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TECHBOOK 2.3 and 2.6   COLONIES TAKE ROOT 1587-1752


Section 3: The Middle Colonies


I. Geography of the Middle Colonies 


-Four states made up the Middle Colonies: ________________________, _________________________, _________________________________, and ______________________.


-Middle Colony ____________________________ had an easier time than ______________________ in New England. The climate was ___________ with a _______________________ season. The __________________ soil was well suited for crops like _________________, __________________, and ______________________________________.

II. New York and New Jersey


-New York began as the ________________________________ colony of __________________________. By the 1660s it was an _______________ success. Farmers were ___________________, and the colony was a base for a __________________________ trade between the ______________ and the Native Americans.



-The __________________ also made money ___________________ with ________________________ in the British colonies. This violated Britain’s __________________________ and _________________ the government.


-Tension also ______________ between England and ________________. __________________________ separated England’s _________________ colonies from its colonies ____________________________. Furthermore, England and _____________________ were _________________ at trade.


-In 1664, England’s ____________________________ granted the right to all _________________ lands in North America to his brother __________. __________________ sent a few ________________ and the __________ ____________________________________________ immediately.


-The colony was renamed _________________________, after James, the ______________________________. _____________________________, its capital, became New York City.


-New Jersey ________________________________ in 1665, when part of ______________________ New York was _________________ off to form a new ___________________. Like New York and several other colonies, New Jersey at first was a _________________________________-a colony created by a _______________ of ______________ from a monarch to an _____________________________________________.


-In 1702, New Jersey received a new charter as a ______________ colony-a colony ____________________________________________________.



III. Pennsylvania and Delaware


-In the 1640s and __________, the _____________ were one of a number of new ______________ groups in ______________. Their ideas set them _________________ from most groups including the _________________.


-The _____________________ believed that all people had a direct link or “_____________________” with God. Groups of ___________________, therefore, did not need _______________________________________.


-Another fundamental ______________________ was that all people were equal in _____________ eyes. Thus, they were among the ____________ in England to speak out ___________________.  Women were considered ________________ to men in ________________ matters and often were ___________________ in __________________________ meetings. 


-By the ____________, there were thousands of __________________ in England. Many of them refused to _____________________ to support the _______________________________________.


-Because of their __________________________, they often suffered from _____________________.


-One _______________ leader was ______________________, a wealthy man who personally knew _________________________. _____________ wanted to find a place for ___________________ to live where they would be __________________________________________.


-He _____________ his connections to get a ________________ from the _____________ for a new ______________ in North America. In 1681, he received an area almost as ______________________________, mainly in what is now _______________________________________________.


-_____________ arrived in his colony in ____________. Soon settlers from many places ________________________________.


-Penn considered his colony to be a “_____________________________.” His goal was to ________________ a colony in which people from different _______________________________ could live ____________________.


-In 1682, Penn wrote his _______________________________________. It granted the colony an _____________________________ and provided for ______________________________________________________.


-Penn tried to deal __________________________ with Native Americans. He did not __________________ colonists to settle on ________________ until the Native Americans __________________ it to ________________.


-People from __________________________ were the first settlers in ____________________. The _____________ took control of the territory in the 1650s, but they lost it to the __________________ when they lost ____________________________________.


-Penn’s _____________ for Pennsylvania included __________________. Because _____________________________ settlers did not want to send ________________ to a distant _____________________ in Philadelphia, Penn gave the area its own _____________________________________. In 1704, _____________________ became a separate _______________.



IV. Growth and Change


-By the early 1700s, more than _____________________ colonists lived in _____________________. Farms were so __________________________ that farmers grew ______________ than they could ______________ and ____________ the balance. -____________, the top cash crop, was sold to ________________________ in ________________________ and abroad. That is why the ___________________ Colonies were called the “____________________________________.”


-_______________________ was just beginning in the colonies during the ___________. the largest manufacturers produced ___________________, ________________, and _____________. Artisans worked as shoemakers, carpenters, __________, __________________, and _________________.


-The _____________________ section of Pennsylvania was ________ of a region called the ______________________ that extended through several colonies from ________________________ to ______________________.


-Many of the _____________________ who settled in the ______________________ were not English. Thousands were __________ __________________. Originally from _____________________, they had settled in _________________________ before coming to North America.


-Large numbers of _________________________________ began arriving in the 1700s. They described themselves as “_______________________” for ___________________________. Americans thought they were saying _________________. As a result, _____________________ immigrants in Pennsylvania were called the ___________________________________.


-By the middle of the _____________, many settlers were pushing __________________ and ______________ along a route that led from Pennsylvania to ______________________________ that was called the _______________________________________________________.




-By 1750, the __________________________ immigrants had made the ___________________ Colonies the most _________________________ part of English North America. _______________________________ and _____________________ had become the largest ___________________ and busiest __________________________ in the colonies.


-All the colonies had ___________________________ economies.



Section 4: The Southern Colonies


I. Geography of the Southern Colonies


-During the 1760s, Charles _________________________ and Jeremiah ____________________ were hired to settle a ______________________ dispute between __________________ and Pennsylvania. They conducted a ____________________ that took _______________ years to complete.


-The boundary they drew is known as the __________________________. After the _________________________, it was the __________________ between the _________________ states where slavery was ____________ and the ____________________ states where slavery ________________.


-Five colonies were located south of the ___________________________: _____________________, ____________________, North Carolina, South _____________________, and ______________________________.




-The climate of these states is ______________ and _________________. ___________ summers provide a ___________________________ season that colonial farmers used to ________________ crops such as _________ and ___________________________________.


-Both _____________ required many ____________________ in the fields and thus were partly _______________________ for helping to ________ the early development of ______________________________.



II. Virginia Grows


-Virginia’s population grew _______________________ during 1600s. After 1650, the population ___________________ more __________________. By 1670, _____________________________________ lived in Virginia.


-As Virginia’s ___________________ population grew, the Native American population ____________________________. ___________________ and _____________________________________ took its toll.


-Farmers took over more land to plant ____________________ which led to _____________________ with the Native Americans. There were two ___________________ confrontations-one in ____________ and the other in ________________. Although Native Americans killed _______________ of colonists, they were _____________________________ both times.


-After 1644, Native Americans _______________ near the _____________ had to accept ______________________________________.




-Beginning in the 1660s, wealthy Virginia ___________________________ bought most of the ___________________________ near the _________. This left no land for ________________ colonists who wanted to start their own _______________, angering many who had to __________________ the land for ______________. In addition, these _____________ colonists could ____________________ without __________________________.


-Many of the ________________ colonists moved __________________ to find good _________________, but there came into __________________ with the Native Americans who _______________________________.


-When the governor ___________ to take strong ____________________ against the Native Americans, ___________________________ organized a force of _______________________ settlers and began to attack and kill __________________________________.


-The governor declared that ______________________ and his men were _______________________. ____________________ reacted by attacking ________________________ and ___________________ it to the ground.


-The revolt, known as _________________________________, collapsed when ______________ became sick and died. The governor ___________ 23 of _______________________________, but he was still unable to stop English _______________________________________ from moving onto ________________________________.






 III. Religious Toleration in Maryland


-In 1632, ______________________________ granted a charter for a new colony to _________________________, an English _________________. Catholics suffered great _______________________________ in England. _______________ aimed to set up a colony where ___________________ could live _________________.


-The first settlers included both _______________________________ and __________________________. They grew _____________________ and harvested the _______ life of ____________________________________.


-When _______________ died, his son, Cecil _______________________, Lord __________________, became the ______________________.


-When tension between ___________________ and __________________ arose, _______________________________ got the assembly to pass the ________________________________ in 1649. It welcomed all Christians and gave _______________________________ the right to vote and ________________________________.



IV. Colonies in the Carolinas and Georgia


-By the 1600s, a few settlers from _____________________ had moved ________________beyond the colony’s ___________________. In 1663, ________________________ granted a __________________ for a new colony to be ____________________ there, in the area called _________.




-The northern part of __________________ developed _______________. It lacked ________________ and ________________ on which ships could travel ___________________. Settlers lived on small ________________ raising and _________________________________________________.


-The _______________ part of ___________________ grew more quickly. _____________ grew well in the ________________ lowlands. Many planters came from ___________________ in the ____________________ bringing with _________________ peoples to grow the _______________. Soon the colonists were using _________________________ to grow what would become the area’s most ____________________ crop, __________.


-Eventually, Carolina ________________ into two colonies: ____________ _______________________and __________________________________.


-The last of England’s 13 colonies __________________, was founded for ______________ reasons. First, fearing that _____________ was about to _____________ its _______________ colony _____________, the English looked to ______________ a colony south of _____________________ to keep the _________________________________________.


-Second, a group of ____________________________ Englishmen led by ____________________________ wanted a colony where there would be ____________________ for English ____________________.


-__________________________ founders wanted __________________ to be a colony of small ____________, not large ___________________. Therefore, __________________ was banned. However, this restriction did ________________ and by 1750 _____________ was _______________ in _____________________________.

V. Change in the Southern Colonies


-During the 1700s, the Southern Colonies developed ______________________________ of life. The people ______________________________ lived very __________________ from people who settled __________________________________ frontier.


-The most important feature of __________ along the ________________ in the Southern Colonies was the _________________________________. There, crops such as _______________, ________________, and _______ were grown.


-____________________ dominated the economy in the Tidewater region.


-The ___________________ region in South Carolina and _____________ was well suited for ______________. Because large __________________ of workers are needed to ____________ this crop, the ________________ population eventually _________________________ the ______________ population in South Carolina.


-The _________________________ system did not just create a society of ______________________ and _______________________ people in the _________________________. It also divided the ___________________ community into a small group of _________________ people and a much _______________________ group with __________ or no ____________, most of whom were ____________ and lived in the __________________ South.


-The _______________________ was cut off from the coast by _________ roads and long _____________________. Families usually lived on ______________________ farms. They often did not own the __________ they farmed, and many lived in ___________________________. Few had ___________________ or ____________________ people to help with the _______________.


-Backcountry people believed that the ______________________________ on the _______________ did not ___________ about them, but ________ only about ____________________ the wealth of the _________________ _____________________ owners.

Section 5: Spanish Colonies on the Borderlands


I. Spanish Florida


-While English colonies _________________________ along the coast, Spanish colonies in the Americas were _________________________ ________________________________________________________.


-Spain had planted colonies in the __________________, _____________, and _________________________. Spain’s first colonies in the area that is today the ____________________________________ were established on the _____________________________________.


-Spanish ___________________ reached ________________ early in the _______________. In ____________, fearing that ______________ might take over the area, ________________ built a _______________ called __________________________ in northern _______________. It was the first permanent ________________________________ in what is now the ________________________________.


 -As English _______________________ spread ____________________, Spanish control ____________________________. To ________________ the English ________________________, in _____________, the Spanish announced that ____________________________ who escaped to Florida _____________________________ and ___________________________ if they helped to ________________________________________.



II. Settling the Spanish Borderlands


-Spain’s most important colonies were in _______________________ and _______________________. Its territories _____________ of Mexico were called the ____________________. The main __________________ of the __________________ was to protect Mexico from other European powers.


-The ______________________ began in the east with _______________. Farther west, they included most of _____________, _________________, _______________, ______________, ____________, ________________, and ______________________________.


-In ____________, _________________________ led an expedition into ______________________ to find ____________, convert Native Americans __________________________, and establish a ____________ _________________. ______________ never found ______________, but he did establish Spain’s first _____________________________________ in the region at ________________________________________.


-Onate brought more than _______________________ which were looked after by Native Americans. When some Native Americans ______________ from the __________________, they _____________ the _____________ of _____________________________ from one Native American group to another. This skill ___________________________ the ______________ of the __________________________________ in the region.


-The Native Americans __________________________ under Spanish rule. In ____________, several groups in New Mexico ____________________ and temporarily _______________ the _______________ from the region. 


-Because their main purpose was to ___________________ Native Americans to ___________________________, Roman Catholic missionaries ________________________________ in the ________________________. At the missions, _________________ taught about __________________________ and made Native Americans work ____________________________.


-Spain’s California ________________________ were especially important. Spain began ________________ California in ____________. The Spanish founded _____________________ in what are now the cities of San Diego, ____________________, and __________________________.


-Along with ________________, the Spanish sent ___________________. They set up _______________________ to defend the _______________.


-The Spanish also established ___________________________________. They were centers of _________________ and ____________________.                                                 



III. Life in Spanish Missions


-Thousands of Native Americans labored at ________________________. They _____________, built _______________, and learned a wide variety of _____________________.




-Native Americans _______________ from five to eight hours a ________ and five or six days a ______________. However, the Native Americans did ________________________________ over their lives. They were _____________________________ if they _________________ the rules.


-Native Americans often __________________ against such treatment.


-Meanwhile, their population _______________ as thousands ______________ because of __________________________________ and ______________________________________________________.