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CHAPTER 5              THE ROAD TO REVOLUTION: 1745-1776


Section 1: Trouble on the Frontier


I. Competing Empires


-Between _________ and __________, American colonists developed a large degree of _________________________________, and they were proud of their hard-won _____________________.


-By the middle of the ____________, France and Britain each controlled large areas of _______________________ which bordered on each other for ___________________________.


-Each country ________________ the other and sought to increase the _______________________________________.


-These ambitions collided on the _________________________ and eventually led ___________________.


-Native Americans lived on most of the territory claimed by ______________________________________. Since there were few _________________________________, the French did not threaten to seize _______________________________.


-However, the need of ___________________________ settlers for ___________________ led to conflict with the Native Americans.  By the 1740s, _____________________________ were pushing into the ______________________ valley lands claimed by the ___________.


-In __________, the French began building ______________ to back their claim to the land between _______________________ and the ____________________. This news alarmed the ________________ _______________________which also claimed the ______________ ________________ valley.


-The Governor of ___________________ sent the ______________ _________________led by George Washington to tell the __________________ to leave. They ___________________.


-The next year, ______________________ traveled west again with orders to ____________________ where the ___________________ and the ____________________ rivers meet to form the Ohio River.


-Washington arrived too late. The _______________ were already their building their own fort, Fort ___________________________. Washington marched south for about 50 miles and built a small fort of his own called ____________________________________.


-Later, a larger _____________________ army arrived and forced Washington to _________________________________________. The _______________________ allowed Washington and his men to return home to ____________________ with the message that they would never give up the _________________________________.


-Expecting ____________ to break out soon, the British government called a meeting of colonial leaders in ________________________. The British wanted the ________________ to agree to ________________ in defending themselves against the _________.


-The British also invited the ___________________________ to the meeting. They hoped to form an _____________________ with the ____________________ against the French, but the ____________, who expected the French to ________________________________, refused.


-______________________ drew up a plan called the ____________ __________________________________which called for a council of representatives that would have authority over _________________

_____________, relations with ______________________________, and other urgent matters.


-The council could also _____________________ and collect ________________ to pay its expenses.


-The Albany Congress __________________ Franklin’s plan but the ________________________________ rejected it. They wanted to control their own __________________ and ________________.



II. Early British Defeats


 -Soon after _____________________ return, the British government decided it had to push the ______________ out of the ___________

_____________ valley. In _________, it sent General ____________ ________________ with orders to capture ____________________.


-___________________________ understood military tactics used in _______________ where armies fought in formation on __________

___________________, but he knew nothing about fighting in North America where ___________________________________________.


-As _________________ force neared _________________________ in early ________, it was _________________ by French troops and their Native American allies. More than half of __________________ men were _________________ or _________________ with the ________________ himself among the dead.


-The British had other setbacks during ___________. An army led by the governor of __________________ failed to take _____________ ________________on ______________________________.


-Further east, an army of British colonists and __________________ ________________was _____________________ and suffered heavy losses near ___________________.


-These defeats may have strengthened ________________ leaders’ resolve not to ____________ with _____________________.




-In ______________, Britain declared war on France, marking the beginning of the _______________________________ between the two countries. Shortly thereafter, French troops led by General _____________________ captured and destroyed Britain’s _______________________________ on ____________________.


-In 1757, Montcalm captured Fort ___________________ on _______________________________. 


III. The British Turn the Tide


-The situation _________________ for Britain during ___________ when __________________ became Prime Minister. ____________ sought top generals who had military talent, among them was 30 year-old _______________________________.


-With ____________ generals in command, the war entered a new phase. In the summer of ________, Britain scored its first victory of the war when it captured the fort at _________________________ in present-day Canada.


-In the fall, the British took Fort __________________ and renamed it Fort ____________, in _______________________ honor. It later became the city of ____________________________.


-These and other victories led the _______________ to side with the British and set the stage for the British attack on ________________.   


-_______________, the capital of New France, was located on a high cliff overlooking the _________________________________. At first the British made little progress, but one night they found an _________________________ that allowed them to _____________ the ____________________________ protecting the city.


-In _______________________________, British and French soldiers met on a ___________________ in front of the city. More than 2,000 soldiers were _________________ or ____________________ in the battle.


-After losing __________________, France could no longer defend the rest of its North American territory. _____________________, the other major French city in Canada, fell in _______________.


-In __________, Britain and France signed the __________________

___________________. France lost almost all of its ______________

_________________ possessions. It ceded _____________________ to Great Britain. Great Britain also gained all other French territories ________________________________________ except __________ _________________________.


-Britain also received _____________________. New Orleans, along with all ______________ territories __________________________, went to _______________.


-Native Americans also ________________ a great deal. Without _______________ help, they could not stop ____________________ settlers from _____________________________________________.


-The defeat of the ______________ left the __________________ in control of a vast ____________ in ___________________________.



Section 2: The Colonists Resist Tighter Control


I. Conflict with Native Americans


-By __________, Britain controlled almost all of North America _____________ of the ____________________________________. Native Americans living west of the ___________________________ were desperately trying to ___________ their ___________. Fighting between _________________________ and ___________________ settlers began as soon as the ________________________________ ended.



-In the last days of the ___________________________________, the leader of the __________________ nation, ________________, formed an alliance of western Native Americans. In May _________, ______________ and his allies attacked ______________ forts and settlements throughout the area. This was called _____________



-The _____________ finally defeated __________________ forces in early August at a battle near Fort _____________. ______________ continued to fight for another _________________, but by the fall of ________________, the war was over.  


-Britain wanted to avoid further wars with _____________________

___________, so the British government issued the ____________ ________________. It banned colonial settlement ____________ of a line drawn along the ___________________________________. Settlers were told they had to move to a  ______________________ of that line.


-The _______________________________________ angered many colonists who believed they had the _________________________ wherever they wanted. The proclamation was widely ____________ and proved _______________ for the British to ________________. 


II. British Rule Leads to Conflict


-The __________________________________ left Britain deeply in _____________. Furthermore, these expenses _________________. The British government had to keep ___________________ in North America to make sure ______________ did not try to ____________ its lost ____________________ and to protect settlers against Native ________________________________.


-British leaders believed the colonists should ______________ part of the __________________.



-The British effort to impose new _______________ on the colonies began in ____________ when Parliament passed the ____________

_________________, which put a __________ or import _________ on several products, including ______________________________.


-It called for harsh punishment for ______________________. Colonial merchants, who sometimes traded in ______________ goods, ______________________.


-One year later, Parliament passed the ________________________. The purpose of the ______________________________ was to save _______________. To enforce the Proclamation of 1763, Britain kept about ________________________ in the colonies. The act required colonists to _________________, or _________________, the British ____________ and provide them with _________ and other supplies.


-The colonists protested __________________.



III. The Stamp Act


-An even more unpopular law was the _______________________, passed by Parliament in early ___________. The _______________ required that all colonists __________________________________ for all kinds of products and activities. The _____________ had to be placed on _________________________, wills, ________________, _______________________________ policies, land _____________, ______________, and other documents.


-Protests against the ________________________ were widespread. Colonial assemblies passed ______________________ declaring that they alone had _____________________________________ people.


-Merchants in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia organized a ___________________ of British _______________.



-In October, delegates from ___________ colonies met in New York for the _____________________________. They sent a ________________ to the King and Parliament demanding the end of both the __________________ and ______________________.



-The protests worked. In ___________, ______________________ repealed the __________________________. However, at the same time it passed the ___________________________, which said that Parliament had total authority over the _______________________.


IV. Protests Spread


-British officials sought a means of _______________ the colonists in a way that would not ________________________ them. Under the ___________________________________ of 1767, Britain would no longer __________ products or activities inside the colonies. It would only ____________ products __________________ into the colonies.


-The ______________________________ set up a system to enforce the new import _____________. To help customs officers find illegal goods, they were allowed to use _____________________________. These were court _________________ that allowed officials to make _________________ without saying what they were __________________________ for.


-Many colonists saw these ________________ and the ___________ they allowed as yet another _____________________ of their rights.


-Charles ____________________________, the official in charge of the British _______________________, also wanted to ______________ the colonial assemblies. When the New York assembly ________________ to supply money to _______________ and __________________ soldiers under the __________________

________________, Parliament __________________ the assembly.


-The colonists again reacted by ___________________ British goods.


-Once again, the protests _____________. On March 5, _________, Parliament __________________ all the ______________________ duties—except the one on _________. That tax was left in ________ to demonstrate Parliament’s ______________________ the colonies.


-On ______________________________, the same day Parliament ______________ the duties but before word of their action reached the colonies, an ____________ crowd in _____________________ surrounded a small _____________ of ___________________. They _______________ at the _________________ and _____________ snowballs and ____________________ at them.


-The ________________________ soldiers ______________ into the _______________, killing ____________ and wounding __________. This event is known as the ____________________________.


-The nine ___________________ involved in the ________________ were ___________________ and tried for _____________________.


-______________________________, a leading defender of colonial ____________________ against recent British policies, defended the ____________________ because he believed that in a ____________ country every person _____________________ of a ______________ had the right to a __________________ and a fair ________________.


-Only two soldiers were ________________ of the _____________. Their _______________ was having their _____________________.


-As tensions ______________, colonial leaders saw the need to keep in closer _____________ with _____________ in other ________________. After the _______________________________, _______________________, a cousin of ______________________, established what he called a ________________________________

_________________. The aim was to keep colonists _____________ of British _____________________.


-These ___________________________________________ helped _______________________ the colonists against Britain.


Section 3: From Protest to Rebellion


I. A Dispute over Tea


-In ___________, the British Parliament passed the _____________. It was intended to help the _________________________________, one of Britain’s most important ______________________. For many years, the ______________ had made ____________ growing _____ in ______________ and selling it in __________________ and in the colonies.


-The colonial ________________ of ___________ seriously hurt the _______________________.


-The ______________________ actually lowered the price of ______ by allowing the ____________________________ to sell directly to the colonies. Prior to the ______________, the ________ first had to be _____________ to Britain. Despite the lower ________________, some colonists reacted ________________ to the part of the act that gave the ____________________________________ a monopoly on selling ____________________ in the ________________________.


-The monopoly ____________ colonial merchants. Many of them sold ___________________ that was _______________ into the colonies. Now they would not be able to _____________ with the lower-priced ____________________________. Many colonial _______________ argued that even though the ____________ of ______________ was _________________, colonists still had to _________ the _________ on it.


-A __________________ of colonists called the _________________ _____________soon organized in ______________ cities to stop the _______________________________________________ from being _____________________.


-No __________ was ________________ in New York, Philadelphia or other ____________. However, in ________________________, Governor Thomas Hutchinson __________________ the _________ to be __________________________________.


-For more than two ____________, feelings were _______________ in _________________. Finally, on the night of _________________

_______________________, a large group of men ______________ as _______________________ boarded the ___________________.


-During the next three hours, they threw ____________ of ________ into the harbor. The raiders destroyed _________________________ worth __________________ of __________________________.  


II. The Intolerable Acts


-The ______________________________ outraged the British government. ___________________________ called for tough action to make _______________________ of the people of ____________ and ___________________________________.


-In response, Parliament passed ___________________. These laws were so _________________ that ______________________ called them the _______________________________.


-The first act closed the _________________ of ________________.


-__________ others increased the __________________ of the royal ____________________, abolished the ________________________ of the __________________________________, and cut the powers of __________________________________. Now anyone accused of _______________________ a British colonial official could be tried in __________________ rather than in the ______________________.


-The ______________ law strengthened the 1765 ______________



-Parliament also passed the ___________________________ which set up a ____________________________ for the _______________________ taken from __________________ in _____________. The _______________________________ claimed land between the __________ and ___________________________ as part of __________________________. Quebec’s new boundaries took away the _______________________ claimed by ___________ colonies and ____________________ colonists from moving ___________________________.


-_________________ in all the colonies _____________________ by trying to ____________ the people of ______________________ by  __________________________ and other ____________________.


-Meanwhile, the _________________________________ organized a __________________ to ________________ what to do _________.


- That meeting, known as the _______________________________, took place in ______________________ in _____________________ and ___________________ of ___________________. Twelve of the _________________ colonies sent _______________________. Only ___________________ did not send _________________________.


-The Congress ____________________ the ______________ of the _________________________________ and __________________ that the ________________ had a ___________ to __________ and _______________________ themselves.


-It called for the __________________ of _____________________ to stand up to the ______________________________ if necessary. The Congress also _____________ for a new __________________ of British _______________________.







III. The Shot Heard Round the World


-The British government had _______________________ of meeting the __________________ of the ____________________________. It _____________, instead, to use ________________ to restore its _________________________.


-Meanwhile, ____________________ began to _________ and form _______________________ called __________________________.


-In ____________________, General ________________________, the new ________________________ of Massachusetts, learned the ________________________ were storing _________________ in __________________. On ______________________________, he sent about _____________________ to seize the ______________ and ________________ some important ______________________.


-As the _______________ set out, a ________________ sent by the _________________ appeared in the _______________________ of ______________________________. Two men, ________________

__________________ and _________________________, then rode through the ____________________ to __________________ the ____________________________________.


-_____________ miles from ___________________ in the town of _____________________ about _________________________ were waiting when the British _____________________. The British commander _________________ the _________________________ to go _______________, but they ___________________.


-Suddenly a ________________ out. Nobody ________________ who _______________ it, but it ____________ out to be the first _____________ of the _____________________________—“the _____________ heard ______________ the ________________.”   The ______________ then opened _______________, killing eight ______________________________.


-A larger ___________________ took _______________ in nearby __________________. This time ___________________________ fought the _________________, killing ________________ of them. As the British ___________________ toward __________________, about __________________________ fired at them from _________ ________________________________________________.


-By the ______________ the _____________ reached ___________, almost _____________ of them had been _________________ or ________________.



Section 4: The War Begins


I. The Second Continental Congress


-Even after __________________ and _____________________, the first _______________ of the _______________________________, most colonists still did not favor ________________________.


-As the _______________ with Britain ________________________, the ____________________________ came together in Philadelphia in _____________________. The ________________, at first, was __________________ about what to do.


-A group of ___________________ from ______________________ wanted to ________________________________________. A more ___________________ group from the ________________________ favored ________________________. However, nearly all delegates felt they needed to ______________________________________.


-The first step was to _________________________. The Congress chose _____________________________ as the ________________ of the newly formed _______________________________________.


-The Congress took ______________ to ___________ for its army by _______________________. The Second Continental Congress was _______________________________________________________.


-By ____________, a _________ was ______________________ in the American colonies. Colonists who _________________________ and were willing to ______________ for it _____________ the name ___________________________.


-Those who remained ____________ to ________________ and the __________________ called themselves ______________________.


-_____________ colonists were ______________. However, as many as ___________________ of the ____________________ may have had ____________________________________________________.


-The ___________________ came from ______________ colony and  ____________________________of the population, but they were a ___________________. During __________ and ____________, the ___________________ took control of ________________________.


-The __________________ included some _____________ from the __________________ families in the colonies __________________ many leading _________________ and __________________. They ______________ a _________________ would lead to a __________________ in __________________ and that they would ________________ their ________________________.


-Many ____________________________ also sided with the British hoping to ______________________. So did most Native Americans who _________________ they would lose their _______________ if the colonists won ___________________________________.


-During the __________________, thousands of ________________ fought on the _______________________ side. During and after the Revolutionary War, about ______________________ left the country _________________. Many settled in ______________________.




-Even ______________ after ____________________ and Concord, many ________________ at the ____________________________ hoped that ________________ could be _______________ between __________________ and its American ______________________.


-Two ___________________ passed in _____________ showed the ___________________ of Congress. The first _________________ was called the ______________________________ and was sent to _________________________. The petition ___________________ that the ___________________ were _______________ to the king and asked ____________ to ____________ the ________________ so all ________________ between the colonists and Britain could be ____________________________________________.


-The next day, Congress passed a __________________________

 called the _____________________________________________. The document stated that the colonists were ready “____________



-The effort at __________________. King George did not bother to answer the ____________________________________. Instead, he declared the colonies were “___________… ___________________.”


-Parliament, meanwhile, voted to send ________________________

 to the colonies to end the ___________________________.


-On ____________________, the same day the _________________ ___________________________began meeting, an important battle took place in _______________________. A daring band of colonists made a surprise attack on __________________________________.


-The fort stood at the ___________ end of _____________________ and protected the __________________ to ____________________.


-Leading the force was _______________________, and since many of his men came from the _________________________ of today’s Vermont, they were known as _______________________________. 


-_________________ of ____________ reached the fort by crossing the ____________ at ____________ and _____________________ the British in the ________________. Only _________ British troops ________________ the fort, and they ________________________ almost immediately.


-____________________________ was important for ___________ reasons. It __________________ the main _____________ between _________________ and the _______________________________.


-It also held _________________________, especially ___________ that Americans needed to match the _________________________.


-When the ________________________________ took the _______, they seized several dozen _________________. Later, those cannons were moved to ________________ where _____________________

_________________ used them to _____________ the British from the _________________________.


II. Early Battles


-By June ___________, the British had ____________________ in ________________, and the Americans had about ____________ surrounding the city. About ____________ of these ______________ ___________________ overlooking the city. From this ___________, they could ____________ on British ___________ in _____________ __________________. Nearby was __________________________, also controlled by the ___________________________.


-The Americans ___________________ Boston were _____________ and _____________, not trained _________________. Nobody knew if they would _______________ and fight against _______________ British ___________________.





-British _____________________________ decided to attack straight ___________________. The Americans, short on _______________, waited until the _______________ were only ______________________. When they ___________, hundreds of British troops fell _______________________________________.


-The first British __________________. So did the ______________. The third attack __________________ only because the Americans _______________________ and had to ___________________. The British _______ the _____________ but at a ___________________.


-Even after ______________, Boston was still __________________ by American ______________. In _____________________, George Washington ___________ and took charge of the _______________.


-In March, Washington __________________________________ on high ground ___________________ Boston. This made it impossible for the British to ____________________. On __________________, they _______________ from Boston by _______________ and never _________________________________.


-Although the Americans ___________ in _____________, Britain still held most of the ______________________. They had the most ____________________ in the _________________. They used it to ___________________ American ports. They also strengthened their ________________ by ___________________________________.


-While Washington _______________________ one army outside of ________________, two other American __________________ were moving ___________ into ____________. One, led by ___________, left from ______________________. The other, led by ___________ _______________________, moved north through ______________.


-In late __________________________, the Americans attacked _________________ during a severe _____________________. The ___________________ was turned back. ______________________ was _____________ and Arnold was _____________________.


-Weakened by _________________ and ____________________, the Americans __________________ in ________________, leaving __________________ to the ___________________.