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MEDIEVAL HISTORY                                            VOCABULARY FOR TECHBOOK SECTIONS 11 AND 12




Constantine: An emperor of the Roman Empire and founder of Constantinople


Justinian: One of the greatest Byzantine emperors


Justinian’s Code: An organized collections and explanation of Roman laws for use by

                                 the Byzantine Empire


Schism: A split, particularly in a church or religion


Muhammad: The prophet and founder of Islam


Nomads: people with no permanent home, who move from place to place in search

                  of food, water, or pasture


Caravan: A group of traders traveling together for safety


Mecca: Arabian trading center and Muhammad’s birthplace


Muslim: A follower of Islam


Mosque: A Muslim house of worship


Quran: The holy book of Islam


Omar Khayyam: A Muslim poet, mathematician, and astronomer


Caliph: A Muslim ruler


Sufis: A mystical Muslim group that believed they could draw closer to God through

           prayer, fasting, and a simple life.