page contents





Renaissance: the period of the rebirth of learning in Europe between about 1300 and 1600


humanism: a system of thought that focuses on the nature, ideals, and achievements of human

                      beings, rather than on the divine


Reformation: the effort to change or reform the Roman Catholic Church, which led to the

                         establishment of Protestant churches


Protestant: referring to Christian religions that grew out of the Reformation


Age of Exploration: the period of European exploration overseas from about 1400 to 1600


Cape of Good Hope: the southern tip of Africa


Northwest Passage: a sea route through North America


Strait of Magellan: a waterway near the southern tip of South America


circumnavigate: to sail or fly completely around something, such as earth


divine right of kings: the belief that the authority of kings comes directly from God


absolute monarch: a king or queen with complete authority over the government and people in

                                    a kingdom


Versailles: the palace built for the French king Louis XIV


Elizabethan Age: a golden age of English history when Elizabeth I was queen, 1558-1603


tsar: the Russian emperor


conquistador: a Spanish conqueror in the Americas


Hernan Cortes: the Spanish conquistador who conquered the Aztecs


encomienda: a system in which the Spanish king gave Spanish settlers the right to the labor of

                         the Native Americans who lived in a particular area


Francisco Pizarro: the Spanish conquistador who conquered the Incas