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THE UNITED STATES                                 VOCABULARY FOR CHAPTER 4




1. Expedition: Journey made for a special purpose


2. Colony: Settlement far from the country that rules it


3. Columbian Exchange: Movement of people, plants, animals, diseases, and ways of life between the Eastern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere following the voyages of Columbus


4. Conquistador: Spanish word for conquerors who came to the Americas in the 1500s


5. Ally: A friend who will help in a fight


6. Conquest: Capture or taking of something by force


7.Convert: To change from one belief to another


8. Colonist: Person who lives in a colony


9. Society: Group of people forming a community


10.Plantation: Large farm with many workers who live on the land they work


11.Encomienda: Grant given by the King of Spain to wealthy settlers in New Spain. Gave settlers control of all the Native Americans living on an area of land


12.Missionary: Person who teaches his or her religion to others who have different beliefs


13. Mission: Religious settlement where missionaries live and work