page contents





1.     Culture: The way of life of a group of people


2.     Ideals: Important beliefs


3.     Ethnic Group: Group of people who share the same customs and language


4.     Census: A count of the population


5.     Immigrants: People who leave one country to go live in another country


6.     Democracy: Government that is run by the people


\7.     Republic: Form of government in which people elect representatives to

                                  make laws and run government


8.     Constitution: A written plan of government


9.     Citizen: A member of a country


10.Private Property: Something owned by individual people


11.Economy: System for producing and distributing goods and services


12.Free Enterprise: Economic system on which people are free to start their

                                                 own businesses and own their own property


13.Profit: Money a business has left over after it has paid all its costs


14.Supply: Amount of a product that is available


15.Demand: Amount of a product that people are willing to buy


16.Export: Good that one country sells to another country


17.Consumer: Person who buys or uses goods and services


18.Entrepreneur: Person who starts a new business, hoping to make a profit


19.Region: Large area that has common features that set it apart from other



20.Geography: Study of earth and how people use it


21.Agriculture: Business of growing crops and raising animals


22.Irrigation: Method of bringing water to dry land


23.Climate: Weather in an area over a long period of time


24.Precipitation: Moisture that falls to earth in the form of rain, snow, or sleet


25.Interdependent: Needing each other


26.Natural Resource: Things found in nature that people can use (water, trees)


27.Mineral: Substances found on earth that are neither animal or vegetable


28.Fossil Fuel: Fuels formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived

                                       thousands of years ago (coal, oil, natural gas)


29.Renewable Resource: Resources that can be renewed or replaced


30.Nonrenewable Resource: Resources that cannot easily be replaced


31.Conservation: Preserving and protecting natural resources


32.Environment: All things that surround us, such as land, water, and trees


33.Pollution:  The addition of harmful substances to the air, water, or soil


34. Import: A good that one country buys from another