page contents



History: Written and other recorded events of people


Prehistory: Time before writing was invented


Archaeologist: Scientist who examines objects to learn about the

                     human past.


Oral Traditions: Stories passed down by word of mouth


Geography: The study of earth’s surface and the processes that

                  shape it


Stone Age: A period of time during which early humans made

                  lasting tools and weapons mainly from stone; the

                  earliest known period of human culture


Nomad: A person who has no settled home


Fertile: Rich in the substances plants need to grow well; describes

             soil and land


Domesticate: To adapt wild plants for human use; tame wild

                       animals and breed them for human use


Irrigation: Supplying land with water through a network of canals


Surplus: More than is needed


Artisan: A worker who is especially skilled at crafting items by hand


Civilization: A society with cities, a central government, job

                    specialization, and social classes


Social Class: A group of people with similar backgrounds, incomes,

                     and ways of living