page contents





Section 1: Jefferson Takes Office


I. Republicans Take Charge


-The presidential election of ____________ was vigorously ___________________. The Federalists raised the prospect of civil war if ______________________________________. Republicans accused John _____________ of wanting to create a _____________________________________________________.


-By receiving ____________ electoral votes, ____________________ defeated __________________________________. According to the ____________________________, the person who received the next __________________________ of votes would be _______________________________________________________.


-However, _________________________, Jefferson’s running mate, also received ________ votes. It was up to the ________________ of _________________________ to decide who would be President. For _________ days, the _______________ was deadlocked. On the _____________________ vote, _______________________ won the election.


-To avoid this situation in the future, the _______________________ to the Constitution changed ______________________. Beginning in ___________, electors would vote ____________________________ for _____________________________________________________.


-Thomas _________________________ was the first President to be ____________________ in Washington D.C. 




-Jefferson believed the ___________________ should have simple ________________. He walked to his inauguration instead of ______________________________, and he ended the custom of people ________________________________. Instead, they just __________________________________________________.


II. Jefferson Charts a New Course


-_____________________________thought of his election as the “_______________________.” Jefferson’s first goal was to limit the ___________________________________’s power over states and _______________________________________________.


-He believed in the idea known as ___________________, from the French term for “let alone.” _______________________ means that the government should not interfere in the ____________________.


-Jefferson put his laissez faire ideas into practice when he reduced the number of ___________ in the government. Jefferson cut the army’s __________ in half and eliminated all federal ___________. Now most taxes came from the _____________ on imported goods.


-The _____________ Act was another of Jefferson’s targets. A number of people had been ___________ and _________ under the act. Jefferson ordered those fines ____________. Those imprisoned under the ___________________________________ were released.


-_______________ could not reverse all Federalist ___________. He believed that the United States had to keep repaying its ________________. He also did  ______________ most of the Federalist officeholders. He said they could keep their jobs if they did them well and were ______________________.







III. The Supreme Court and Judicial Review


-One __________________ who did not keep his job was Judge ____________________. ____________________ had appointed ___________________ and several other judges in the last hours before he left office. The Republicans argued that these appointments were aimed at maintaining ____________________.


-When Jefferson took office, he ordered __________________, his secretary of state to cease work on the appointments. Marbury then sued Madison, citing the ___________________________________. This act gave the Supreme Court the power to review cases brought against a ____________________________________________.


-The outcome of the case forever changed the __________________ of the ______________ branches of government. In his ruling, Chief Justice __________________________ spoke for a unanimous court.


-He ruled that the _________________________________________ was unconstitutional.  ___________________ stated that the Court’s powers came from the _______________________________ not the ____________________.  Therefore, ___________________ did not have the right to give power to the ___________________________ in the ___________________________________________. Only the ___________________________ could do that.


-The Court’s actual decision-that is ___________________________

__________________________________- was not highly significant. However, the ruling did set an important ______________________.


-Marshall used the case of Marbury v. Madison to establish the principle of judicial review-_________________________________







Section 2: The Louisiana Purchase


I. The Nation Looks West


-The tide of _____________________________ speeded up in the years after the United States won independence. Most western settlers were _____________________. Because there were few ________________ in the west, they relied on the Mississippi River to ship their _____________________________________________. From there, the goods were loaded on ____________ and carried to markets in the ______________.


-Spain, which ____________________________________________, had several times threatened to close the port to _______________

_________________. To prevent this from happening again, in 1795 the United States ________________________________ with Spain. The _______________________________________ guaranteed the Americans’ right to ship their goods down the ___________________ to _______________________________.


-In ________________, a crisis developed. Jefferson discovered that _______________ had secretly given _________________________ and the rest of its Louisiana territory to _____________________. 


-Jefferson was _______________________ by the development. The French ruler, _____________________________________________, had already set out to _____________________________ Europe. If ______________________ controlled Louisiana, the _____________ expansion of the United States would be ______________________.


II. Buying Louisiana


-The President decided the best approach was to try to ___________ _____________________of _________________________ from the French. He sent his friend ________________________________ to France to make a deal. ________________________ had the help of _____________________________, the American minister in Paris.


-Jefferson instructed the two men to __________________________ and a territory to east called ________________________________.


-A revolution led by _______________________________________ had driven the French from their colony in ____________________. Without ______________ as a base, the French would have trouble __________________________________________ in the event of a war.


-At the same time, tensions between ______________________ and ___________________ were again on the rise. War was looming and ______________________ needed _______________ to support the war effort. __________________________ offered to sell the United States not only _______________________ but the entire ______________________________________________.


-It would take months to get ______________________________. So Livingston and Monroe agreed ___________________________ Territory for $__________ million-about 4 cents an acre.


-This included an ________________________ area stretching from the _______________________________________ to Canada and from the Mississippi River to the ___________________________.


-The Louisiana Purchase almost _____________________________. The region had millions of acres of ___________________________ and other natural ________________________________________.


-Ownership of Louisiana gave the United States control of the _______________________________________________________.


-Jefferson was _____________________ with the deal. The Senate approved the ________________________ and Congress voted to _____________________________________________________.





III. Lewis and Clark Explore the West


-In January __________, even before the United States had bought ____________________, Jefferson convinced Congress to spend $____________________________________________________.


-Jefferson chose army captain ______________________________ to lead the expedition. _________________ chose ______________

_____________________, also an army officer, as his ___________. The men were ordered to report back on the ___________________, ________________, ____________________, and other _________________________ of the region.


-Jefferson also wanted ______________ and _________________ to make contact with Native American who lived in the _____________ __________________. The President also wanted Lewis and Clark to find out if a _____________________________ existed between the ___________________________ and the _______________ Ocean.


-In the spring of ________, ___________ and ______________ left St. Louis and headed up the ______________________ River. Their three _____________ carried ______________________________ and about ________ men.


-In mid-July, the party reached the mouth of the _______________

________________, a powerful _________________ that flows into the Missouri. In early August, they met _______________________ for the first time. Three weeks later, the expedition reached the _______________________________________________________.


-In late October _________, the expedition reached the territory of the ______________ people, in what is now __________________. _______________ and ________________ decided to camp there for the winter.


-They were joined in camp by a _____________________________ trader and his wife, a Native American named _________________. She was a _______________________ who would travel with them and serve as _______________________________.


-By August _________, they had reached the ________________________ A continental divide is the place on a continent that separates __________________systems flowing in _______________________________________.


-The next day, Lewis met a group of _________________________. When __________________________ arrived to interpret, she was astonished to see that the __________________________ chief was ________________________. Thanks to ______________________, the _____________________________ agreed to sell the expedition _____________ that were needed to cross the _________________.


-On the west side of the _______________, Lewis and Clark reached the _____________________________. Here, they stopped to build _____________________ for the downriver voyage. Finally, through a dense early ___________________________________________, they saw the ___________________________.


-They began the return journey in _________________________.


-From 1805-1807, ______________________________ explored the southern part of the ____________________________________.


-__________________ led an expedition due _____________ to the _______________________. There, he tried to climb a mountain that rose out of the ______________________________. He made it about ________________________ of the way to the top. Standing in snow up to his ___________________, he was forced to turn back. Today, this mountain is known as _______________________.


-______________ return route took him into Spanish ____________

________________________. Early in 1807, Spanish troops arrested _______________________________________________________. The Spanish feared ______________ was gathering information so that Americans could ______________________________________. 


-After several months of ______________________, the men were _________________ and ________________________ back to the United States. As the Spanish had feared, ______________________ report about the __________________________________________ created great ____________________________________________.



Section 3: A Time of Conflict


I. Defeating the Barbary States


-Trading with ______________ was critical to the ____________ ___________________. After the American Revolution, __________ began _____________ American ______________________ in the ______________________________ Sea.


-The ___________________ came from four small countries on the North African coast- __________________, ______________, _________________, and _____________. Together, these countries were known as the ___________________________.


-_______________________ raided European and American ships, taking _____________ and enslaving _________________ and ____________________ them for _________________.


-European ____________________ stopped such raids by paying the ___________________________________. In exchange, their rulers agreed to leave ____________________________________.


-For a time, the United States also __________________________. But ___________________ stopped this practice and sent ____________________ to the _____________________________ to protect American ________________________________.


-At first, these _________________________ went badly. The warship _________________________ ran aground near the __________________coast and its 300-man crew _______________. -To keep the _________________ from using the ship, 60 American sailors led by _______________________ raided _______________ harbor and burned the _____________________________________


-The next year, a small force of ______________________________ marched ________ miles across the _________________ and captured _________________.


II. American Neutrality is Challenged


-A more serious threat to ______________________ came from two much more powerful countries, _____________ and ____________. By 1803, the two nations once again ______________________. The United States remained __________________.


-Because it was ________________, the United States continued ______________ with both ______________ and ____________. Meanwhile, _______________ and ______________ looked for ways to _________________ each another. One method was to cut off the other country’s _________________________.


-__________________ warships started seizing ________________ ships trading __________________. ____________ warships did the same to __________________ ships trading __________________. Between 1803 and 1807, _______________ seized __________ American ships and _____________ seized more than ___________.  


-________________ badly needed _______________ for its war _____________________. So it turned again to ________________. As a result, thousands of _________________________ were forced to serve in the _____________________________.



III. Jefferson Responds with an Embargo


-The President looked for _______________ methods to force ______________ and ________________ to respect America’s ___________________. He decided to use an __________________.


-In 1807, Congress passed the ____________________. It imposed a total ______________________ on American ships sailing to any ______________________________.


-The big loser turned out to be ________________________. In one year, American _________________ fell from $_______ million to $_____ million. Prices of American crops ______________, hurting _______________ and ______________. Tens of thousands of Americans lost ______________________________.


-Thousands of ___________________ turned to ________________ in order to _________________________________.


-Congress finally repealed the ____________________ in 1809. Then Congress passed a ____________________________ that reopened foreign trade with every country ____________________________. The law stated that the United States would ____________________ with those countries when they ______________________ America’s trading rights as a __________________.   


IV. Tecumseh and the Prophet


-In the years after the Battle ________________________________, tens of thousands of ____________ moved ____________________. They settled in the _____________________________________ and other lands ___________________________.


-The tide of settlement had a ______________________ on ___________________________. Diseases such as _____________, _________________, and __________________ killed thousands of _________________________ who had never been exposed to such _____________________ before.


-Settlers took over large parts of the _________________________

___________________________. The Native American population ________________, and the power of their traditional leaders ___________________________________.


-The _____________________ people were hard hit by these developments. After 1805, two _________________ brothers-____________________ and __________________- began urging ___________________________________.


-____________________ and ______________________, who was also known as the __________________________, called on Native Americans to ________________________________.


-______________________ organized the western _____________ into a league to restore _________________________.


-American officials were deeply concerned by __________________

______________________. William Henry Harrison, governor of the ______________________________, decided to take action. While ______________________ was traveling in search of allies, Harrison _________________________________________________ against ________________ villages on the ___________________________ River. In the _____________________________________, Harrison defeated the Native Americans. (182-mile-long river in No. Indiana)


-The _____________________________________ marked the high point of Native American ___________________ to settlement. Even though the alliance ___________________________ after the battle, ________________ and his warriors continued their struggle during ___________________________________________.  



Section 4: The War of 1812


I. The Move toward War


-Tension with _________________________ was high when ____________________________ took office in 1809. Americans were angry at ____________________ for arming Native Americans in the Northwest.

-Americans also ________________________ the continued _______________________ of American _____________________ by the ___________________.


-To most Americans, the country’s_______________________.

-Those who were eager for war ____________________ were called __________________________. Opposition to war was strongest in _______________________. Many _________________________ believed war with Britain would _____________________________.


-Relations with _________________ worsened _______________ in the early months of 1812. In the spring, the ________________ told the United States they would _______________________________. Meanwhile, Native Americans in the _____________________ began new attacks on ____________________________. In June, Congress declared war on _____________________________________. 


II. Early Days of the War


-The war did not come at a good time for _________________, who were still at war in ________________. However, _______________ was not willing to meet American demands ____________________. Providing Native Americans with support was one way of __________ _______________________________________________________.


-Americans were confident they __________________, but it soon became apparent that the United States was not ______________

____________________. Jefferson’s ________________________ had weakened American _________________________________.


-In the first days of the war, _________________ set up a blockade of the American coast. After _______________________________, the British were able to ___________________________________ by war’s end.


-A major __________ battle was fought at the beginning of the war. In August 1812, the ______________________, defeated the British ___________________________in a fierce ________________.


III. The War in the West and South


-In the ________, the Americans and British fought for control of the _________________________ and the _______________________. Both sides had ________________________________.


-Even before the war began, _________________ were demanding an invasion of _________________. They expected the __________ to welcome the chance to __________________________________.


-In July 1812, American troops under _________________________ invaded ________________ from Detroit. __________ was unsure of himself. Fearing he did not have ______________________ soldiers, ____________________________________.


-The British commander, ______________________________, took advantage of ___________________. His army of British soldiers and ______________________________ quickly surrounded __________ army and forced it ______________________. It was a serious defeat ______________________________.


-American forces had better luck on_____________________. A key three-hour battle took place at ________________________, in the ____________________________________________, in 1813.


-With Americans in control of the _______________, the British were forced to leave _________________ and retreat back ___________ ____________________.


-As the British and their Native American allies ________________, the Americans under ______________________________________ pursued them. They followed the ____________________________, defeating them in the _________________________. ____________ was among those killed in the battle. (Chatham, Ontario)


-Native Americans also suffered defeat in the ______________. In the summer of 1813, _______________________ attacked several _______________________ settlements. ____________________ took command of American forces in _________________. In March 1814, _________________ defeated the ________________ at the _________________________________. The treaty that ended the fighting forced the _______________ to give up millions of American __________________________________.  


IV. Final Battles


-In 1814, the ______________ finally defeated _________________. This allowed __________________ to send ____________________ across the _____________________ to fight against the _____________________.


-The new ___________________ was to attack the nation’s capital, __________________________. In August 1814, a _____________

____________________ marched into the city. ________________, the President’s wife, gathered up the _________________________ and fled the __________________________________.


-The British set fire to several ____________________________, including the _____________________. Americans were shocked to learn that their army ______________________________________.


-The British now moved on to ______________________. Their first objective was _____________________,  which defended the city’s _______________. British __________________ bombarded the ____________ throughout the night of September 13, 1814. ________________________________, a young American, watched the attack. At dawn, ____________ saw the ____________________

______________________________ over the fort. The Americans had _________________________________.


-On the back of an old ________________, _____________ wrote a poem that he called “_____________________________________.”

-It told the story of his ____________________. The poem became ___________________ and was set to _______________. In 1931, Congress made it the _____________________________________.


-By 1814, Britain had _______________. Peace talks began in _______________, _______________. On Christmas Eve 1814, the two sides signed the ________________________, which ended the war. The treaty returned things _____________________________



-News of the __________________ took several weeks to reach the ___________________. In that time, the two _________________ one more battle. In January ___________, American forces under _________________________________ won a stunning victory over the __________________________________________________.


-From the start, there had been opposition to __________________. ___________________________ particularly disliked the war, mainly because the blockade had __________________________________.


-In December 1814, a group of ________________________ met in __________________, Connecticut. Some delegates to the _______________________________________ suggested that the ____________________ states _____________ from the United States.


-While the delegates ___________________, news of the _____________________________. With the war over, the _________________________________________________.