?




30. How did railroads contribute to the economy in the middle of the 1800s?




31. What was the Dred Scott decision? What was the general reaction of the North and South to the decision?


________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


32. What was the Industrial Revolution? In what industry did it begin?




33. Describe the Missouri Compromise. What were the parts of the Compromise? Which part favored the North? Which part favored the South?





34. Describe France’s role in the American Revolution.





35. What were some of the results of the Lewis and Clark expedition?




36. What were the terms of the treaty that ended the War of 1812?




37. What were the circumstances surrounding the Louisiana Purchase? From whom did we purchase the land?




38. Why was Jefferson uneasy about buying the Louisiana Territory?




39. Describe the Battle of Fallen Timbers. Who fought there? Who won? What were the consequences to the losing side?




40. In what ways did Jefferson attempt to reduce the size and power of the federal government?




41. Why was the Mississippi River important to farmers?




42. What was the Compromise of 1850?




43. Discuss the circumstances surrounding California’s attempt to join the Union as a state.



44. What main points did Lincoln make during his debates with Stephen Douglas?




45. Who was John Brown? What did he do that so angered southerners and pleased many northerners?




46. Most state constitutions had something that the original United States’ Constitution did not. What was it?



47. What was the Three-fifths Compromise? What was its purpose?



48. What was the occupation of most southern whites?



49. Describe the Sedition Act. What was it intended to do?




50. What was the Virginian Plan? What did it contain? Who favored this plan?





51. What was the New Jersey Plan? What did it contain? Who favored this plan?







52. What was the Great Compromise?






53. What were some of the rights denied to women up until the middle part of the 1800s?



54. What was the Industrial Revolution and what significant changes did it bring to the United States? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________