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-The _________ Age occurred about _________________________ years ago. It was a long __________________ of extreme _______. Low _______________________ caused large areas of earth’s water to _________________, forming thick _________________ of ice or _____________________. The levels of the ____________ dropped.


-The ______________ Strait is a narrow stretch of _____________ that separates ___________ from __________________. During the ________ Age, the ________________________ became shallower. Land that had been ___________________ was uncovered, forming a long ___________________________ that linked ____________ and North America.


-Many scholars believe that __________________ first began to _______________, or move, to the Americas between ___________ to _______________ years ago. But how did they ______________? The land ______________ gave historians a ___________________, or a possible ______________________.


-Perhaps large animals like _________________ and ____________ began to cross the ________________________ from Asia. Perhaps __________________ began to follow these ___________________ on foot. As the animals ____________________________ into North America, so did the _____________________.


-Some scholars think _________________ may have _____________ to the Americas by __________________. Perhaps both __________ are ________________ and different ___________________ arrived in different _________________________.


-The first __________________ migrated throughout North America and ____________________________. They lived in many different _________________________. They ______________, or changed, their ways of ________________ to meet the _________________ of these __________________________________.    




II. WAYS OF LIFE (page 56)


-Life was a _____________________ for the __________________ people in the _____________________. Getting enough _________ to eat for __________ was often a ___________________. So they lived in small ____________, or groups, of _______________. Their way of _______________ centered on ___________________. They depended on _____________________________ of animals for food, so they ________________________________.


-The early people used more than _________________ from animals like the ______________________. They ______________________ the hides from the _________________ and made ______________ from them. They also ________________________ hides over wood ______________ to make their ________________________ homes.


-They made _________________ like ____________________ and _________________ from the animal’s bones and _____________. The early people also made ______________ from _____________. Pressing one ________________ against another, they ___________ spear _______________, ______________, and ________________.


-The earliest people left no ________________________________ of how they lived. So how do we know about ____________________? Clues they left behind—called ______________________—tell us. An ___________________ is an object that someone _______________ in the _________________________.



-Archaeologists are _____________________ who ______________ these _________________. Archaeologists study the ____________ of people who lived _________________ and draw ______________ from them.


-For example, sturdy _______________________ reveal that people stitched strong ______________ together to make their __________, _____________________, and even _______________________.





-About _______________ years ago, the ______________ gradually came to an end. Earth’s ___________________ began to get warmer and ________________________. As time passed some of the large __________ animals became _____________________, or died out. Perhaps they could not _______________ to the new ___________. Or perhaps the _______________ had ________________ them off.


-Whatever the cause, the first __________________ had to find new __________________________.  They continued to ____________ for smaller ______________________ and to _____________. They also gathered __________________ that grew _____________, like _____________, root _____________________, _______________, and nuts.


-Hunters had become ______________________________, but they were still on the ______________. They ___________________ with the _______________________ to find whatever _______________ each season _____________________________________.


-Then about _______________ years ago in present-day __________________, people began to learn how to ____________ themselves. Instead of gathering ________________________, they started ____________________ its seeds. Agriculture made it ____________________ for people to ________________________. Now ____________________ bands of ________________________ could become members of _________________________________.   




  1. I.           THERE YOU ARE (Page 60)


-You’re looking out the ________________ of a plane as you ______ over ______________________________. All of a sudden something amazing _______________ your eye. You see what looks like a huge __________________ that seems to be _______________________ its way across the ________________________________________.


-It looks as if it is built out of ____________________________. It’s probably about ____________________ feet high. What in the world can __________________________?



  1. II.        THE MOUND BUILDERS (page 61)


-The snake-like _____________________ that you just read about is real. Called the ______________________, it is near Hillsboro, Ohio. It was built more than _______________ years ago by people often called the ____________________________________.


-They were one of several early _______________________ groups that once _____________________ in North America, and then __________________________________.


-The ____________________________ culture began about 3,000 years ago and lasted about _______________________ years. Most _____________________ lived east of the Mississippi River. The land there is rich in forests, fertile soil, lakes, and rivers.


-The Mound Builders were _________________ who lived in settled __________________________. Their main crop was __________.




-The Mound Builders were not a ____________________ of people. The ____________ main groups were the ___________________, ______________________, and ___________________. They built _______________ of ______________ in many different _________.


-At Cahokia in present-day _____________, a mound rises _______ feet, as tall as a ___________________________ building.


-Some mounds were __________________ for important ________. Some, like the ______________________________, may have been built to _____________ animal ________________ that were part of the ______________________________________ religion.


-Many of the mounds had _______________ where _____________ or other _______________ were held. A ceremony is an __________ done for a special _________________ or event, such as a _______, ________________, or ______________________.


-The Mound Builders left many _______________ about their way of _______________ for _____________________ to study. Being able to build such _______________________________ shows they were _____________________________. Hundreds or even thousands of ___________________ had to be directed to __________________ tons of _______________ with the ___________________ available.


-Then the earth had to be __________________—often over long _________________—to a __________________ location. Finally, workers had to create the __________________ the builder planned.  


-Artifacts tell us that ___________________ was important to their __________________. Knives found in mounds _________________ from a ___________ called _________________ that came from the _________________________, hundreds of miles to the _________.






-Seashells used in _______________ came from the ____________

________________, hundreds of miles to the ____________. Copper came hundreds of miles from near the ________________________, to the north. Mica, a glittering ____________________ the people of Cahokia ________________, came from the ____________________ __________________________far to the _________________.



III. THE ANASAZI (Pages 62-63)


-Another early _________________ group, called the ____________, lived in what is today the __________________ of the United States. Their name is a ______________________ Indian word for “the ___________________________.”


-Anasazi ______________________ were located in an area today called the _______________________ Four present-day states come ____________________. They are ____________, _________, _________________, and ______________. The ________________ lived in this area from about the year ________ to about _________.


-The Anasazi grew ___________, ______________, _____________, and ___________________. Like Mound Builders, they lived in _________________________________. Although the climate of the ______________________ region is __________, it did not limit the Anasazi’s _________________________.  


-They dug ________________ to carry __________________ from ________________ to the crops in the ____________. The Anasazi were the first ______________ to use _________________ in what would become the ______________________________.


-The Anasazi are also known as the “_________________________” because they sometimes __________________ houses into the sides of _________________. They also built _______________________ buildings several ____________________ high on the top of __________________.


-A mesa is a high, ______________________ that rises steeply from the ______________ around it. Mesa means “_______________” in Spanish.


-In the Anasazi community of __________________ in present-day _________________, you can see a __________________ built into _______________. The largest building is the __________________, which has about _______________ rooms.


-It also has 23 _____________, which are large _________________ rooms. Kivas are important to _______________________________. They are where religious ________________________ are held. Only ________________ are allowed to enter a __________________.


-All around you, people are using beautiful ____________________. They are so _______________ and expertly ________________ that they can even __________________ and be used for ____________ Hot _____________ are put into the __________________ with corn that has been ground into _____________, ___________, and other food to make a __________________.


-Anasazi culture reached its _________________ in the __________. But then something ____________________ happened. The Anasazi suddenly ____________________ their villages in the ____________ _________________region. Why did they _______________? Where did they _____________? No one ________________ for sure.


-One theory is that a __________________, or a long period without _____________, forced them to ______________. Streams _______ up and ______________________ became ____________________. The _____________________ had to move to a ________________ where there was enough _____________ for __________________.


-Historians believe that the _________________ peoples of today’s _______________________, including the ________________, are descended from the _______________________________.



IV. THE INUIT (Page 64)


-Far to the ______________, in what is today _________________, live people who call themselves _________________, meaning “the ________________.” Like the first Americans, the ______________ traveled from _____________ to _________________. But the Inuit came _____________________, probably about _______________ years ago.


-Today they make their _______________ across the ____________ lands near the __________________________, from Alaska through ____________________ and on to __________________________.


-The Inuit adapted to _____________ in the _________________ climate. They hunted _____________________, _______________, and seals in the __________________ waters. They developed the ________________, a light, one-person _______________ that is used for ___________________ and ________________________. In the winter, some _____________ still build __________________ houses called _________________________ from blocks of ______________________________.






  1. I.           THE MAYA (Page 67)


-Mayan _________________ reached its ____________ around the year ___________. A civilization is a ____________ with organized systems of ____________________, ___________________, and __________________________.


-The Maya _________________ in present-day _________________ about _____________ years ago. They were ___________________ who cut down the ____________________________ to create open _________________, where they grew _______________ and other _________________.


-The Maya were such successful ____________________ that they began to grow a ______________, or more ___________________ than they needed to _____________ their own ________________. People with __________________________ could trade it for things they ________________. As a result, not _____________________ had to ______________.


-Some Maya began to _______________________, or do only one kind of __________. People began to develop ________________ such as ____________________, ______________________, and ______________________________.


-Specializing helped the ___________________ to develop a complex _______________________ with many _______________________. Some Maya _______________________ in studying the __________ around them and _______________________ new _____________.


-For example, some _________________ themselves to studying the ______________________ of the ____________, ______________, _______________, and ____________________. What they _________________ helped them ______________________ an extremely accurate _________________________.


-Other Maya became ________________ at ___________________. They were among the _____________________________ to use the number ____________________.


-Other Maya specialized in __________________. They developed __________________ to build tall ______________________. A __________________ is building with ______________ or more _______________ shaped like ____________________ that slant toward a ______________ at the top.


-At the top of the Mayan ________________ were ______________ where religious _____________________ were held. Mayan kings were __________________ in pyramids.


-The Maya also ___________________ a system of _____________. They recorded their ___________________ and what they learned about ______________________ and _____________________.


-Mayan civilization began to ______________ as early as the year ___________. By _________, the Maya had _________________ most of their ______________. Eventually the ________________ grew back, completely __________________ them ___________. Today, however, ____________________ of the Maya continue to live in ____________________ and ________________________.





-In about _________, people called the _______________ began to migrate ____________ from northern ______________. According to legend, they were following the __________________ of one of their ____________, who told them to ______________ until they saw an ____________ with a _____________ in its ____________ sitting on a ___________________.


-There, he said, they should _____________. When the _________ reached an _____________ in ____________________, they as last saw what they had been _____________________ for. Here, in the ______________________, they built ______________________, meaning “_________________________________.”


-Today, the ______________, ______________, and ____________ appear as the central symbols on the ____________________ of the country of _______________________________.


-Tenochtitlan grew into a great city. ________________________, or low bridges, linked ______________________ to the land around the _______________. As many as ______________ people lived there, making it ___________ of the largest ______________ in the world.



-In order to have more ______________ for farming, ____________ farmers created “______________________” around their ________ city. Farmers on other _____________ lands developed __________ systems and ________________ more farmland by ______________ terraces, or wide, ________________ steps, into the ____________.  



-From Tenochtitlan, the ____________________ sent out armies to _______________ other people in the _______________________. Soon they had __________________ an empire that _____________ from the ____________________ to the ___________________. An empire is a group of _____________ and peoples _______________ by one ___________________________.


-The Aztec _______________ the people they __________________ to pay them _______________. Tribute is the __________________ demanded by ______________ from the people they ____________.


-Each year people in the _____________________ had to send gold, ____________, and precious _________________, as well as food, ________________, and weapons as ___________________ to Tenochtitlan.


-The Aztecs also ____________________ to be given people as ______________________. They enslaved people ____________ to them as ____________________ as well as ___________________ captured in _____________. Slavery is the ___________________ of holding __________________ against their will and ______________ away their ________________________________.


-Like the Maya, the ____________ worshipped many ____________. Chief among them was ___________________________, the god of _________. The Aztecs _______________ that they had to worship _____________________ by offering him _____________________. Slaves and __________________ were _____________________ to the god. To sacrifice is to kill a __________________ or animal for a ______________________________________________.


-At the same time as the _______________________ ruled central __________________, the ____________________ empire rose in _____________________. Like the Aztecs, the ________________ created their _________________ through ___________________.


-The ______________ built thousands of miles of _______________ to ___________ all parts of the ________________ to their capital at ______________ in present-day ______________. Government messengers could ______________ to the empire’s far ___________ at a rate of _____________________ a day. That was probably the fastest _____________________________________ anywhere in the world.